
Between the Darkness and Democracy: The Front Lines

Over the top, short stories from the front lines following the tale of Captain Alex Reynolds and his squad of Helldivers.

Arron_Alderson · Ciencia y ficción
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136 Chs

Chapter 116: The Silent March

The cool, metallic hum of the base's ventilation system droned in the background, a constant reminder of their subterranean existence. Jack Steele stood in the command center, the holographic map of the planet hovering before him. The recent intel from Reyes and Harrington replayed in his mind, the towering Terminid figure etched into his thoughts.

"Captain, we have analyzed the data from the recon mission," Zara's voice cut through his concentration. She approached, a data pad in hand, her face lined with concern. "It's worse than we thought. The hybrids are just the tip of the iceberg."

Jack took the pad, scrolling through the dense streams of information. "Lay it out for me."

Zara pointed to a series of complex schematics. "The figure they saw is a command unit. It coordinates the hybrids and other Terminid forces. It's essentially their brain, but far more advanced than anything we've encountered."

Jack's jaw tightened. "And this means...?"

"It means we're not just dealing with foot soldiers anymore. These units can adapt, strategize, and direct entire swarms. If they're mobilizing, it's not for a small-scale operation."

A low rumble vibrated through the floor, causing both of them to glance around. Jack's eyes narrowed. "What was that?"

"Seismic activity," Zara replied, though her voice lacked conviction. "But it doesn't fit any natural patterns."

Jack's mind raced. "It's them. They're moving underground."

"Sir," came a voice from behind them. Vasquez, her usual confident demeanor tinged with urgency. "You need to see this."

Jack followed Vasquez to the observation deck. The sight that greeted him stole his breath. Massive fissures had opened up across the landscape, black tendrils of smoke curling from their depths. The ground shook again, more violently this time.

"That's no ordinary quake," Vasquez muttered, eyes wide.

Jack's mind clicked into gear. "Prepare the base for an assault. Get everyone to battle stations."


The corridors of the base buzzed with controlled chaos. Soldiers rushed to their posts, their faces a mix of fear and determination. Reyes and Harrington, still dust-covered from their mission, were among them, strapping on fresh gear.

"Didn't think we'd be jumping right back in," Harrington said, fastening his helmet.

Reyes smirked, checking his rifle. "Guess we don't get breaks in paradise."

As they moved to their assigned positions, the ground trembled once more. This time, a deafening roar echoed through the tunnels.

"Eyes up!" Reyes shouted. "We've got incoming!"

The walls of the base began to crack, small rocks and dust raining down. Zara's voice blared over the intercom. "All units, prepare for breach. Terminid forces are emerging from underground. Hold your positions."

In the main corridor, Jack led a squad of soldiers, his eyes scanning the environment. "Stay sharp, everyone. They're coming."

The ground erupted, and from the fissures emerged the grotesque forms of Terminid hybrids. Their metallic exoskeletons glinted in the harsh lights, eyes glowing with an eerie, otherworldly light.

"Open fire!" Jack commanded, and the corridor was filled with the staccato burst of gunfire.

Bullets tore through the air, striking the hybrids. Sparks flew as metal met metal, some hybrids collapsing, others pressing forward with relentless determination. Jack's rifle spat fire, each shot precise and deadly.

"Reyes, flank them!" Jack ordered.

Reyes nodded, motioning to Harrington and a few others. They moved swiftly, taking a side passage that looped around the enemy. Emerging behind the hybrids, they unleashed a barrage of fire, catching the invaders in a deadly crossfire.

"Keep pushing!" Jack shouted over the din of battle. "Don't let them breach the inner sanctum!"

Despite their efforts, the hybrids continued to pour in, wave after wave. Jack's heart pounded, not just from exertion but from the knowledge that this was only the beginning. The true threat, the command units, were yet to reveal themselves fully.


In the command center, Zara monitored the battle, her fingers flying over the controls. She patched into the main comms. "Jack, we're detecting another surge of seismic activity. It's larger this time. Be prepared for heavier resistance."

"Understood," Jack's voice crackled back. "We'll hold the line."

The ground rumbled once more, this time with a force that threw several soldiers off their feet. From the largest fissure emerged a new type of Terminid, towering and menacing. Its form was sleek, almost serpentine, with multiple limbs ending in razor-sharp appendages.

"Focus fire on the big one!" Jack yelled.

The soldiers redirected their aim, concentrating their fire on the towering Terminid. Bullets ricocheted off its armor, barely leaving a mark.

"It's not working!" Vasquez shouted. "We need heavier artillery!"

Jack's mind raced. "Zara, can you get the turrets online in this sector?"

"Already on it," she replied. Moments later, automated turrets descended from the ceiling, locking onto the massive Terminid.

The turrets unleashed a hailstorm of bullets, their concentrated fire finally piercing the creature's armor. It screeched, a sound that reverberated through the tunnels, before collapsing in a heap of twisted metal.

"Good work," Jack panted, lowering his rifle. "But we can't relax yet. There are more coming."

He turned to Reyes and Harrington. "We need to find their command unit and take it out. It's the only way to stop them."

Reyes nodded. "Lead the way, Captain."


Deeper into the base, Jack led a small strike team, moving swiftly through the labyrinthine corridors. The sounds of battle faded as they descended further, replaced by an eerie silence.

"Zara, any luck locating the command unit?" Jack asked, his voice a hushed whisper.

"Negative," she replied. "But the seismic activity is strongest near the reactor. It's our best bet."

They approached the reactor chamber, the air thick with anticipation. Jack signaled for silence, and they moved forward cautiously. As they entered, the sight that met them was unlike anything they'd seen.

The command unit stood at the center, its form a twisted amalgamation of organic and synthetic parts, pulsating with an unnatural energy. Around it, several hybrids worked, their actions methodical and precise.

Jack raised his hand, signaling the team to spread out. "On my mark, we hit it with everything we've got."

He counted down silently. "Three... two... one... Now!"

They unleashed a coordinated assault, bullets and energy beams converging on the command unit. It reacted instantly, its form shifting, a protective barrier forming around it.

"Damn, it's got shields!" Reyes cursed.

"Keep firing!" Jack ordered, his eyes darting around for a weakness.

The command unit retaliated, its limbs transforming into weapons, sending bolts of energy towards the team. They dodged and weaved, returning fire with grim determination.

"Zara, we need backup!" Jack shouted into his comms.

"I'm sending reinforcements, but they'll take time to reach you," Zara replied, her voice strained.

Jack gritted his teeth, focusing his fire on the command unit's joints. "Aim for the connectors! We need to disable its mobility!"

The team adjusted their aim, targeting the exposed joints. Sparks flew as their bullets found their mark, the command unit's movements becoming sluggish.

"It's working!" Harrington shouted. "Keep at it!"

With a final, concentrated burst, the command unit's shields flickered and died. Jack seized the opportunity, launching a grenade directly at its core. The explosion rocked the chamber, and the command unit collapsed in a heap of smoldering metal.

The team stood panting, weapons still at the ready. Jack approached the fallen unit cautiously, ensuring it was truly down.

"We did it," Reyes said, a note of disbelief in his voice.

Jack nodded, his expression grim. "For now. But this is just the beginning. We need to prepare for whatever comes next."

As they made their way back to the main base, the weight of their victory was tempered by the knowledge of the battles still to come. The Terminid threat was far from over, and they would need every ounce of their strength and resolve to face it. But for now, they had won a crucial battle, and that was enough.