
Stuck In Prison

Hi there, My name is Sam, or as others call me, the Moon Man. I had previously lived on the moon for about three or five years. It was a job I was assigned by the government, to fix up any destroyed or damaged satalihts. Before you start reading I'd like to warn you that there is very strong language and very graphic parts that may trigger some people, I advise you to leave if you are against or offended by any of this, you have been warned!


It all started on May 10th, year 2099. I was working my normal shift, fixing up a satalight after it was damaged by. a huge meteorite. I remembered especially how beautiful earth and the sun were, the sun shining over earth, and showing Earth's rainbow like colors. It was just your typical Saturday afternoon. That's when I suddenly saw some sort of alien ship start to hover over Earth. I looked in awe as I saw it slowly moving over the planet. I dropped everything I was doing and quickly ran back to my station grab my walkie talkie and I alerted the government about the large object hovering over Earth.

"Danger, Danger there is a large hovercraft above earth right now, I repeat a large hovercraft above earth, do you copy? over."

On the other side I hear nothing but static. I wait patiently for an answer back. Five minutes in and still I get nothing


an explosion that shook all the planets and the heavens occured. The earth was destroyed. A laser projecting from the ship had destroyed the planet. I fell to my knees crying, and hoping that my family was still alive, hoping that the people I love were still alive. I sat there hopelessly waiting. That's when my smart computer in my suit, Alpha, got a live video message. It was from those alien assholes that blew up the planet.

"Greetings low moon human,"

"What do you pieces of shit want from me,"

"Oh nothing really, just was here to try our new super laser, we wanted to test it out, so we used it on your useless planet."

"I hope you burn in hell," I said angrily. I stood up, and flipped him off. He looked at me with a smile, then laughed.

"Ha, you stupid lowly humans are nothing but a pile of shit on the ground," he laughed again, but louder and more mockingly.

"But we're not here to kill you, No no no, we're here to take you in as our prisoner and slave for work that we're too lazy to do."

I froze, in shock of what he said. I ran as fast as I could back to my ship, but it was little too late. The Large flying object produced a beam that sucked me into the ship. I blacked out while I was being sucked in.


I wake up to find myself lying in a cell, behind bars. I stand up and grip a hold of the bars. I look back and forth looking for any guard or anyway of escaping. That's when I hear someone speak behind me. I slowly turn around to see and greet the weirdest duo in all of my life. Meet Beast and Eight-Ball. Beast is tall, and with abuilt body structure, with big insect like black eyes, brown fur, little rabbit's nose, and long pointy ears. Eight-Ball is scrawny and is the same height as I am, is one eyed with no mouth, has an antenna, and is lime greenish. Beast speaks,

"So, no warm welcome, no hellos, no hows it going?"

"I-I'm sorry, but who are you two."

"I'm the great almighty Beast and my amazing partner Eight-Ball,"

"Okay, what are you guys?"

"Well I'm a Hunter alien, and Ballman over here is a Syclops."

"Okay... Alpha what's a Hunter alien and Syclops alien?" a whisper loudly.

My smart computer boots up and turns on. This is my computer's explanation of the two species. Hunterz are aliens that are quick, agile, and smart thinkers. They hunt other aliens, even humans no matter the size. There are three types of Hunter Aliens, Ghosts, Trolls, and Monsters. Ghosts use camo and are lightning quick, they have tiny ears, no nose, a mouth and a scaly body. Trolls are small, but use traps to hunt their prey. Trolls are very hairy, small, and have large teeth. Monsters are furry, very tall, very built, and have razor like teeth and claws, and have very long ears. A Syclops alien is an alien that have only one eye. They also have antennas to communicate with other creatures. Each Syclops have their own sort of power inside of them, but it doesn't appear or work until it is awaken by a very emotional event, to the Syclops itself.

"Yeah about that" Beast says hesitantly,

"Eight-Ball hasn't awoken his power yet, because he hides his emotions, he isn't very emotional at all."

The Syclops nods with a blank expression. I was still confused on why and how I got in that cell. But it didn't matter at the time, I wanted to get out of that place, it felt like torture.

"Well goodnight to you 'human being' I hope you have wonderful nightmares!" Said Beast with a prideful expression on his face. Eight-Ball then slapped the Hunter on the back of his head. Then looked at him with a cold stare.

"Ow, what was that fo- oh, I meant, I hope you have pleasant dreams," Beast said. They both fell in bed and slept soundly. As they went to sleep I planned and planned, until I felt drowsy and fell unconscious. I woke up the next morning to the aliens over me. I was startled, and forgot that this was all reality, not a dream, a fantasy, or nightmare.

"So you planning on escaping huh?" Beast said with a smirk.

"How's about we help you."

"Sure," I said,

"but how'd you know?"

"Easy, you were talking in your sleep."

I turned and blushed. I forgot all about my sleeping habits. I took a deep breath and said,

" Why do you guys wanna help me?"

Beast smiled and looked at Eight-Ball to confirm what he was going to say,

"You're not the only one to want to escape this hellish prison, Eight-Ball and I have been planning for weeks, but we've got, somewhat of a plan our of our whole stay here."

"How long have you guys been here anyways?"

"About 3 weeks, it's been a literal hell here, we had to work all of yesterday, just because those retards were destro- never mind."

"Oh okay, you guys can help me then, but I get to do most of the work."

I still didn't trust those two. I didn't know what they planned, or how they acted. But little did I know they would be a huge part in my quest to find a new home. That was when we started planning, we also worked as slaves for these aliens, but passed the plans to one another during work breaks. That's when our final plan was finally done, to escape the night of May, 27th.....