

Dipper's POV

I woke up in a crib, this confused me. "What the?" I started to say, the I saw the crib was in a cage, and that Bill was peering in at me. I made a squeak like noise, and hid under the blanket in the crib. "Sapling?" Bill said softly as he open the cage and reached in. "Are you ok? I've been waiting for you to awaken. Here, let's get you out of there for a bit."

He grabbed me gently and pulled me out of the crib, he brought me close to his eye and 'smiled', and it was then I realized exactly what I was wearing. Before I could yell anything though, Bill shoved a baby bottle in my mouth. "Go on sapling," Bill said happily. "It's good food, go on."

I sucked on the bottle reluctantly, the contents thereof tasted great, like peppermint, cream, and sugar were all mixed. Some of Bill's friends started coming over to see me, it made me nervous, I still didn't trust them. As soon as I was done with the bottle Bill shoved a binky into my mouth and wrapped me in the blanket, he held me a moment, then set me in the crib. "Go to sleep sapling," said Bill gently. "It's a big day tomorrow." After a bit of thinking, I did as told, but not before thinking. 'What's going on?'