
Chapter 6

Chapter 6

-The next day-

-Early Evening-

-Dagobah Municipal Beach-

Izuku ran towards the beach to see Allmight waiting for him. "Allmight," Izuku greeted with a wave.

Allmight smiled at the boy. "Midoriya my boy," he greeted. "Firstly, I have to congratulate you for passing the exam," he said getting a smile from Izuku.

"Thank you, Allmight."

"You're welcome Midoriya, you deserved it you didn't only passed the exam but also got first place by a great distance," he said but then frown. "And secondly, I have to apologise for not spending much time with you like before, I've been very busy," the hero said with a tired sighed.

"You don't need to apologise Allmight, I can understand that," Izuku said making the man nod.

"Anyway, Midoriya believe it or not passing the exam was the easy part," he said looking at the sea. "Even if, you have good control of your quirk the road ahead will still be one fill with obstacles and hardships," Allmight said turning into his buff form and smile at him. "But I'm sure if you keep evolving at this rate, you're going to handle whatever Is going to be thrown at your way since, you're already at 15% out of 100%," he said with a smile getting the same from Izuku.

-3 week later-

-Mid Morning-

-Ben's house-

Izuku was getting ready for his first day dressed in the school uniform being a white undershirt with a grayish button up jacket with dark green circle on the end of the sleeves and a red tie with his watch on his left wrist and the pants were also dark green and his red sneakers.

"You are going to be late," Ben said walking into the hallway making Izuku sigh as he grabbed his backpack.

"Sorry I'm just thinking a lot," Izuku said getting up.

"What feeling anxious on your first day?" Ben asked making the boy sigh as he looked at the door.

"I am, what if they already know about me and they are just trapping me in or…" Izuku started to mumble various possible outcomes some possible and other not even close to plausible making Ben sigh.

"Stop it," Ben said flicking the back of Izuku's head making the boy look at him. "Izuku no one knows that, you join us well except some people and the league of villains but don't worry, they won't expose you," he said. "Or else…" he was cut of by Izuku.

"They'll meet a fate worse than death," Izuku finished with a bored tone and sighed. "Alright but if I get caught, I'm going to burn your whole manga collection," he said running off house before, Ben could grab him.

Ben chuckled. "Cheeky kid," he said went into a room with the label Office, he walked into the room.

The room was the size of a small apartment with lime green walls and marble white floor and two dark blue couches with a table between them.

There was a metallic desk, a desktop computer, book shelfs fill with books of different fields.

Ben went to the couch that had a pile of books next to it and laid on it. "Well here, we go," I said grabbing one of the books.

The one he chose had a greenish colour as the background and a red ish colour formed into a man thinking with Lucid Dreaming written in a goldish font on the top of the man and gateway to the Inner Self in the bottom.

"1 of 20," he sighed looking at the pile. "I wish there was an easier way," he thought as he opened the book and started reading.


-With Izuku-

Izuku ran in the school looking at his watch to see, he was a few minutes late. "Damn it," he thought as he stopped in front of class 1-A.

"Alright, I hope the teacher isn't here yet," Izuku thought to himself opening the door to see Katsuki being yelled at by the blue haired boy from the exam.

"It's against school rules to sit on a desk!" the blue hair boy yelled at Katsuki while pointing all of his five fingers at the blond.

"Fuck off glass!" Katsuki yelled at him making the blue hair boy look shocked and started to argue with the blond.

Meanwhile the others were sat in their desks talking to each other ignoring the shouting match between the two.

Izuku sighed in relief. "He isn't here yet," he thought, as he was about to enter that was until someone, grabbed him by the shoulder making him jump slightly turning around to see Ochacu making him blush.

"Hey, Izuku looks like, I got you this time," she said with a smile.

"Yeah, you sure did," Izuku said. "We better get in before the teacher shows up," he said getting a nod from the girl, as they walked in the classroom, he took a seat behind a girl with dark green hair with some frog characteristics, while Ochacu sat behind an empty desk.

While the teacher hadn't arrived, Izuku spend the time writing on his notebook that was until the door was open by a woman that was holding a yellow sleeping body bag, by a purple construct that looked like a hand coming from her own hand.

"You can at least get here early on the first day," she said towards the sleeping body bag who grunted, the woman had long auburn hair that reached her lower neck and was tied in a ponytail, green eyes and white sandy skin, and her attire was of a long sleeve white shirt with a dark blue formal blazer and same color jeans and blue shoes.

"I'm pretty sure, they could've waited a bit longer," the voice came from the sleeping bag as the woman made the purple hand lower to the ground.

"Yeah, they could, but Nezo told me to drag you in before, I went to my own class," she said tapping her finger on her chin. "And I thought it would be a great idea, Aizawa," the woman said to the man who stood up and took off the sleeping bag.

"You're annoying," he said to the woman that was leaving.

"And you are a lazy hobo," she retorted closing the door making some of the student look at the man confused.

"Morning students, my name's Shota Aizawa and I'm going to be your homeroom teacher," he introduced himself.

"Well for the first day we are going to have an apprehension test," Aizawa with a yawn getting again confused looks from them.

"Apprehension test?" asked a girl with pink skin and hair.

"Yup, you guys will be participating in this test to see how well, you can control your quirks," Aizawa said pulling out a blue gym suit with white bars formed into the school initials out of his sleeping bag. "Change into your gym uniform and meet me at the courtyard," he said as he left.

-At the courtyard-

When the students arrived, they saw their teacher waiting for them.

"Alright class this test is an evaluation comprised of eight fitness tests with the aid of your quirks," Aizawa said with a bored tone.

"For an example ball throwing," he said taking a baseball out of his pocket and looked at Izuku.

"Midoriya, since you came in first in the entrance exam, you're going first," he said throwing the ball at Izuku who grabbed it.

"What was your best throw back at high school?" he asked making the boy sigh.

"9m," he said making some of his classmate to chuckle a bit.

He nodded and pointed at a white circle. "Stand there and give your best shot."

Izuku walked in the circle stretching a bit. "Let's see what you have," Aizawa thought as Izuku stood in the circle

Green sparks started to crackle around Izuku's body as he backed his arm and threw it, causing a strong gust of wind sending the ball flying.

Aizawa looked at his phone. "Impressive 5679.4m," he said making the other students widen their eyes looking at Izuku who still had his back to them.

"I might have overdone it," Izuku thought as he could feel the stares from his classmates.

Aizawa looked at them. "All of you are going to do the same," he said.

"Wow, we are going to be able to use our quirks freely this Is going to be fun," said again the girl with pink hair and skin.

Aizawa smirked darkly. "Oh, you think this is going to be fun?" he asked making the students look at him. "You have three years to become a hero, this won't be fun in fact who ever comes in last will be expelled," he said getting shock looks from the students.

"But that's unfair!" Ochacu yelled getting a shrug from Aizawa.

"Natural disaster, accidents and egotistic villains, Japan is full of injustice and we heroes are responsible to fix that and if you can't pass a simple exercise test then you don't have any potential to be a hero," Aizawa said bluntly getting shocked looks from some students

"But you can't do that!" a boy with red hair and shark like teeth yelled making Aizawa smirk.

"I'm your teacher, I can do it if I want," he said smirking at them making a good part gulp.

"Anyways let's start the test," he said walking to a part of the court where a robot was placed besides to track line. "The first exercise is 50m Dash," he said.

"This will be done by groups of two, first Tenya Ilda and Tsuyu Asui," he called out making the boy with blue hair with glasses and the girl with dark green hair and frog characteristics walked over to start of the track and got in position.

"Ready" the robot said making mufflers to come out of Tenya's leg while Tsuyu got into a crouching frog position. "Go," the robot said making Tenya blast out of the starting line into the finishing line in seconds. "3.04 seconds," the robot said while Tsuyu hopped to the finishing line. "5.58 seconds."

"Next group Ochaco Uraraka and Mashirao Ojiro," Aizawa said as Ochaco and a boy with blond hair and a tail went to the starting line.

Ochaco tapped on her shoulder and her sneakers and got into position. "Ready, go," the robot said as the girl ran at full speed while Mashirao jumped to the finish line with the help of his tail. "5.49 seconds," the robot marked as Ochaco followed shortly. "7.15 seconds,"

The next group were called one after another that was until the final group was called being Izuku and Katsuki.

"Ready" the robot said as sparks to crackling around Izuku's body while Katsuki start to light up sparks on his hand. "Go," with that they both ran but Izuku finished the course way before Katsuki who tried to follow him by using his quirk to propel himself. "2 seconds," the robot marked the time for Izuku. "4.13," for Katsuki who glared at his hand and then tighten them into fists.

Aizawa watched and took some notes about each of the students. "Alright students let's go to the next exercise."

-After the other exercises-

The students were standing in front of the teacher. "Well we have the result from your exercises," Aizawa said as he pressed, his phone to making a board light up to show, the placements with Izuku being in first and Mineta in last making most of the class to sigh in relief but not Katsuki who was in fourth place.

His head was lowered as his glare was aimed towards the green hair boy. "Damn Deku," he thought clenching and unclenching his hands.

"Well as you can see your…" Aizawa started but was stopped by Katsuki who ran at Izuku who was distracted, with his hand raised.

"De…" he tried to yell as he was about to fire but was stopped by straps covered him and pulled him towards Aizawa.

"Bakugou are you sure you want to go through with your plan?" Aizawa asked as his eyes were glowing red making the boy to grit his teeth and glare even harder at the teacher trying to struggle.

"Let me the fuck go!" he yelled struggling. "I have to teach that Deku a lesson!" he yelled making some of the classmate back away a little at the outburst.

"Bakugou stop it this instant or you'll be expelled for attempting to intentionally injure a classmate," Aizawa said making the boy grunt but complied making him sigh letting go of the boy and his eyes turn back to black.

"You're all dismissed for the day," Aizawa said as he started to walk away.

"Wait and about the student to be expelled?!" a small boy with purple balls for hair yelled making Aizawa look at him.

"Oh, that I was lying," he said as he walked away making the boy sigh in relief as the other left the courtyard minus Katsuki who stayed there.

He looked at his hand that were shaking slightly making him clench his fist tightly, he grunted leaving the yard.

-UA Gate-


-Mid Afternoon-

Izuku was walking with Ochaco while they talked. "You had it easier," Ochaco said getting a shrug from Izuku.

"It wasn't that hard since, Aniki's training regime is way harder," Izuku said getting a query look from Ochaco.

"How so?" she asked as they walked out of the gate.

"He uses the one punch man training regime and I also have to fight him every Sunday," Izuku said getting a sorry look from the girl.

"It can't be that bad the fighting at least," she said getting a solemn look from the boy.

"It is," he said with a sigh. "Let's talk about something else."

"Ah, alright," Ochaco said. "What did you think of Aizawa-sensei?"

"Well he seems really cool and somewhat weird but since he took care of Katsuki, then I liked him."

"I wanted to ask you about that what's his problem with you?" she asked making Izuku grumble.

"I prefer not talk about it now," he said making girl nod. "Well since, we pass the test how about we go celebrate?"

Ochacu smile and nodded. "Yeah, you can say that again," she said as they walked in an ice cream store.

-Teacher's lounge-

The room was almost empty with only Allmight in his debuffed form dressed in the yellow suit, he used on the hologram and Aizawa were present.

"Say it," Allmight said with a smile making Aizawa sigh.

"Fine, your kid is good," Aizawa said in a defeated tone.

"See, didn't I tell you," Allmight said with a chuckle as the woman with auburn hair entered the room and sat on the chair next to Aizawa.

"What are you laughing about?" she asked Allmight making Aizawa sigh.

"Just a dumb bet, we made," Aizawa muttered getting a chuckle from the woman.

"What did you two betted on?" she asked leaning in a bit.

"Well, we betted that Midoriya would do well in the test," Allmight said getting a raised eyebrow from the woman.

"Midoriya? he's the boy, you've been training, right?" she asked getting a nod form Allmight.

"Yup, and he has been doing pretty well," Allmight said with a proud smile.

"It's actually impressive that you are able to teach someone," Aizawa said making Allmight's smile to faulter while the woman nodded.

"What do you mean?" he almost shouted while the woman sighed

"I'm sorry to say but, Uncle you aren't really that great when it comes to helping people controlling their quirks," she said making Allmight looked at her hurt.

"Gwen even you?" he asked.

"Remember that time, you tried to help with my quirk?" she asked. "When you accidentally send me flying?"

"I already said, I was sorry about that," he said slumping his shoulder.

"I know but still, it's very impressive you gotten better at mentoring," she said. "Can't wait to teach him too."

"About that, how was your first day?" Allmight asked making the woman tap her china bit.

"It went well, no problem happened and the entire class was really nice," she pointed out. "It went pretty and you Aizawa?" she asked the man who responded with a snore.

Gwen's left eye twitched looking at the man. "Do you think, he'll be mad if I wake him up?" she asked as a purple glow appeared around her hand.

"He will," Allmight said with a sigh as he stood up. "Sorry, I have to get things ready for tomorrow," he said as he went to leave the room.

"Alright, later Uncle Might," she said as the man left the room and the noise of something


-Late Afternoon-

-Ben's house-

Ben yawned as he lowered another book to the pile. "Finally," he groaned standing up and stretched.

He walked out of the office and went downstairs to see Yusei on the living room, reading something on his phone. "What ya doing?" Ben asked.

"Nothing much, just some news about you," he said making Ben raise an eyebrow as he walked over to the other couch.

"About Ben me or Omuni me?" he asked making Yusei look at him.

"And I thought my attempts to make jokes were bad," he sighed making Ben chuckle a bit.

"I know anyway what does it say?" he asked.

"The usual, you are a psychopathic murderer, a menace to society, a villain who only wishes to see the world burn, and so on" Yusei said making Ben shrug.

"Are they talking about me or Spiderman or the Joker?" he asked with a yawned.

"It's you, but there is also some good stuff."

"Like what?"

"Well that you are a real hero and some are even calling you an avenger," Yusei said making Ben perk up.

"Really an Avenger, nice," he said with a smile. "Do you think…"

"Don't even try," Yusei cut him off making Ben look at him.

"What you don't even know, what I wanted to do," he whined getting a glare from Yusei.

"I know what comes to your mind when you think about Marvel and Dc stuff!" he yelled making Ben look at him with a sad face.

"Are you still mad about that thing?"

"I am and I told Yoro not to allow any of your projects without my permission!" he yelled making Ben pout.

"No need to be that rude," he muttered getting a sigh from Yusei.

"Ignoring that, it looks like you are getting supporters," he said.

"Well that's nothing new," he said getting up. "Any thing else?"

"There is a lot but mostly conspiracy theories and those type of things."

"So how many, are they that say I'm part of the illuminati?"

Yusei pinched his nose. "I literally lost count." He said making Ben chuckle a bit as his phone vibrated taking, it out to see he received a text.

'I'll be there by tomorrow,' it read making smile a bit as he texted back.

'Great, I'll pick you up then,' he sent and after a bit, he received a response.

'Très bien luv,' it read and he pocketed his phone.

"So…?" Yusei asked still looking at his phone.

"It was just a text from Lilith," he said making Yusei to stiffen. "She's arriving tomorrow."

Yusei nodded. "Alright," he said.

"Anyway, I'm hungry as heck and I'm going to make something, anything in mind?" he asked.

Yusei thought a little and shrugged. "Surprise me," he said getting a nod from Ben as he walked to the kitchen.

Putting his phone down, Yusei sighed as his hands were shaking a bit. "Damn it," he thought grabbing his hand to stop the shaking.

AN: Well that's the end of the chapter thanks for reading and if you have any idea or suggestion you can PM me or leave a review to see how you're liking the story.

Until next time.

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