
Chapter 5

A\N: Since I would take to long and I'll probably ruin it, I'll avoid giving full description of canon characters

Chapter 5

-The next day-

-Mid morning-

-UA's main gate-

Standing in front of the main gates of school, he always dreamt of attending, he stared at it while other of the participants walked passed him. "Here goes my first step," he took his first step into the school ground.

"Deku," he heard a growl making him sigh turning around to see Katsuki who was making his way towards him. "What the fuck are you doing here!" he barked getting the attention of the people who were close by making Izuku look around.

"Well, I was trying to get to the school without interrupting anyone," Izuku looked at him with a neutral face then smiled. "But for your information the same as you sparky," he said making the blond glare at him.

"You think a quirkless Deku like you is going to pass?" he asked causing whispers to go around them.

"I'm not only going to pass but I'm going to get a score higher than yours," Izuku said making the blond tighten his fist fighting the urge to use his quirk.

"Don't get in my way or I'll kill you," he huffed walking pass Izuku who smirked.

"I would like to see you try Kachan," Izuku said to him as Katsuki walked towards the school's entrance cursing under his breath.

Izuku started to walk but accidentally step on his feet making, him fall forward acting fast he extended his arms to reach the ground but before he could touch it, he stopped inches away from the floor. "What just happened?" he thought as he could that his body was devoid of any weight.

"Sorry that, I used my quirk on you without asking," Izuku heard looking at the source to see a brown hair girl that was dressed totally in brown. "I saw that you were falling and…," she said grabbing him and secured him back to his feet. "It would be bad luck falling even before the exam started."

"No problem," Izuku said as the girl pressed her finger making him feel back to normal. "Thanks Miss…" Izuku said.

"Uraraka, Uraraka Ochaco," she introduced herself.

"Midoriya Izuku and thank you for catching me," Izuku said getting a smile from the girl.

"You're welcome sorry but I have to go, good luck on the exam," she said leaving with a wave before, Izuku could say anything.

"I also wanted to wish her luck," Izuku thought. "Maybe, I'll see her later," he thought walking in the school and follow the directions to the exam room, finding his seat was next to Katsuki.

"What?" he asked with venom in his voice making Izuku sigh.

"I'm sitting next to you," Izuku said as he sat on his assign seat. "Don't talk to me and I'll won't talk to you."

After some time of waiting the room was full and after doing the written exam, they were now getting the introduction to the physical exam but the explanation was stopped by someone standing up.

"Yes," The proctor being one of the UA teacher and Pro-hero President Mic said pointing at a boy with blue hair and glasses making a light to be shine on him.

"In the sheet of paper there are four enemies but, you've only mentioned three of them," he said pointing at the paper. "If this an error on the most prestigious school of the country, you should be ashamed," he said almost making the other look at their paper once again to notice the mistake.

"Ah, that," Mic said turning to the screen showing another robot but this one had 0 points. "The zero-pointer compared to other this one is tougher to take down but since it's value is zero don't even bother," he said getting a nod from the boy who sat down. "Well, I end here good luck on the obstacle ahead and remember the school's motto…" he said giving a pause. "Go beyond Plus Ultra!"


-Battle ground B-

All of the participants stood in front of huge wooden doors waiting it to open to begin the physical exam.

Izuku was stretching like the others waiting for the wooden doors to open. "I hope those upgrades are worth it," Izuku thought as he looked at attire that was different than his usual green and black tracksuit instead he was dressed in a black tank top, black skin-tight pants and black combat boots.

Finishing his stretches Izuku looked around and noticed Ochaco who was stretching herself.

"Just try to get as many as you can," she thought to herself, but she was pulled out of it by someone calling her turning around to face who did it. "Ah, hello Midoriya," she greeted him.

"Sorry to bother you, but I also wanted to wish you luck since, I didn't get the chance before," he said.

"No problem and thank you," she said returning her gaze at the wooden doors.

"Nervous?" Izuku asked getting a nod from the girl.

"Aren't you?" she asked getting a nod from Izuku.

"I am but I'm trying to keep calm."

"I wish, I had that kind of confidence," she said chuckling a little.

Izuku wanted to say something but was stopped by the shout from the teacher. "Go!" he yelled making the participants to look at him. "What in a real fight there isn't a countdown, you should've followed that guy," Mic said pointing at Izuku who already was running into the town leaving some of the participants behind him.

Leaving sparks as he ran into the fake city already finding a 3-pointer making him smirk as he ran up to it and slammed his fist right through it before it could react. "This Is going to be easier than I thought."

Looking at another robot, Izuku grabbed one of the metallic plate and threw right through the other. "This is going to be fun," Izuku said to himself using Ki to enhance his senses and dashed to find anymore robots.

Katsuki was pissed not only his score count was lower than he wanted, he wasn't finding anymore robots. "I'm going to kill whoever took out the majority of them" he said to himself using his explosions to propel himself into the air towards a 3-pointer and destroyed it by blasting it's head out of place.

"53," he said looking forward to see 2 three-pointers coming his way making him smirk. "Now I liking it," he said jumping towards the robots ready to destroy them.

Ochaco ran past two 2-pointers touching them on their metallic plates making them float and pressed her fingers together making them fall to the ground destroying them in impact. "28," she said taking deep breaths to calm her fatigue but that was brief since soon, she started to run to find more.

The participants fought for few minutes destroying any robot that came their way but soon, they stopped when they felt the ground shake. "You felt that, right?" someone asked but before anyone could answer, they all were frozen in shock and fear as a shadow cast over them.

"That's the zero-pointer?" Izuku thought straighten himself looking at the giant robot who backed it's fist and slammed it to the ground causing gust of wind and dust to fly in all directions making the participants run the other direction.

Izuku looked at the robot and sighed as he was about to leave like the rest but stopped when he heard a cry for help, Izuku turn around to see Ochaco who was stuck under some rubble.

She tried pushed the rubble off of her as the zero-pointed looked down at her and went to reach her with its giant hand.

Activating full cowl to 15% and Ki, Izuku ran towards the robot leaving green sparks behind him as he got closer to the giant bot. "This is probably a bad idea," he thought as he ready to jump towards the robot, he increased the output of both his quirk to one leg and jumped causing the ground to crack as he flu towards the robot.

Izuku backed his fist as he was getting closer to the robot's face, he focused the output into his backed fist. "Smash!" he yelled punching the robot in the face caving it and destroying it as the robot fell backwards.

"Wow," he thought amazed at the damage, he'd done on the robot but that moment was ruined when he felt gravity pulling him downward. "Crap!, Crap!, Crap!" he yelled internally as he was now free falling. "I didn't thought this through!" he chastised himself.

Izuku gritted his teeth as he focused as his vein's glow brighter and his aura to envelope his entire body. "This is going to hurt," he backed his other fist ready to punch the ground when he got close enough but before he could that he was slapped in the face by Ochaco stopping him from falling.

Izuku floated a few inches from the ground. "I almost died from falling again?" Izuku thought looking down at the ground then he soon fell to the ground with a thud.

His aura disappeared as he pressed his back to a building wall as an alarm went off making some of the participants sigh in relief.

Izuku sighed as he hold his left arm. "Okay, this is going to take some time," looking at his broken limbs.

The other participants looked around at the broken pieces of metal around the street most of them were amazed or shock at the destruction caused by Izuku.

A very short and old woman dressed in a lab coat walked with the help of a cane towards them more exactly Izuku. "You sure did a number on yourself," she said getting a slightly chuckle from Izuku.

"Yeah, I kind over did it." He said as the old lady walked closer to him. "Isn't that Recovery Girl?" he asked himself as the older woman pocked her lips and stretched to place a kiss on Izuku's head making his body glow a light green as his arm and leg healed almost in an instance.

"Yup, it's her," Izuku said stretching his left arm and got up shaking a little but soon gain stability. "Thanks," he said to the heroine who nodded as he looked over at Ochaco who was unconscious. "I'll have to thank her later."


-Mid afternoon-

-Ben's house-

Izuku entered the house. "I'm home," he closed the door.

{And when are you going to arrive?} he asked, Izuku raised an eyebrow as he walked to the living room to see Ben was talking to the phone.

"Hey aniki," Izuku greeted getting a wave from Ben.

{Alright see you then,} Ben said hanging up his phone and look at Izuku. "Hey ototo, how was the exam?" Ben asked as the boy walked towards another couch facing Ben.

"The exam went well," Izuku said looking away. "And I might have done something stupid," he chuckle a bit.

Ben sighed. "What did you do?" he asked making Izuku blush a bit.

"I might have overused my quirk during the exam and almost splat on the ground."

Ben sighed. "Explain, please."

Izuku told Ben everything that happened during the exam making the man nod. "I see, you really have to thank that girl later," he said getting a nod from Izuku.

"I will," he said with a slight blush making Ben smile.

"Mind if I ask what do you think of her?" he asked with a raised eyebrow making Izuku look at him.

"What do you mean?!" he panicked making Ben chuckle.

"It looks like you like her," Ben said making Izuku quickly shook his head.

"No, it's not like that!" he panicked face now bright red making Ben laugh loudly and hold his side.

"You should look at your face," he said pointing at Izuku who glared at him only making Ben laugh even more making him fall out of the couch. "You are so adorable."

Sighing Izuku waited for Ben stop his laughter, it took about 2 minutes and then Ben finally stopped and took a breath. "Now, I'm done."

"Finally," Izuku grumbled.

"Sorry, I couldn't resist," he said getting back on the couch making Izuku sigh.

"Whatever by the way aniki is my suit ready?" Izuku asked getting a nod.

"Yup, wanna see it?" he asked getting a nod from Izuku standing up. "Let's go then," he said walking towards the elevator followed by Izuku.

"Aniki who were you talking to?"

"Lilith," Ben answered as the elevator opened.

"Oh, how is she?" Izuku asked as he followed Ben in the lab.

"She's doing fine."

"And what were you guys talking about?"

"About her moving here."

"Really? When will she arrive?"

"A few weeks from now," Ben said as they walked into the experimental section of the lab and stopped in front of a tube with a wristwatch.

"Hmm, Aniki where is it?" Izuku asked as Ben pressed a button close to the tube making it open and grabbed the watch.

"It's right here," Ben said giving the watch to Izuku who analyzed it.

The watch was thin and slick and it almost didn't weight nothing, it had a black strap and a black faceplate with a green circular frame around it.

"What is it?" Izuku asked looking closely at the watch.

"It's a new device me and Yusei built," Ben said as Izuku strapped the watch on his wrist.

"And how do I use it?" Izuku asked as Ben pressed the faceplate to turn it on showing a white background with a green line at the middle.

"It works by voice being it overt or covert," Ben said pressed on his own watch.

"Atlas display the hologram of the Titan watch," he said as holograms of the watch appeared. "As you can see, we made this with two functions in mind," Ben said as hologram that show functions of location.

"First function with this, we can use the GPS to find you and you could also use the tracker function with the trackers bot and second," he said changing the hologram to showing a video of the watch expelling a black like substance that covered the mannequin in a black suit.

"And the second is quite my favorite the suit function as the video displayed, I took inspiration with the Black Panther suit," Ben said as black substance came out of the watch and covered Ben's hand making a black glove, it was similar to Yuga's but it had extra padding on the index knuckle.

"To use it just think or say standard mode for your tracksuit and combat mode to use your fighting suit give it a try."

Izuku looked at the watch. "Alright standard mode," Izuku said as the black like substance came out of the watch to cover him in his usual tracksuit.

"Now for the best part activate the combat mode," Ben said getting a nod from Izuku making the substance to cover his whole body.

Izuku looked at his hand to see white gloves and looking at his arms to see green sleeves with a white bar that went to the shoulder with a black elbow pad. "You can look yourself on the mirror," Ben said as a metallic plate appeared to show, Izuku's reflex making the boy widen, his eyes.

The costume was mainly green being green pants with black knee pads and white bars on the side that go up to his armpits, the shirt was also green with two white squares that joined the bars that went to his armpit with white gloves and black elbow pads and a green mask with a protective jaw plate that was formed into a smile and it also had two protrusion like hair formed in a somewhat V-sign.

"Aniki how did…" Izuku couldn't finish as a sob stopped him.

"Well you showed me, your heroic analyzes and also your costume, I thought this would be a go..." Ben started but stopped do by Izuku hugging him.

"Thank you, Aniki, thank you," Izuku said crying once again on Ben's stomach making Ben smile and pat him in this back.

"It's okay, Ototo," Ben said patting the boy's back until he stopped his crying. "Are you okay?" he asked getting a nod from Izuku as he backed away from the embrace cleaning, his tears.

"I am and thank you, Aniki," Izuku said looking at his costume and smiled. "This means a lot to me, aniki I thank you with all of my heart," he said cleaning his tears.

"There's no need, Izuku," Ben said smiling himself as the holograms changed to show imagens of Izuku's combat suit and the different functions.

Izuku walked closer to the holograms to read the description as the hologram changed to show a model of his mask. "Like I said the costume is made out a graphite like weave made from nanomachines, your mask to be exact the jaw piece can work as an air purifier and in your ear there's a communicator, you can call us or anyone and also there's a mini-map built in," Ben said as the hologram changed to the gloves.

"The gloves are made by the same material but there's also an extra function to fire small projectiles," the screen changed to show five small metallic balls with different colors black, blue, red and white. "The black is smoke, blue is shock, red is sticky and white flash from the knuckle on your index finger," Ben said as the holograms changed once again to display the red shoes of the suit.

"And your shoes especially the sole can absorb kinetic energy and release it in a burst," Ben said as the holograms disappeared. "Any questions?"

Izuku looked at his fist. "How do I use the fire function?" he asked.

"Follow me," Ben said as he lead the way to the practice area into a shooting range "First aim at your target, second choose the ammunition," Ben raise his arm were the glove was and aimed at a dart board.

"And third either say it out loud or think fire," he said firing a small metallic black ball that hit the board causing smoke to encase it. "Give it a try."

Izuku nodded and aimed at the dart board. "Smoke bomb," he thought centering, his gaze at his target. "Fire," he thought making a metallic ball come out and go passed the target instead it hit the wall, Izuku looked in disbelieve. "I missed," he thought slumping his shoulder.

Ben wanted to say something to comfort Izuku but, he stopped when Izuku straighten himself and looked at him. "Looks like I have to train my aim," he said getting a nod from Ben.

"Yup and also the ammunition is limited so don't go fire them wildly," Ben said as the glove deformed and went back to the watch.

"I won't and aniki how do you only formed one part of your costume?"

"Well that's easy just say or think combat mode gloves on," Ben said as the gloves came back covering his hand. "Try taking off the mask and mouthpiece,"

"Alright combat mode mask and mouthpiece off," Izuku said as those two parts of the costume deformed. "Well this makes changing faster," he said.

"Aniki besides the tracksuit and the combat suit can, I add more clothes?"

"You can but that's with Yusei," Ben said getting a nod from Izuku as the boy took aim again and fired at the dart board and it missed again making Izuku curse.

-Later that day-

-Early Evening-

-Yusei's store-

Going through the book section of the store Izuku looked through it. "Ben has tainted you," Yusei said behind the counter making Izuku shrug.

"You can say that but I also want to read them," Izuku said taking a small pile of comics both Dc and Marvels.

Yusei looked at the pile and sighed. "Just don't go overboard and try to buy any one of the companies."

"I'm going to use them as research, Yusei," Izuku said putting the comics in a bag.

"Yeah, Ben also said that when, he started reading manga," Yusei said as Izuku threw a silver coin at the counter.

"I won't, see you later," Izuku said leaving the store, he walked for a bit but stopped seeing Ochaco walking out of a store. "Evening Uraraka," he greeted making the girl jump slightly and quickly turn around to face him.

"Oh, Midoriya you scared me," she said trying to calm herself down.

"Sorry, I just wanted to greet you," Izuku said stammering a little on his words.

"It's okay, I was just deep in my thoughts," she said but then bowed. "Ah, and thank you for saving me," she said getting a blush from Izuku.

"No, I should thank you actually," Izuku said as the girl straighten herself. "You actually saved me."

"But you saved me from the zero-pointer."

"But you saved from splatting on the ground."

They looked at each other in an awkward silence waiting for someone to talk.

He fake coughed and chuckled a bit. "No problem, Uraraka," he said stopping his laughter and looked at the bags of groceries on Ochako's hand. "Buying some groceries?" he asked getting a nod.

"Yup, running a bit low on supplies back home," Ochaco said.

"Ah, can I walk you home?" Izuku asked getting a small blush from the girl.

"Sure," she said as the two started to walk towards the girl's house, they walked for a bit in silence that was until Ochaco broke it. "What's in your bag?" she asked making Izuku look at his sack.

"Oh, this are some comic that, I'm going to read," Izuku said taking one of the comics being a New 52 Batman comic.

[Batman: I'm Bane] she read out loud in broken English. "How are you going to read that?" she asked.

"I know how to read in English, so it won't be a problem," Izuku said putting the comic back into the bag.

"Ah, cool," she said as they once again walked in silence. "Hmm, how was the exam?" she asked.

"It went well how about you?"

"It also went well, I really hope that I pass," she said.

"Oh, you really want to be a hero?"

Ochako lowered her gaze a little. "Yes, I really do," she said.

"Don't worry, I'm sure you passed," he said getting a small smile from the girl.

"Thank you," she said stopping in front of an apartment complex. "Well here is my stop."

"Ah, well see you some other day," Izuku said getting a nod from the girl.

"Yeah," she said looking at the ground trying to hide the blush on her cheek. "Actually, I would like to know you better," she said making Izuku's face to light up pink.

"I would like that, tomorrow?" he asked also avoiding making eye contact with the girl.

"Sure," she said walking towards the door. "Bye Midoriya," she said walking in before Izuku could say anything.

"Thank god, Aniki isn't here," Izuku thought letting out a sigh as he made his way back home.

-A week later-

-Mid Evening-

-Ben's house-

In the dining room, Ben, Yusei and Izuku were eating dinner peacefully but that changed when they heard the sound of the doorbell coming from the front door.

"I'll get it," Izuku said standing up from the table and walked to the door and used the peephole. "Who is it?" Izuku asked seeing the man who was on the other side of the door, he recognized the man as the pro-hero Eraserhead.

"I'm with UA, I came to give a letter to Izuku Midoriya," he said making Izuku open the door to look up at the man.

Eraserhead took out of his pocket an envelope and give it to Izuku. "Ah, thanks," he said getting a nod from the man and he left without saying another word.

Izuku closed the door walking back to the dinning room and return to his seat. "Is that your acceptance letter?" Yusei asked.

"I think so," Izuku said opening the envelope to see a letter and a small disk like device, Izuku took out the device and it activated showing a hologram of All might.

"I Am Here as a hologram!" All might shouted in the footage, he was in his buff formed and was wearing a yellow suit. "Greeting Young Midoriya sorry for not talking to you earlier, I had a lot of thing to do but I'll be brief, Izuku Midoriya you passed the entrance exam not only, you passed the written exam, you also took the lead in the physical exam."

He said gesturing at the screen behind him showing his total score divided by two spaces being villain with 60 and rescue with 70 making him be placed in first. "I'll have to admit, you surpassed my expectations Young Midoriya and to say that, I'm proud of you is an understatement," he said with a smile looking back at Izuku.

"Welcome young Midoriya, to your hero academy" he said finishing the footage.

Izuku stayed stuck in place looking at letter that showed his acceptance written on the paper. "I this really happening?" he asked himself but he taken back to reality by Ben ruffled, his hair.

"Looks like you did it, ototo," Ben said with a smile making the boy look back at the letter and smile.

"Yeah, looks like I did it," he said happily cleaning some tears that come out of his eyes.

Yusei raised an eyebrow. "Izuku are you sure, you didn't have a quirk before you meet Ben?" he asked getting a confused look from Izuku.

"Ah, No why did you ask?"

"Well for the amount of tears, you cry I really doubt that's normal," he joked making Ben groan while Izuku looked like he wanted to cry more.

Meanwhile somewhere else

-League of villain's bar-

"Can you get me information on this brat?" Tomura asked giving a picture of Izuku to a man that was smoking a cigar.

Giran looked at the picture of they boy. "Isn't this Minogashita's boy?" he asked getting a nod from Tomura.

"Yes, I need you to get me any information on him."

Giran looked at Tomura. "This doesn't violet the rules of the treaty?"

"No, it doesn't," Tomura answered getting a nod from the man.

"Alright, I'll get it to you in a week or two," he said putting down the picture on the table and left the bar.

"Why are you after information on the boy?" a man that seemed to be made out of mist and dressed in a bartender outfit asked.

Tomura looked at the picture grabbing it making the picture started to turn into dust. "Just to know our new ally, that's all," he said.

"Tomura, master told us not to go after him," the mist man said making Tomura stand.

"Knowing your enemy is not attacking him, Kurogiri, you should know this better than anyone," Tomura said walking out of the bar to his room leaving the mist man alone

Kurogiri sighed as he started to clean the glasses. "I need to keep my eyes on him before, he does something stupid."

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