
Chapter Eighteen

'It is time for you to change your ki into God ki.'

'God ki?'

'Just think of it as stronger than the usual. Now, I want you to raise your power level while keeping your ki within your body. Don't let any energy leak.'

Gohan was somewhat confused but did as I asked. He failed to keep his ki from leaking and began repeated attempts at the task.

This went on for many months, until a day like any other, Gohan succeded. He powered up without letting a drop of ki leave his body.

'Well done Gohan! You really are talented! Now you must integrate it into your transformation.'

He nodded happily at his progress and began the next step. His spiky black hair showed a hint of red as a gentle flame-like aura surrounded him.

It only lasted a moment before it disappeared.

But he kept trying.

More months passed until a year had gone by since he began his God training. Then came the day Gohan became a God.

His eyes and hair had become a light red and that familiar aura rose gently from his lean body.

'So this...is the Super Saiyan God?'

'Yes, it is. Well done my student! You have made your teacher proud. Now...we fight!'

He jumped into battle with a look of excitement. The battle was more intense than those we had fought in the past. He had me using a 1/4 of my power.

This was the greatest challenge he had posed to me and I met it with relish. Our surroundings had become chaos. The earth had shifted and whole mountains vanished from our blows at one another.

Gohan could tell he wasn't making any progress so he used 10x Kaio Ken to increase his power. His timing was perfect and for a moment he caught me off guard. I snorted at his lucky blow and charged forward to show him the difference between us.

The battle was over.

Gohan lay on his back, bleeding, his clothes in tatters. He had reverted to his base form and he weakly stretched out his arm to accept my senzu bean. I would usually let him recover in time to save my remaining senzu beans but today I had taken it a little too far.

'Ah. What a splendid workout. You did well Gohan but you still have a ways to go.'

He sat up, revitalized. He looked at me with a firm expression.

'Thank you, teacher. Though I came to be here without my consent, I have grown powerful because of you. You've opened my eyes to the levels above me which I will aim to summit!'

'That's the spirit! Back to training! You must reach the level beyond the Super Saiyan God!'

And train he did.

Within a month Gohan had achieved the Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan. Otherwise known as the Super Saiyan Blue. That day we celebrated with a battle for the ages.

Gohan using ssj Blue and the Kaio Ken x20 fought against 3/4 of my full power. His body was strong enough to hold the Kaio Ken for quite awhile. His transformations and his unlocked potential allowed him to reach an unprecedented level of power. As he fought with everything he had, Gohan's ferocious aura showed a hint of silver. I looked into his eyes and saw the same glow flicker. I met his attack and knocked him out.

The kid had shown a hint of Ultra Instinct.

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