
Billionaire in the Cinematic Universe With a Marvel System

With a modified Marvel system, he traverses into the world of movies. He searches for treasures, fights monsters, becomes a boss, lives in a castle, becomes a noble, and ultimately, the richest man. DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author. This novels belongs to the original author ---------------------------- Read Ahead on: p@treon.com/Mutter

Mutter · Película
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131 Chs

Chapter 30: Porsche 911

William linked arms with Diana Rigg as they left the hotel. The moment they stepped outside, they were blinded by a barrage of flashlights. With the hotel's security escorting them, William shielded Diana as they got into a Rolls-Royce prepared by the Hilton Hotel.

The two enjoyed a delightful dinner at a Michelin three-star restaurant, drinking three bottles of wine. By the time they finished, Diana was quite tipsy. When they left, she was practically hanging off William. There was no need for further thought; the beauty didn't mind at all. In the car back to the hotel, Diana was all over William.

On the way, numerous paparazzi followed them on motorcycles, constantly snapping pictures of the Rolls-Royce. It seemed Diana had ulterior motives, wanting the paparazzi to capture their intimate moments.

At the hotel, William helped the drunken Diana into the room, and as soon as they entered, they started making out on the sofa.

After finishing his push-ups, William took a shower and found Diana already asleep. He had to carry her to the bathtub to clean her up before putting her to bed.

Early the next morning, William was suddenly awakened by Diana pinching his nose. Using his psychic abilities, he scanned Diana and let out a sudden scream.

Diana, startled by William's sudden yell, jumped and fell on the floor, crying out in pain.

The two engaged in their morning exercise routine, which lasted for two hours. By the time they finished showering, it was almost 11 o'clock.

"Damn it, William, you're a beast! You never stop once you start exercising. I'm exhausted," Diana complained as she applied makeup.

William hugged her, kissed her cheek, and comforted her, "Let's go out for a big lunch, then head to Oxford Street to buy you some nice things. Hurry up, dear Diana, I'm starving. If you don't hurry, I'll have to eat you."

Hearing that William would take her shopping on Oxford Street, Diana brightened up immediately. She knew William wouldn't consider her a girlfriend based on his attitude towards her.

Although she couldn't be William's girlfriend for now, as long as he didn't reject her and was willing to spend time with her, she still had a chance. William was a high-quality catch, even if it was just a casual relationship. She thought about how his lean body hid a beast of a man, as wild and rough as could be.

Women's makeup routines could be really time-consuming. By the time William and Diana arrived at the Michelin restaurant, it was already 1 PM. William was so hungry he could eat a whole cow.

Once the food arrived, he started eating immediately, not caring about manners. After their meal, William took Diana to Oxford Street.

Though they didn't hold each other, they walked arm in arm, whispering to each other. Diana intentionally made some intimate gestures, and William didn't refuse. After all, having slept with her, he owed her some goodwill. The relatively unknown Diana Rigg might even transition from a reporter to a BBC host.

They spent the afternoon strolling through Oxford Street, visiting one luxury store after another. William spent around forty to fifty thousand pounds on a few pieces of clothing and a handbag. Thankfully, Diana didn't treat him like a sugar daddy, choosing items costing only a thousand or two pounds each. She hesitated for a long time before accepting a 20,000-pound handbag.

William was quite satisfied with this. Diana, having started from the bottom as a reporter, knew her limits and didn't go overboard. She seemed smart, making William decide to maintain some contact with her for now and see what happens in the future.

As they passed by a Porsche dealership, William's eyes were glued to a blue 911. He had always liked Porsches more than Ferraris.

Seeing this 300-horsepower 1998 911, William couldn't resist dragging Diana into the dealership. The sales consultant, who had seen William's live broadcast, recognized him immediately and greeted him with a smile. "Good afternoon, Mr. Devonshire. I'm Lois, a Porsche sales consultant. How can I assist you today?"

William smiled at Lois and pointed at the 911 on display. "Hello, Lois. I like that car. Do you have any in stock? I'd like to take it for a spin."

Lois smiled at William and said, "Mr. Devonshire, this is the largest dealership in London. We have every Porsche available in England. The highest-spec 911 is in our garage right now. I'm sure you'll love it. Please follow me, and we can sit down while my colleague brings the car out."

William had barely sipped his coffee when Lois's radio announced that the car was ready.

Lois led William and Diana to the dealership's backyard, where a sky-blue Porsche 911 was waiting. William asked, "Lois, can I take it for a test drive?"

"Of course, Mr. Devonshire. You can definitely take it for a test drive."

With Lois in the passenger seat, William told Diana, "Diana, wait here for a bit. I'll take you for a ride later."

Diana smiled and nodded, understanding that the car only had two seats. "Drive safely, William. I'll wait inside with a cup of coffee."

William sped out of the dealership in the 911 with Lois in the passenger seat. On the highway, he pushed the speed up, thrilled by the roar of the engine.

Lois reminded William that he was speeding, so he reluctantly slowed down. After a lap around the highway, William drove back to the dealership, got out, and said, "I'll take this car. Write it up for me, Lois."

Lois beamed at the sale and nodded, smiling sweetly. "Yes, Mr. Devonshire, I'll get the paperwork ready right away."

After paying, William continued shopping with Diana. The car would be ready in two hours, as it needed to be detailed and have the license plates sorted.

Two hours later, while sharing a large bucket of ice cream with Diana, William received a call from the Porsche dealership. Sitting on a bench on the street, they soon saw his new car delivered. At that time, the Porsche 918 hadn't been released yet, so William thought the 911 was the most beautiful Porsche.

Holding Diana's hand as he accepted the 911, the paparazzi swarmed around, snapping photos. The barrage of flashes forced William to put on his sunglasses and hand Diana her sunglasses, hanging from her collar. Diana, surprised by William's sudden thoughtful gesture, blushed deeply.

The paparazzi were thrilled, capturing William and Diana's public display of affection. Tomorrow's papers would have plenty to write about.

Headlines might read: "William Devonshire Spends Lavishly on New Flame: LV Bags and Porsche 911," or "Diana Rigg: From Small-Time Reporter to Potential Oxford Countess, the Ultimate Rise."


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