
Billionaire's Heir and Maid's Offspring

Billionaire's Heir and Maid's Offspring is about childhood friends Amiver and Denmark who were forcibly married by their parents. Denmark secretly made a deal that they would divorce when he reached his 25th year old. Amiver agreed to the arrangement and promised to do everything to make Denmark fall in love with her and break the contract. However, Amiver waited for a long time, but Denmark still didn't love her as he was still in love with his ex-girlfriend, Cathee. Amiver's heart gave up, and she distanced herself, completely cutting ties with Denmark and his family.But fate played its games, and after 7 years, Denmark and Amiver crossed paths again. Will Denmark discovers the hidden secret that Amiver has been keeping since her long departure.

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31 Chs

Chapter 15; About Marcus

Five days had passed, and Christmas had arrived. Just like before, Amiver was still busy with work, often eating her meals in her office due to her tight schedule.

"Miss Ami, Mr. Marquez is on the phone. He wants to talk to you," Maria informed her, causing Amiver to pause in her tasks.

"Okay, thank you, Maria." She quickly picked up the phone.

"Yes," she answered.

Ami, can I invite you for coffee after you finish work? I'll come over there, please Ami, let's catch up. Denmark voice came through the line.

Amiver let out a sigh.Denmark is very persistent, which is,getting annoying.

I don't have time. Just tell me here what your real purpose is for reaching out?" she asked after a moment of hesitation.

"It's about Marcus," he continued, not beating around the bush.

Amiver's heart skipped a beat. What could he possibly want to talk to her about regarding her son ? She wondered anxiously.

Amiver didn't respond to what Denmark said. Instead, she swiftly hung up the phone to avoid any further conversation with him. She wanted to shield herself from the emotional turmoil that his words could bring.

Feeling a mixture of anxiety, confusion, and frustration, Amiver leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes momentarily. Thoughts raced through her mind, wondering if Denmark could know something about Marcus. She had worked hard to keep Marcus a secret from him, fearing that Denmark's involvement might complicate their lives even further.

Amiver didn't consider working overtime anymore because she lost the motivation due to Denmark's call. She heard Messie calling, but she chose not to answer it for now because she wasn't feeling well and needed to hurry with her drive home.

When Amiver arrived at the condominium, she saw Denmark talking to Marcus and playing with him. They had brought along some toys as gifts for Marcus. Amiver walked over to them, working hard to control her frustration with Denmark since her son was present.

"Mommy, you're back! Look, this is Uncle Denmark, my new friend," Marcus happily announced, introducing Denmark to Amiver with a smile.

"Hi, Amiver managed to greet with a forced smile, trying to hide the confusion she felt inside. She exchanged a polite nod with Denmark, her mind racing to make sense of the situation.

She saw Messie in the kitchen, worry evident on its face, which made hèr nervous and unsure of what to do.

Marcus, sweetheart, can you please go into the room? I just need to talk to your Uncle Denmark," he said to his child.

Marcus looked at her, his eyes seemingly asking a question.

"Um, you can leave the toys for now," she said as Marcus was about to carry his toys.

As Marcus disappeared from their sight, she immediately gave Denmark an intense look.

"What are you doing here?" she asked in an angry tone."

I wanted to talk, Amiver."

Amiver folded her arms across her chest, assuming a defensive posture that mirrored her guarded feelings. "Talk? About what? Didn't we already talk and everything is okay? What do you really need?"

"About Marcus," Denmark replied succinctly, his tone serious.Denmark's eyes met hers, and his expression carried a gravity that matched the weight of his words. "I need to know the truth, Amiver."

You want to know the truth is, Marcus is not your child, so please leave us alone. Our lives are peaceful now. Please go away and don't come back.

Amiver took the toys that Denmark had bought and handed them to him. "Marcus already has plenty of toys. He doesn't need these."

"Go now," she pointed to the door, her voice firm.

When Denmark left, Amiver burst into tears, and her friend Messie quickly approached to comfort her.

"Sorry, Ami. He suddenly appeared at the door and came in. I tried to stop him, but he was being stubborn. I called you, but you weren't answering," Messie said with tears in her eyes, trying to console Amiver

Amiver wiped her tears and took a deep breath, trying to compose herself. She looked at Messie with a mixture of sadness and determination in her eyes.

"It's okay, Messie. Thank you for trying to stop him," Amiver managed to say, her voice quivering slightly.

Messie gave her a reassuring smile and gently patted her back. "Ami, you don't have to go through this alone. We're here for you."

Amiver nodded appreciatively, grateful for Messie's support. She knew that she had friends who cared about her and were willing to stand by her side.

As they sat down together, Amiver's thoughts were a whirlwind of emotions. She couldn't believe that Denmark had shown up like that, unexpected and uninvited. It had brought back a flood of memories and feelings that she had tried so hard to bury.

The next morning at the office, Denmark called again. Although Amiver was initially hesitant to pick up the phone, she eventually answered to avoid arousing suspicion from her colleagues or Maria.

"Amiver, I'm sorry about what happened last night. Please, can we talk? I'll come over to your office," Denmark's voice pleaded from the other end of the line.

Feeling a mix of emotions, Amiver sighed and replied, "Denmark, you can't just reappear in my life after all these years and expect everything to be okay."

And I also want to remind you of what happened before, you raped me remember?

In fact, I could have had you imprisoned for that, but for the sake of your parents, I didn't do it and I chose to forget.

"I'm really sorry, Ami. I know I made a terrible mistake in the past. I was young and foolish back then, and I deeply regret my actions".

"Sorry can't change what you did, Denmark. It's something I can never forget.So now, if you don't want the entire country to hear about what you did to me,A CEO of a big company who forced his wife to have sex and didn't treat them properly.

Please leave me and Marcus alone for now"

Amiver quickly hung up the phone after uttering those words. She didn't know why she said those things.
