
Beyond the Pages: A To Love-Ru Reincarnation

In "Beyond the Pages: A To Love-Ru Reincarnation," Yuu Yuuki awakens to find himself mysteriously reincarnated into the world of his favorite manga, "To Love-Ru." Blessed with extraordinary abilities bestowed by a divine entity, Yuu embarks on a journey through this newfound reality as the older brother and twin of protagonist Rito Yuuki and his younger sister Mikan Yuuki. As Yuu adjusts to his altered existence, he offers a unique perspective on the unfolding events and characters of the story, navigating the whimsical and often chaotic landscape with newfound insight and determination. ********************************************************************** Author here! To all who are about to read my work, I'd like to inform you that while I'll be following the original story, there will be some changes. However, I'll ensure that these alterations don't disrupt the original timeline too much. Our main character is not Rito, who is the focus of the original story. Instead, this fanfic centers around the journey of our MC, Yuu Yuuki, as he embarks on his new life as the twin and older brother of Rito Yuuki. Since writing this is just a hobby, progress may be slow, but I'll do my best to update the chapters as frequently as I can. P.S. This is a slice-of-life story, so the pace will be leisurely. It's a glimpse into daily life. With all that being said, I hope you readers will join me in continuing this fanfic, as it looks to be a long journey. Thank you all for reading my work!

Xylens · Cómic
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12 Chs

"First Intruder"

At 4 am in the morning, I opened my eyes. I didn't get up right away because I felt someone hugging me, using my chest as a pillow, and with her legs intertwined with mine.

Yes, it's Mikan. Carefully not to wake her up, I slowly and gently moved her. Slightly lifting her head, I shifted my body slightly to move her head away from my chest, then I moved her arms and legs.

As I stood next to the bed, she shifted her body, facing me. I looked at her sleeping face, her gentle breathing escaping her cute, tiny mouth, and I thought, 'She's so lovely,' as I smiled.

I gently patted her head, revealing her forehead, and lightly kissed her forehead.

As I moved my face away, she slowly opened her eyes and said, "Yuu-nii?" in a half-asleep tone.

"Morning, Mi-chan. It's still early; go back to sleep, sis," I said to her.

"Okay," she said with a sleepy voice, and she went back to sleep with a light, visible smile.

As she went back to sleep, I started my routine.


Long story short, I returned home, Mikan greeted me, and she was back to her usual self. I ate breakfast, then headed to school, and here I am.

"Rito, pass!" I called out to Rito and passed the soccer ball.

Yes, we're in P.E. class at the field. Us boys are playing soccer while the girls are running on the track.

If you're wondering about my strength, it's only slightly above an average adult's, so I don't have a problem with it. However, that's only if I don't use my ability, which allows me to exceed the limits of the human body, albeit at the cost of harming myself. 

The reason I didn't improve much, unlike the first day of my routine, is because at that time, my body was undergoing a foreign development. Due to my adaptability, strength came quickly. However, now that I've done it for the second time and my body has already adapted, the process will proceed at a slower pace. Unless I intensify my routine several folds. 

Take note, I mean the pace will be slow at the supernatural level, but on a human level, my body will be on par with professional athletes, which is a high standard in human terms, after just three or more repetitions of my routine. When the time comes and I feel that I can't strain my body anymore with my routine, I really need to start sparring with Zastin if I want to improve further.

You know when you do a labor job for the first time, after a day of work, you feel your whole body aches? But as time passes, your body recovers and you get used to the job. That's when your strength increases because of the labor. However, that increase will halt as your body gets used to it.

Don't get confused; what I'm comparing is the body. My combat, reflexes, and instinct are quite high. The reason for this is my past experiences in my first life. The street spars, shadow boxing, and Arnis lessons back on my previous Earth in the Philippines helped a lot. Well, these factors alone are not enough reason to call my combat capabilities quite high; they're just the fundamentals. What enhanced them to an extraordinary level is my adaptation ability. But right now, I'm still far below Zastin's level in terms of strength and speed, but my combat capability is decent and still has room for improvement.

Speaking of strength, Lala's strength is in a league of its own, and it seems that she's not good at hiding her ability as she runs so fast on the track, shocking the other girls.

After P.E. was over, I kept watch of Sasuga-sensei because I was standing still while the others were headed to lunch. "You coming, Yuu-nii?" Rito called out to me. "I'll stay awhile, you go on ahead," I replied to him as he walked away.

"Sairenji-san," Sasuga-sensei, a blond-haired and blue-eyed guy, called out to Sairenji.

I followed them while hiding my presence, as Sensei led Sairenji to the equipment room at the back of the school.

As they went inside and Sensei closed the door, I jumped behind the trunk of a nearby tree to hide and enhance my hearing to eavesdrop.

Ring! Ring! Ring! Click.

[Hello, Yuuki Rito-kun,] Sensei said on the phone.

[Who is this?] Rito answered.

[I have something to discuss with you regarding the princess of Deviluke. So come quickly. If not, one of your female classmates will suffer the consequences,] Sensei warned.

The call ended, and after a moment of waiting, Rito arrived, slamming the door open.

Inside, Sensei stood next to Sairenji, who appeared to have been captured. She was tied up with tentacle-like ropes, her arms raised and bound, supporting her upright. The tentacles are all over her body, and it seems some are inside her clothes too. It looks really lewd.

After a few exchanges of words between them, Sensei transformed into a monstrous alien-like appearance, with ears resembling gills, eyes bulging as if about to pop out, a lizard-like mouth, and no nose.

"You're an alien!" Rito exclaimed in surprise.

It appeared that the alien named Ghi Bree had borrowed Sensei's form through mimicry to disguise itself. It warned Rito to cease his association with Lala, asserting that he would be the one to marry her and become the successor. Ghi Bree threatened that if Rito did not comply, he wouldn't release Sairenji. 

As Rito wrestled with conflicting emotions, torn between his love for Lala and his concern for Sairenji, he faced a difficult decision. On one hand, complying with Lala's father meant risking the destruction of Earth. On the other hand, his feelings for Sairenji were undeniable.

The alien got impatient, and the tentacles ripped Sairenji's clothes, revealing her smooth skin and her underwear that had been cut in the middle, resulting in the viewing of part of her delicate breast.

'What a sight.' I thought to myself. What? I'm just a healthy young guy, and I don't even have a girlfriend, so it's technically fine.

Focusing back on the situation, Rito's anger surged, and he confronted the alien. "Using an entirely innocent girl as a hostage and subjecting her to something so awful. Do you really think Lala will like you for that?"

The alien seemed indifferent, responding callously that he didn't care and that Lala would marry him regardless.

"So, both of them are just tools for you?! You're the worst!!" Rito shouted in anger.

"Rito~ I found you! Why are you hiding here?" Lala said as she appeared, hugging Rito from behind. Then, she noticed Ghi Bree and Sairenji.

"Haruna!! Ghi Bree! What are you doing to Haruna?!" Lala exclaimed.

As Lala confronted the alien, I appeared from behind Rito. 

Rito noticed me and asked, "Yuu-nii? Why are you here?"

"Well, I've been watching for quite a while now," I replied.

"That hobby of yours again, Nii, just watching me get in trouble like always. But how'd you know this would happen, Nii?" he said.

"You know me well, Rits, and I have my ways. You know that, right? Get used to it already," I said to him.

Rito sighed, and I said, "Well, know this, Rits. I may have always been watching, but you never know when I'm really not. So, you need to be able to handle any situation."

"I know, Nii," Rito said, and he thought, 'Nii is strong. When Mikan and I get in trouble by some passerby delinquents, Nii defeated them even if they're a year older than us, so having Nii here is reassuring.'

"Good," I replied, but as I said that...

"If you reject me, everyone will experience the hell of Ghi Bree-sama's true form!" he said, transforming into a more terrifying monster. His body sprouted spikes, his muscles bulged, and he grew larger.

He threatened Lala even more, and Peke spoke up, "What? Are you threatening Lala-sama?"

Seeing the alien about to move and seemingly about to do something to Sairenji, I called out, "Hey!" 

The alien turned to look at me, and I added, "Just try and touch that girl, and I'll KILL YOU!" I said that with my head held high, my voice low, and with a threatening air. 

I wasn't joking about killing him; I have the sword Zastin gave me. Just thinking about a hideous creature touching one of the heroines really pisses me off. It's okay if it's the tentacles, you know. But if it's that? No!

Intimidated by my warning, the alien froze, standing with cold sweat on the back of its head.

It was then that Rito stepped forward and said, "Let me handle this, Nii."

Lala looked at Rito and said, "Rito?"

It seems the alien regained its composure and thought, 'If it's this one, then...'

The alien made its form more intimidating to look at and said, "You would dare handle me? Super serious mode! You wouldn't dare!"

"Take care of Lala and Haruna-cha-... I mean, Sairenji-san, Nii," he said to me, then took off.

When Rito was about to punch the alien, it exclaimed, "I'm sorry!! Hiek," and then the room filled with silence for a second.

"What... Did you just say?" Rito asked.

"Eh?.. I.. I said I won't forgive you even if you apologize!!" The alien said, making an excuse.

"UORYAAAAH---!" Rito roared at it, then it fell down hard and popped!

Its true form revealed a small alien, most likely two and a half feet in height, as Lala stated, further clarified by Peke that it was a Balkean; despite the mimicry, they're very frail creatures.

"That was just a bluff?" Rito said, dumbfounded.

And then Lala brought out a device that resembled a duck's mouth and called it Slosh Slosh Warp-kun, then sent the alien away.


Narrator here!

Let me clarify something.

"I'll only be Updating Chapters when I'm Free, Thanks!"

About Yuu Yuuki's strength, as Rito stated, it's just the way it is. Being the older sibling, Yuu needs to be strong and protective of his younger siblings. He has my personality too; he won't back out like a coward.