
Chapter 4

5 months later

A day before the entrance exam

-Late afternoon-

-Dagobah Municipal Beach-

Watching the sun set from the wooden plaza on the beach Izuku sighed leaning down his upper half on the wooden rails. "Maybe I should head back home?" he thought to himself as he lowered his chin into his folded arms. "They are probably worried wondering where am I," he continue to wonder in his mind not paying attention to his surrounding. "What would she think of this, if she was here?" he thought looking at the sea not noticing the person who stood besides him.

"You know you suck at hiding, right?" Izuku heard turning slightly to see Yusei besides him making him jump slightly.

"Yusei!" he shouted getting a wave from the man.

"Yo," he greeted.

"What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing?" Yusei asked centering his eyes on Izuku who lower his chin.

"What do you mean?" he asked trying to fake ignorance but the unchanging facial expression of Yusei told him that wouldn't work.

"Well, You've been acting weird the whole week almost like you're scared of something…" he said making Izuku frown. "Or even of us."

Izuku swallowed the lump in his throat. "That's not it, I just been having a lot on my mind," he said making Yusei frown as he raised two fingers.

"First if that was true, you would've told me or Ben something," he said lowering a finger leaving only one finger hanging. "And second you've been away from the house since this morning and also it's not the first time leading me to believe the problem has it's roots on us."

Izuku lowered his head even further with every point Yusei brought up making his hand tremble a bit. "Are you going to tell me or what?" Yusei asked making Izuku look up at him.

"I'm afraid," he said quietly tightening his fist. "I'm afraid, Yusei that I'm going to be a disappointment that, I won't be able to do anything I'm asked and Aniki will…" he stopped at the thought of disappointing Ben or even worse of Ben abandoning him something that only made his trembling to worsen. "I don't know what to do, I've tried to think it over and over but nothing, I just don't know if I can join you guys," Izuku said as some tears started to fall.

Yusei nodded as he looked at the sun set. "So the heroes then?" Yusei asked making Izuku lower his gaze again. "If you don't want to join us then you're going to be a hero, right?"

"I don't know," he said fighting a sob. "I don't know, you and Ben showed me that the system can be unfair for those who don't have quirks or don't have flashy ones and I don't want to be a part of that."

"And what do you want to be part of, Izuku?" Yusei asked looking at the early night sky. "You don't want to be a part of us and you don't want to be a hero then what?"

Izuku stayed quiet for a bit thinking of an answer but even now, he didn't have one. "Yusei can I ask you something?" he said getting a nod from the man. "What will happen if I don't join you and Ben?" he asked. "Please give me the truth even if it's something, I won't like please just tell me," he begged as the speed of his breathing increased he waited for the answer.

Yusei sighed returning his gaze back at Izuku and looked at him with a cold and neutral face. "Nothing," he said getting a puzzled look from the boy.

"What do you mean?!" he shouted making Yusei's cold face turn into a smile.

"Nothing will happen, if you don't join us, Ben will still be your aniki and you would still be my science buddy."

"But why, why keep me around if there's a chance I might rat you guys out!" he yelled at the man's face who looked at him sympathetically.

"Because Ben saw something in you that a lot of people would ignore, the same thing that made Allmight choose you as his successor and the same thing why, he still let's me around him," he said the last part a bit quiet but Izuku still heard it.

"What do you mean?" he asked making Yusei laugh sheepishly.

"Nothing just something of my past," he answered turning around. "Look Izuku, you still have time before giving us an answer," Yusei said as he started to walk away.

"Yusei, why did you join Ben?" Izuku asked making the man stop.

"The reason why its because, I couldn't let my friend march on this road alone even if he was against it at first," Yusei said with a smile. "I'm heading home don't be too late tomorrow Is going to be the entrance exam," he said leaving the beach.

Yusei sighed with a small smile remembering the moment where his life changed and for him for the better

"And, I thought I was the sentimental one," he heard looking up to Ben sitting on the hood of his car.

Yusei shrugged. "Do you really want me to bring this up again?" he asked with a raised eyebrow. "Do you remember what you tried to do after watching Akame Ga Kill?" he asked with a smile making Ben grumble.

"Never bring that up ever again," Ben said with a glare making Yusei chuckle.

"Okay, I won't bring up the fact that you wanted to buy the rights of the anime just to rewrite the ending," Yusei said making Ben glare at him with red eyes but Yusei laughed it off. "That doesn't scare me Ben," he said making Ben grumble.

"Anyway, how's Izuku?" Ben asked.

"He's still undecided, we should give him more time to think things through," Yusei said getting a nod from Ben.

"I see anything else?" he asked getting a shook of the head from the man.

"Not really, he just has to think things through," he said getting a nod.

"Alright let's head home and wait."

"Alright by the way where were you during the day?"

"I just had to receive a package for later," Ben said getting in the car and turning it on.

"Will you tell me what's the package?" Yusei asked.

"Nah, Later," Ben answered.

"Just assure me, it's nothing dangerous."

"Don't worry, it's nothing that serious."

"Coming from you, it's a red flag that it is dangerous."

"Hey, have a little faith in me!" Ben yelled getting a nod from Yusei.

"I do, but if it blows up or something like that, you're the one that's going to clean up alone," Yusei said getting a grumble from Ben.

"Yeah, yeah whatever," Ben said making Yusei chuckle.

-Mid evening-

-Ben's house-

Izuku was staring at the front door of Ben's house, he had thought a lot for the past three hours and already made a choice. "Calm down, Izuku this is the best choice," he reassured himself as he tried to calm down his breathing and the rapid beating of his heart.

After calming down, he opened the door and walked toward the living room to see Ben and Yusei playing on the game console.

"Oh, you're finally back," Ben said looking up at the boy and smiled. "How was your day?" Ben asked making Izuku lower his gaze to the floor.

"Aniki, Yusei first I want to say I'm sorry for disappearing during the day and acting weird during this week," he said making Ben's smile to drop.

"You don't really need to apologize ototo, I do that a lot heck even today, I was gone for a good part of the day," Ben said.

"I know but at least you give a warning but today, I woke up and left the house," he said tears threaten to fall. "You two have done so much for me and I acted like a selfish child for that, I'm sorry," he said bowing.

"Like Ben said, you don't really have to apologize, we understand what you're going through," Yusei said.

"Even so, I need to apologise for my behavior," Izuku said.

"Then all's forgiven Izuku," Ben said getting a nod from the boy. "Anything else?" he asked as the boy cleaned his tears and looked up at the two.

"I decided what side, I'm going to join," Izuku answered.

"And what will it be?" Ben asked with an indifferent voice.

"I'm going to join you and Yusei," he said getting neutral looks from the two.

"Why?" Ben asked. "Why did you decided us and not the heroes?" he asked once again making the boy look at them in surprise but quickly change into one mirror theirs.

"Because, aniki you've shown me that the world isn't black and white and I don't want to live in a world that sees things like that, I want to change it for the better," he said making Ben stand up and walk over to him and look down at him while Izuku looked up at him locking gazes.

"You are aware that joining us you might have to do things that will make you uncomfortable?" he said.

"I know and I'm fully prepare for it."

"Joining us might be a hellish experience are you prepared for that?"

"Which part of that I'm fully prepared didn't you understand?" Izuku asked with a smirk getting the same for Ben.

"Well then if that's so, Izuku Midoriya welcome to our little group," Ben said with a smile.

"Thanks, Aniki," Izuku said getting a nod from Ben.

"You're welcome, well since you join I have a surprise for you," Ben said walking passed the boy. "Follow me please," he said as Izuku and Yusei followed him out of the house to the car.

"Where are we going?" Izuku asked.

"Just wait a bit, I'm sure you're going to like it," Ben said driving through the almost empty streets while Izuku stayed quiet on the back looking out of the window as they passed by the few people still out and the buildings.

The trip took a few minutes and when they did stop, it was on the city's dock in front of a warehouse. "Here we are," Ben said leaving the car followed by the two.

"A warehouse?" Izuku asked as they walked towards the door.

"Yes, the surprise is inside," Yusei said as they walked in the warehouse, they were able to see two green light shining from one of the walls.

"Ah, you're finally back I was getting bored," they heard a voice coming from where the green light shone making Izuku looked a bit confused but before, he could ask anything Ben turn on the lights causing the once dark place to be illuminated now showing that someone was cuffed to the wall by silver restrains that had a green light shining and also he was sitting down.

Now visible Izuku looked at the source where the voice came from, and his breath hitched as he looked at the man who was cuffed to the wall and was smiling at them.

He had greenish slimy hair with bangs that reached his jaw, black eyes, white skin, his build was muscular similar to a body builder, his attire was of a black pants with skulls on the kneecaps and a pair of black boots.

Izuku looked at the man who smiled back at him. "is that who I think it is?" he asked in a voice devoid of any emotion.

"Yes, the villain Toxic Chainsaw," Ben said. "During these 10 months, I've been helping you with your problems being it physical, mental or emotional and besides of unfinished business with your father, I haven't help you in one thing…" he said pausing as Izuku walked toward the villain stopping right in front of him glaring straight at him in the eyes while the villain smiled back at him with a smug smile. "Getting revenge on the one that caused, your mother's death," Ben finished making the restrained man chuckle.

"Ah, so you captured me just because, I was responsible…" the man didn't finish thanks to a punch from Izuku to the face making him hit the back of his head into the wall.

"You shut the fuck up!" Izuku yelled activating both his quirks making his vein light up red and a green aura surround him. "You have no fucking right to speak!" he yelled making the man chuckle.

"You sure pack a punch kid too bad it doesn't amount to nothing," he said with a smirk making Izuku to glare darkly at the man.

"Izuku do what you must, we'll be waiting outside," Ben said as he and Yusei were about to leave but stopped. "Have fun ototo," Ben said leaving the warehouse.

Toxic started laughing as he looked at Izuku who glaring at him. "You had fucking Omuni kidnap me just because I caused your mother's death!" he kept on laughing as Izuku tighten his fist. "What are you going to do kill me?!" Izuku lowered his gaze as he started to tremble. "You are just a kid who…" he didn't have the chance to finish as Izuku stomped on his kneecap hard not only making the sound of bone breaking but also of the ground cracking.

"Fuck!" the villain yelled gritting his teeth. "Damn brat," he thought trying to get free from his cuffs but Izuku grabbed him by the face and slammed the back of his head on the wall cracking it a bit but Toxic was still smirking at Izuku. "Good one but is that all you have?" he asked a glaring Izuku's who's aura was starting to darken.

Cracking his knuckled Izuku smirked darkly at him. "I haven't even started," he said increasing the power of full cowl by 15% causing sparks of lightning to crackle around him. "I haven't even stated not even one bit," he said as he started to punch the man's face over and over with punch arriving faster than the one before causing the wall to cave in with each impact that was accompany by the noise of flesh hitting flesh.

Izuku stopped his assault panting a bit as he backed a way to see the damage, he made to the villain's face it was bloody, he was now missing some teeth and his nose was now broken but he was still smirking. "Tell me how does that despair feel like?" Izuku asked raising his blood coated fist. "Tell me how does it feel, you fuck!" he yelled punching the man's face again but, the smirk never went away.

"You're adorable trying to act this tough," he said in a raspy voice making Izuku's glare turn into a smirk.

"You think I'm adorable?" Izuku asked. "Then tell me how adorable, I am when your skull is caved in!" he yelled as he started to punch the man again. "Tell me am I still adorable? you fuck!" Izuku yelled glaring at the villain who was still breathing.

Toxic started to chuckle then burst into laughter. "All of this because, you want payback for dear old mommy," he said laughing making Izuku grab the villain by the neck slamming it to the wall with his fist raised.

"You won't kill me," he said stopping his laughter. "You're just a kid, you don't have the guts to do it," he said giving a bloody smile to Izuku.

Izuku glared at him and increasing the percentage of OFA to 20 on his arm making his vein to glow brighter. "It's because of you, my mom is dead," he said as tears fell from his eyes. "it's because of you I had to be alone for 4 years!" Izuku yelled making the man chuckle.

"If that's so, then go ahead cave my skull in, I dare you!" the man yelled making Izuku gritting his teeth and lunched his fist towards the smiling villain's face.


"Should we check on him?" Yusei asked looking at his watch, they've been waiting for Izuku for about 15 minutes.

"5 more minutes," Ben said looking toward the warehouse.

They stayed like that for a bit longer that was until the door of the warehouse was open to reveal Izuku who's hand and clothes were covered in blood. "And here we go," Ben said as Izuku stopped in front of them looking at the ground. "So, how did it go?" Ben asked.

Izuku stayed quiet for a bit but then when, he started to tremble and sob as tears fell down his eyes. "I couldn't do it," Izuku said still not looking up at the two. "It didn't matter how angry I got, I just couldn't cross that line, I couldn't kill him," he said tighten his fist he had said he was ready for anything but on his first chance he couldn't even do it. "I really am use…" he tried to say but Ben stopped him by flicking his forehead.

"Can you stop downing yourself for once?" Ben asked making the boy look at him.

"But I fa…" he tried to say but Ben stopped him once again.

"Izuku I knew, you wouldn't kill him," he said getting a puzzled look from the boy.

"But then why did, you tell me to do what I must?"

"Yes, I did but I didn't say to kill him," Ben answered.

"But you said I might have to do something that would make me uncomfortable?"

"Yes, I know but you actually thought that in the 10 months of knowing you, I would send you to kill someone out of the bat?" Ben questioned making the boy to lower his gaze. "Izuku it took me 5 years of abuse from my parents and other things for me to snap and kill them and even then, I regretted doing that."

"I'm sorry," Izuku said getting a sigh from Ben.

"Don't worry, Yusei give him a towel, I'll be right back," Ben said walking towards the warehouse.

Forming a towel out of blue and white cubes coming from his watch, Yusei threw Izuku a towel. "Better clean up before getting in the car," he said getting a nod from the boy.

-Inside the warehouse-

Toxic was still in the same position Izuku left him looking at the door. "That boy could have killed me," the villain thought turning his head to the side to see the crater close to his head. "No bother, I need to get out before that freak get's back," he thought as he tried to use the bit of strength, he had left to break out of the cuffs but that plan were stopped when, he heard the sound of the door opening.

"Ah, you're trying to escape?" Ben asked amusement clear in his voice as he walked toward the villain who was now thrashing harder to get free but no use. "You shouldn't try that before, you kill yourself," Ben said walking towards him. "Don't worry, I'm not going to kill you not directly at least," he said putting his hand on Toxic's head as a green aura appeared on Ben's hand healing the villain to the point before Izuku started beating him.

After healing the villain, Ben took a step back while Toxic looked at him surprised. "And what are you going to do?" he asked making Ben smirk as he took out his phone.

"Yuga now please," he said as someone appeared beside him.

The person was as tall as Ben and was dressed in dark purple bodysuit that covered the whole body, the upper body was chest pad in which the area of the stomach and chest was a slightly lighter shade of purple and on the rest of the upper body was dark purple with what seemed to be more robust than the chest area, on the elbow were two pads that were the same colour of the suit and on the end were padded gloves that had a silver-ish cover on the palms.

The lower part of the suit had leg pads that reached his upper chin, on his left leg there were two pouches placed next to each other and on his right was a knife pouch and his shoes were slick almost seeming it was just another layer of skin.

The face of the person was hidden behind a slick metallic lower face mask that covered his mouth and nose and a visor that covered his eyes and was connected to earpads and it all was covered by a hood that hid the person's hair and possible other features.

"I think the moments is right for a little test?" Ben asked getting a nod from the man as he took out a syringe filled with a red-ish substance from his left pouch.

Ben looked at the syringe and smirked grabbing it, he walked towards the villain. "Toxic Chainsaw a villain accused and convicted for several counts of murder but managed to escape somehow," he said pricking the needle on the man's left arm and pushed the liquid into the man's system making him struggle in his restrains.

"What the hell did, you just injected in me!" he yelled making Ben chuckle.

"Well, I heard you enjoy killing people slowly with your chainsaw and then let the poison do the rest, I'm going to do something like that," Ben said crouching and grabbing the villain's head making him look straight at him.

"I don't want to ruin the surprise but I'll tell you this I injected, you with one of my experiments, I know what it will do to you but I prefer you find out by yourself so enjoy life while you still can," Ben said letting go of the villain's head and looked at the armored man.

"Clean our trail and make sure, he lives long enough," Ben said getting a nod from the man and started to leave.

Toxic gritted his teeth. "As soon I get out of here, I'll kill you do you hear me!" he yelled making Ben look at him with a smile.

"That's the spirit," Ben said leaving the warehouse while the villain tried to free himself but soon, he stopped as he started to feel pain on his left arm looking at it the once white skin tone was starting to lose its color making the villain grit his teeth.

"Fuck what is this!?" he thought to himself as he could feel the circulation on his left arm started to slow down the warm feeling of blood pumping through his vein being replace by the feeling of numbness. "Fuck!" he thought as he tried to free himself trying to ignore the numbing feeling spreading through his body but it was only making the poison spread faster through out his body.

-Ben's house-

They were already inside the house, the trip back was uneventful and silent but Izuku was still unease something was still in his mind. "Aniki what, Am I going to do about tomorrow?" Izuku asked making the man to look at him.

"The entrance exam?" Ben asked getting a nod from Izuku. "You're going to take it," Ben said getting a shock look from Izuku.

"Wait won't it be a problem since, I'm an anti-villain," Izuku said.

"Correction you're still a hero," Yusei said making the boy look at him. "Well one in training at least."

"What?" Izuku asked.

"You're technically still a hero since, you haven't killed someone," Yusei clarified.

"Ok but eventually, I'm going to be one and going into a hero school won't it be a problem?" Izuku asked.

"Nope," Ben answered getting the same shock look as before but before, Izuku could say anything Ben raised his hand stopping him. "Look Izuku you don't have to leave, your likes, hobbies or life behind just because, you join us you can and should have a life outside of this and also if you become a hero, you can help me in making this world a better place," Ben said.

"But what if, I get caught?" Izuku asked only to get a pat on the head from Ben.

"Don't worry the only people who know, you're with us won't rat you out," Ben said getting a skeptical look from Izuku.

"And how are you so sure?" Izuku asked getting a smirk from Ben.

"Oh, because if they do, I'm going to do something far worse than death," Ben said with a dark chuckle but it lack any malice so it wasn't scary or threating something that made Izuku sigh.

"I'm going to take a shower," Izuku said walking upstairs.

"Okay, I'll heat up your dinner" Ben said walking to the kitchen while Yusei went to the living room.

Walking to his room Izuku sighed as he looked at his hands, they still were bloody but not like before sighing once again, he went to the bathroom in his room. "I did the right choice," he thought to himself turning on the water but before, he could enter he heard his phone ring closing the shower he went to pick it up to see it was All Might making slightly panic. "I forgot All Might!" he internally panic but soon calmed down taking deep breaths, he answered the phone.

{Hi All Might.}

{Midoriya sorry, if I'm bothering you.}

{It's okay, All Might, I was just going to take a shower.}

{Sorry again, I call to check on you since I had cancel again}

{Thanks, I'm fine and how did the preparation go?}

{It went well ended a bit later then what, I expected,} he said. {Anyway Midoriya, I want to ask you something?}

{What is it?}

{Midoriya is everything alright?} he asked making Izuku tense.

{W-what do you mean?} he stuttered.

{Midoriya, you have been acting usual during this week, I'm worried that something might be wrong.} he said making Izuku look at himself in the mirror to see, he's bloody hands and shirt but unlike the previous time, it wasn't his own making Izuku sigh.

{Yes there is something wrong} he said making the hero on the other end stay silent awaiting the answer. {I just have been thinking on the test tomorrow, really hard what if I fail or something like that?} he said getting chuckle from All Might.

{Young Midoriya, don't worry about the exam tomorrow, you have proven to me during this 10 month that you are more than ready for it,} All Might said making Izuku nod to himself.

{Thank you, All Might,} he said with a soft smile.

{You're welcome, Young Midoriya if you need anything else, you can call me at any time.}

{I will and thank you again All Might.}

{You're welcome once again Midoriya and good luck on the exam tomorrow, I'm sure you are going to ace it}

Izuku smiled. {I am, Thanks for calling me.}

{Anytime Midoriya,} All Might said hanging up.

Izuku lowered his phone and smiled a bit. "I can still do this," he thought to himself as he went to take a shower.

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