
The medium- Part 1

Belle felt truly sorry but this wasn't her fault that Portia could rob from someone who was innocent. All she could conclude was that Portia had harboured hate towards her in course of time enough that she was jealous for the life Belle had received compared to Portia who lived in this ruined house and in this world. 

"Why you cancelled?" questioned the mighoul to her. 

"You can read?" asked Belle as she doubted that the creatures of the dead would be illiterate and only the Grims knew how to read what was written by the mortals of the living world. 

"I do," it answered and Belle didn't go to ask how it knew because she wanted to get out of this place but she didn't know how it would work. She remembered how Charlotte's soul had been wandering in the land of the living and it was in perfect condition. But Belle didn't want to die and she would have to come back alive. 

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