

The boy's eyes flickered open in the darkness, which was eerily silent. He was disoriented and couldn't figure out where he was. There was no sign of either heaven or hell. Desperate to find something, he strained his eyes to look around, but the thick blanket of darkness obscured his vision.

He wondered to himself, "Where am I?" but there was no response. He tried to move his limbs, but felt nothing. Frightened, he tried to shout for help, but no sound came out. The boy was overwhelmed with fear and tried repeatedly to move his body but to no avail. He eventually gave up and was left with only silence.

As time passed, the boy was on the brink of losing his mind. Just when he thought he couldn't take it anymore, he felt a tremor in his surroundings. After a loud bang, he suddenly vanished from where he was.

In the darkness, he heard a voice in the air. It was the old man who spoke, "Be grateful that I am giving you a second chance. Go and do what you like, but if you ever killed someone, I will not spare you."

The boy was stunned. He looked around, but the old man was nowhere to be seen. As he was trying to figure out where the sound came from, he saw a beam of light blind him and he woke up in a strange foreign land

In the jungle, the boy lay on the ground, seemingly lifeless. Suddenly, his chest started to rise and fall, and his body began to emit a bright light as bright as the sun. The light illuminated the area around him. After a few moments, the light started to fade and eventually disappeared.

The boy opened his eyes and gazed around. He was in a daze and seemed shocked by the new surroundings. After a few minutes, he regained his senses and felt relief that he was no longer in the darkness. However, as reality set in, he began to think about his new body and the situation he found himself in.

"It's great to be able to see again, but where am I?" Samad thought as he surveyed his surroundings.

He stood there, his thoughts interrupted by a sudden, sharp pain in his head. He crumpled to the ground, writhing in agony as memories not his own flooded his mind. The jungle echoed with his cries until finally, he fell unconscious.

Hours later, Samad awoke. He muttered a curse under his breath, still feeling the remnants of the pain from before. But as he took stock of his new memories, a sense of wonder overtook him. He stood there for several moments, considering all that he had learned.

"Incredible," he thought. "I have been given a second chance at life in a world where humans can cultivate and, on top of that, I have been reincarnated into the body of someone who possesses a system like the ones seen in those overpowered main characters in novels. It's unfortunate that this host never got to reach their full potential"

"He was gifted with a System that allowed him to cultivate at a remarkable pace, leaving his peers behind. However, his potential was cut short by the betrayal of his girlfriend, resulting in his untimely death."

Samad reflected on the information he had obtained about the world of cultivation. He learned that it was divided into classes ranging from Soldier to Emperor, with the majority of the population being Soldier Class, and only a select few able to reach the higher ranks. Climbing to the King Class was a rare feat, and the Emperor Class was a realm that had not been reached for thousands of years.

"I will honor the memory of this unlucky man," Samad decided. "I will help him reach the heights he was destined for, to become a King Class cultivator. And, with my aid, he will have his revenge." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, determined to carry out his promise.

"This world seems shrouded in darkness, where the law of the jungle seems to reign supreme. I consider myself fortunate to have taken on the form of someone as powerful as this previous host," Samad thought, as he familiarized himself with the new memories.

He gazed down at his feet, deep in thought about a potential blessing. Suddenly, he spoke up, "System, are you there?"

A robotic voice entered his mind, "Congratulations, you are now the new master of the Heavenly System, designed to help the host attain unparalleled strength."

Overcome with excitement, Samad let out a small laugh. He was familiar with the concept of Systems, having read many novels in this genre. Adjusting his mindset, he posed a question, "System, are you not attached to the previous host's soul? How come you are now in this body and have chosen me as your new host?"

The System replied, "The previous host's soul had not yet left the body. As you merged with it, the System had no choice but to recognize you as its new master."

Samad was overjoyed at the news that he had retained the powers of his predecessor. He asked, "So, are you saying that I have reinforced my own soul by absorbing the previous host's?"

The System confirmed, "Yes, that is correct. That is why you are able to retain the powers of the previous owner."

"System, show me my stats", Samad said in his mind.

Name: Samad

Age: 21

Experience Points: 14958/25000

Class: General


Agility: 120

Speed: 105

Spirit: 210




Blazing Fist (King Class): A fist that burns with intense heat, capable of evaporating oceans and melting steel.

Bewitching Gaze (General Class): A skill that enhances the user's charm and charisma, allowing him to captivate and influence those around him.

Swift Escape (General Class): A skill that enables the user to move at lightning-fast speeds, making him a difficult target to catch.

Samad quickly read his stats and was extremely pleased. These skills and attributes were incredibly powerful and gave him a lot of potential for growth in the future.

Samad gazed at his stats and skills, feeling a sense of pride and curiosity. He was determined to unlock his full potential and explore this new world to its fullest. He would use his newfound abilities to live the way he wants to, but also be wary of those who may seek to harm him. He was ready for the journey ahead and the unknown challenges that lay ahead.

"I am Samad, the new master of the Heavenly System. I will not be bound by the limitations of my past life, and instead, I will forge my own path. The world may be dark, but I know how to survive."

This novel is written by a newbie who is eager to learn and improve his writing skills. So please don't mind my poor writing and please don't expect no mistakes from me.

Also, some people have gotten the idea that this novel is about just the system and the harem. I am sorry for confusing you but I have planned something else for the story. stayed tuned to find out what it is.

p.s don't ignore my mistakes

opolocreators' thoughts
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