
Bekhauf (Fearless)

Asia is a beautiful and vast continent where countries in South East such as the Philippines, Japan, China, Taiwan, etc. reside. Many folks have registered stories of old which they called Urban Legends that dated back decades of centuries ago are noted to be scary, historic or heroic. But this legendary story I am about to tell you will make you think and realize about your existence. That reading this urban legend will make you rethink if you are part of their lineage or not? Keyoshi is tagged as the village’s finest, fear less girl alongside Yuna, the former’s challenger in the Hunt’s game. She is part of a clan in an ancient village called Mimiko. Mimiko Village has tradition that to be able to grow strong, and be part of a powerful hunting team, young girls at the age of 13 years will need to travel West and fight all goblins and dark spirits (dead monsters) that they will face in a land a hundred kilometers away from their village, called Yomi (land where a living could never go back alive). Yomi is an island where humans who lived an evil life will get trapped here. Yomi has a man-spirit king named King Aatma.

Vicky_Manalo_5384 · Ciudad
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93 Chs


Stupid, just like wars and none sense fights between countries or people. Hunt Game is phenomenal and historical but is it really worth it when warrior hunters die for what prize? Champion medal or a piece of the island or recognition which is invaluable when you lost body parts or more over your soul. Haaa….why did we ever consent to this stupid games?, Taiyo thought while looking at Keyoshi and Yuna practicing their magic skills and training for battle in Yomi Island. All warrior hunters participating in the Hunt game are busy training for fight and battle against their partners to prepare for the most prestigious and awaited game every five years.

Yaahhhh…..Keyoshi shouted as she marches to fight Yuna using her double blades while the other uses her sword. Yeahhhh….both are working and fighting like they are enemies at war. Taiyo called Keyoshi while Yuna now focused on her hands on magic and forming the sand like a tiny tornado in then out of her palms.

Taiyo, thanks for helping us practice but what about Yin, you told me what happened. So are we going to talk to him?, Shi added. Well, I have a better plan, but it's okay, I'll talk to him myself!

Continue practice and I'll be right back!, Taiyo said then disappeared right in front of me. Yin was busy trying liquid minerals on one or two bottles then Taiyo arrived without him knowing it. Yin:

Yes master!, Yin almost jumped from his seat and broke the glass he was using when Taiyo called out to him.

Can I talk to you for a minute?

Yes, master, what about?

About Jelioz and you?

Ahhh….Yin cried and now knowing that he is a spy, knelt in front of Taiyo and asked for forgiveness.

It's okay I know about you and Jelioz's relationship. What I'm concerned about is you having another agenda for the games. I know you love Jelioz but remember that I am your master and I can send you back to where you belong without your partner knowing it. Plus you pledged your allegiance to Myriad and me, that you can't breach your own promise to protect and serve the cause than Jelioz or your affair? Right?, Taiyo added.

I understand sir and I am still loyal to you and the cause. I believe that Jelioz plans to sabotage the Chosen Warrior in the Hunt Game yet he didn't tell me how, he just wanted to get your Spell Book so he can probably use it to summon Kemolohlun or protect him and his team from him, Yin replied honestly.

Good, then, make him tell you what his plans are and let's work on stopping him, together!, Taiyo added. I trust you Yin, do what's right, good and you will be recompensed.

Yin nodded and continued his work in the laboratory. I disappeared from his sight and now with Keyoshi who is alone doing her meditations and levitating yoga techniques. Good work Shi! More height and power, there, there, perfect! Stay like that for an hour then eat your breakfast!, Taiyo said and now communicating through Shi's mind. 

Yuna saw her dad talking to Jelioz and now looking seriously at across the horizon in Foresty of Mimiko. Father!

Yuna, haha, it's nice fo you to see me today, so how's training?, Jazpas said hugging Yuna. It's good and we're almost done with the training. It's so intense, Taiyo really is getting the best of us. Sometimes I just want to quit since my body aches and mind wants to explode from the focus and power, saying that we can defeat Kemolohlun! Hmm…..which is very optimistic but unlikely, haha!, Yuna explained.

Yuna, it isn't impossible but with hard work and focus you can defeat the Dark Lord. I didn't want to tell you this but….Jaspar (wanting to disclose his promise to Kemolohlun and that is Yuna to be his bride), ahhh…..no, it'll be fine, my darling! You and Keyoshi will kill him, just practice and be strong for me okay!, Jazpar added hugging his daughter closer than ever like not wanting to let her go.

I see, okay!, Yuna said thinking that her dad wanted to tell her something important maybe for the Yomi Hunt game or it's just a feeling. Anyway, I need to make sure that Keyoshi and I are the strongest pair to become Champions of the games. Father I'll go ahead and eat, want to join me?

No thanks darling, I need to take care of something first, I'll come home, Just need a few hours for it! See you at dinner!, Jazpar said kissing me on the forehead. Okay!, I added and walked along to the tent.

I need to talk to Kemolohlun and give him this gold bar. I want my daughter back and safe. He isn't worthy to have her for himself, and she is not for sale!, Jazpar thought and rode his horse to a deserted place after Foresty and the forbidden falls of Mimiko. Jazpar run through a invisible door and he saw the Evil Lord's minions and demons lurking, playing and torturing souls or women and men. They were relentlessly seen laughing and tasting each souls like meat and ice cream without fear or mercy. Grr….this is so scary and disgusting, the smell of this place is so strong that the word vomit is underrated. Bring me to Kemolohlun!!!

Oh, Jazpar, getting ready for the games and my prize, is she ready to serve me and to be my bride?, Kemolohlun said happily.

No, Kemolohlun, I changed my mind, Here is part of the deal, a gold bar, enough to pay for my debt!, Jazpar said tossing the bar at the Dark Lord's feet. On his throne Kemolohlun stood silent and then forced a fire ball out of his hand that almost hit Jazpar who instantly avoided it and protected himself. He is also a remarkable warrior during his time just like Taiyo, and still has it in him.

No, I don't agree with you. Yuna is mine and you nor Keyoshi can take her away from me. Your debt is repaid but not in full, so, she is and will be mine! Ha…hahahahahahah!, Kemolohlun added and laughed hard that the Underworld rocked with an earthquake.

No, Kemolohlun, my daughter is mine and she is free to choose who she wants to love and be with. You can take me as your prisoner and I willingly give myself to you now!, Jazpar said kneeling in front of the unforgiving Lord.