
The Zenin Clan

(Kiryu's POV)

I looked at my phone's screen, looking at the messages that Utahime and I shared last night. 

It read: 

Me: Please answer my calls, Uta. I am worried about you, don't be like this. 

Uta: After all we've been through, Kiryu, I'm still your last choice. 

Me: And who would my other choices be?

Uta: You know damn well who. I can't believe I would allow myself to be swooned by your words. 

Me: Uta, please, you know I care for you. 

Uta: Just like you care for Mei Mei and Shoko? Please, stop. 

Me: Yes, I care for all of you. When will you understand that? 

Uta: I am 31 years old, Kiryu. If you want to be with me, you might as well get over with it and stop playing these games. I know the sweet words you tell Shoko every time you see her. And Mei Mei makes sure I am aware of the way you treat her. Me? You never do that to me. Like I said back at the school, I am not some whore you can fuck whenever you want. 

Me: We should talk about this in person. I'll send someone for you and have you meet at my estate, please don't refuse. I care deeply about you, Uta, you know this. I'd do anything for you. 

Uta: Look at yourself in the mirror, Kiryu. The rich playboy Head of The Gojo Clan. When will you ever take yourself seriously? I cannot believe Shoko goes along with your shenanigans. 

Me: Uta, that's it. We'll speak about this in person, okay? I know this means a lot to you, our history. I won't do anything to disrespect you. When are you free? 

Uta: .....Leave me alone. 

I leaned back and sighed, "Shit." I said, "Something must've struck a nerve. I treat her the way I usually do." 

"Haha!" I heard an irritating voice laugh, "Trouble in paradise?" 

I looked to my right, Satoru was sitting next to me as we rode in the back of my luxury car as we made our way to a meeting. He was sucking on an ice popsicle, an orange-flavored one. He was giving me a mocking smirk. 

I frowned, "You want me to throw you off a cliff?" I said, "What do you know about this?" 

He shrugged, "Oh, nothing much." He said, "Just that I am well aware that out of all your little girl toys, Utahime is the last one you should treat badly. She'll leave you in the dirt, I mean she's already 30 years old, Kiryu. Mid-life crisis, remember?" 

"You're almost there, bud." I said with an annoyed tone, "And so am I, in a few years...." 

"Ha!" Satoru said, "25, eh? Frankly, I'm surprised you even showed any interest in Utahime. I mean, Shoko, I get. You saw her almost every day whenever we dragged you along with us and you had a think for short haired brunettes when you were a kid." 

"Hm." I said crossing my arms

"Mei Mei, I mean she's pretty too." He said, "Got that nice white hair, like me. I imagined you were attracted to her cause deep down-" 

"Shut the fuck up." I snapped 

"Hehe..." He said, "And let's not forget Yuki, I mean your type of woman; Strong." 

"Your point?" I said 

"Utahime is weak, man." Satoru said, "And older than you by a lot." 

"Unlike you, Satoru, I appreciate the beauty of women." I said, "Yuki is also older than me, by a lot. Did you forget?"

"Yea yea." He replied, "Anyways, I suppose today's a bad day to have your problems with your girls, man." 

I closed my eyes, "Tell me about it." I said, "Why're you coming with me? Don't you have a lot to worry about? These Disaster Curses and all? Nanami-san told me about the patchface curse and how Yuji handled it." 

"They'll be fine." Satoru said

"You sure?" I asked him, "You got an awful lot of faith in them." 

"Ah, I can't show any pessimism, Kiryu." He told me, "Besides, if push comes to shove, we'll handle them." 

"We?" I said, "We're speaking french all of the sudden? Who's We?" 

"Hehe." He chuckled, "You and I, buddy! We'll handle anything that comes our way! That was our deal, remember?" 

I frowned, "That pinky promise from 10 years ago?" I asked, "You got to be joking." 

"Hey, Pinky Promises are sacred!!" He exclaimed, "You can't go back on them. You promised me, Kiryu." 

"Yea yea, I get it." I waved him off as the car slowed to a stop, "We're here." 


"Ah, Naobito-san~!" Satoru said as I was served tea, "This tea is immaculate! You must give me the recipe!" 

"Ask the servants, Satoru." Naobito said as he crossed his arms

We were inside a room at the Zenin Clan estate, I was sitting cross-legged across from Naobito and his brother, Ogi as their servants were serving Satoru and I some tea. 

"I'm surprised you're even drinking tea, Naobito." I said tilting my head, "Were's your sake?" 

He smirked, "Hehe, I'm holding off until after this meeting." He said, "I was advised not to drink in front of the Two Great Stars, ehehe." 

I shrugged, "Us? Man, you can drink as much as you want." I said, "It's your house." 

"You don't like tea?" Naobito asked as he gestured the cup in front of me

"I rather not." I said shaking my head

"Refusing an offering at our own home....." Ogi spoke up, "Is this how the Gojo Clan does things?" 

Satoru was sipping from his cup, "I'm drinking it." He said joyfully

"He's drinking it." I nodded

Ogi frowned but didn't say a word. 

Naobito clapped his hands, "Alright!" He said, "Before things get tense, Kiryu-kun. I must ask what the whole deal with Jinichi was." 

I looked at him, "You tell me." I said, "You teach your people to openly insult other Clan Heads?" 

"No, we do not." Ogi spoke up before Naobito said, "What Jinichi did was uncalled for. But Kiryu-dono, you are the Head of The Gojo Clan. You were more than willing to cut him down in cold blood according to the witnesses." 

I looked at Satoru, "You told them this, didn't you?" 

Satoru starting coughing, "N-No!" He said as he looked away

"I would like to apologize on behalf of Jinichi, Kiryu-kun." Naobito said, "But may I ask you, from one Head to another, to not mention his Brother." 

"Ah, The Ghost of The Zenin Clan." I said while gesturing to Satoru, "The one who traumatized this fucker here." 

"Hey, don't play like that!" Satoru said

"Yes yes." Naobito said, "Please, it's my only request." 

"Fine." I said, "Apology accepted. Next time I see Jinichi, I'll give him a bottle of whiskey or something. A gesture." 

"That'll do." Naobito said, "How about throwing some bottles my way too, hehe!" 

"I will." I smiled

"Brother." Ogi said 

"Right." Naobito said, "Back to business. Kiryu-kun, we're all aware of the relationship between our Clans. The Gojo and The Zenin. You know what we've been asking for years, right?" 

I sighed, "Yes...." I said, "Megumi." 

"Ah, no sir~!" Satoru said, "Megumi is off-limits." 

"He's the only user of Ten Shadows, an Inherited Technique that exclusively belongs to the Zenin Clan." Ogi spoke up, "It is crucial that he returns to his rightful clan. Naobito has even offered to adopt him as his Second Son, Kiryu-dono." 

"Megumi Fushiguro is under the Guardianship of Gojo Satoru." I said, "By extension, he's a member of the Gojo Clan, meaning, he's mine. And his Ten Shadows Technique, mine as well. You ought to be grateful to your Ghost, siring a user of The Ten Shadows." 

"That is why we're here." Naobito said, "To discuss a trade." 

"A trade?" Satoru said, "Kiryu, you better not give Megumi to them. Till he becomes of age, he's under my care." 

"Please listen to our offer." Naobito said

I sighed, "Let me hear it." I said crossing my arms

Ogi cleared his throat, "We, The Zenin Clan, offer my daughter, Maki." 

I raised an eyebrow, "Excuse me?" I said

Naobito nodded, "Maki-chan is young and beautiful, and despite not having any cursed energy, her genes are suited for siring strong children." He said, "It is only fair that we discuss finding her a suitor." 

I frowned, "What are you getting at, Naobito?" I said 

I already knew what he meant. 

"A Marriage, Kiryu." Satoru said, "They want to marry Maki off to you." 

Ogi nodded, "That is correct." 

I narrowed my eyes, "What the fuck did you say?" I said in a serious tone

"Maki doesn't offer anything other than her Heavenly Restriction." Ogi said, "But she's still a Zenin. Despite my honest thoughts on the girl, it'll still be a complete Honor to have the Head of The Gojo Clan take her as his wife." 

"That is right." Naobito said, "And its only because Ogi is my brother and I have no daughters to offer. All we ask in return is Meg-" 

"Shut the fuck up." I growled as I stood up, "Is this your idea of a prank, Naobito?! Offering me an underage girl to marry just so you can have The Ten Shadows?!" 

"Kiryu calm down." Satoru said

I looked at him, "No!" I snapped, "You're okay with this?!" 

"Of course not!" He said, "Maki is my student! I don't condone arranged marriages, especially for children!" 

"Kiryu-dono, I suggest you calm yourself." Ogi said, "Otherwise, we'll take this as a sign of hostility." 

"Take your signs of hostility and shove it up your ass, Ogi." I growled, "I know how you feel about your daughters, you pathetic low-life piece of shit. You can't possibly give a shit if they live or die. You just want to give away the one that has no cursed energy and have the other one grow in power in the process." 

"Kiryu-kun, please calm down." He said, "The last thing I want is a fight to break out. This is a friendly meeting between two Clan Heads. What will the rest think when they hear that you lost your temper?" 

I looked at him, "You disappoint me, Naobito." I said, "I knew you were old-school but you had leniency to adapt to the new era. You are no better...." 

"And you are, Kiryu-dono?" Ogi said, "The Head of The Gojo Clan who is 25 years old and has no wife, no heirs, and nothing else to his name." 

I glared at him, "I got something on me that'll shut you up, Ogi." I growled, "Satoru." 

"Ah, shit." Satoru stood up, "You know, Ogi, Naobito. My feelings for you lot aside, I really hate doing this to you." 

He began to release his cursed energy as it shook the room and began to shatter the floor. 

"O-Oi, Satoru!!" Naobito said, "What are you doing?" 

"Just a harmless flex, Naobito. Don't take it personal." Satoru said, "He is still my superior, you know." 

I gave them both a glare, "Know one thing, Zenin." I growled, "The next time you insult me like this, Satoru won't be here to stop me from cutting you down." 

"Alright, Kiryu." Gojo said clapping his hands

Suddenly, we were out of the room and outside the estate and next to the car. 

My driver looked at us with surprise, "M-My Lord! Master Satoru!" He exclaimed

"Let's get out of here~!" Satoru said

I glared at him, "What the fuck is your problem?!" I snapped, "You pulled out?! Are you fucking insane?! You know what that was! That was a direct order!!" 

"Yea yea, sorry." Satoru smiled

"You know what that means, Satoru." I jabbed my finger at his chest, "You know that right?!" 

"Hehe~!" He chuckled, "Yes yes, 15 Cursed Spirit Exorcisms in your stead." 

"You got that shit right." I said, "And I'll include those Disaster Special Grade ones that are giving everyone anxiety." 

"Sure sure." He said, 

"I'll kill those too." 

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