
chapter one

My name is Jesse and I'm about to tell you what I've never told anyone before. The night I clocked sixteen the biggest news of my existence was told to me I'm A VAMPIRE.

It sounded funny at first and I was enjoying the joke until the next week I started noticing a fang in my mouth, I told my guardians about it and they said it was the beginning of my transformation to becoming a vampire and that I have to start living as one, that was how I started living like one.

But still I can't stop thinking of the disadvantages of being a vampire which I believe you already know, I CAN'T GO INTO PEOPLE'S HOUSES WITHOUT BEING INVITED.....and many others.

There are also advantages, here are some that I can think of :



I know what you are thinking "where is super speed?" I might have that in the future and believe me, I'm looking forward to it, that's a secret....

And that's it. I can't think of anything else .

And those advantages aren't as hot as they look because there's not a whole lot to do in my house late at night  (or any other time actually)

and usually l just end up hanging out with my guardians for hundreds of extra  hours. Personally I'd rather be asleep.

And as for lifting well,  I've gone right off that too.

Here's why.

To go lifting all you have to do is walk about on tiptoe - just as if you're about to do a spot of ballet dancing for a few seconds, while at the same time emptying your mind so you're thinking of absolutely nothing.

Then after a bit your feet aren't on the ground anymore.  You're  whooshed up into the air and, before you know it, transformed into a slightly bigger than the normal sized bat as well.  Fantastic you'd say.

Well, the first time I tried it.  And I stayed up in the air for five exciting minutes. Only last night I could not get off the ground. Just spent ages tiptoeing around with nothing happening.

So tonight my uncle decided we'd have a flying lesson in the back garden. Our garden is well hidden from prying eyes due to its enormous fences, but even so my guardians reckoned they couldn't do anything  until all lights in the neighborhood went out. So I was pacing around the house restlessly, at half past twelve the last light in the neighborhood went out, the three of us matched outside.

Uncle Sam whispered to me, " Now, first of all it's important you' relaxed".

But nothing makes you tenser than someone telling you to relax ,does it? And straight away l felt myself stiffen. Uncle Sam went on, " you're probably a bit worried you let us down last night when you didn't get airborne. "

" Excuse me, but how is your saying all this supposed to relax me?"

"what I wanted to say is, you haven't let anyone down. And last night was just a blip, all right?"

"Thanks for clearing that up, Uncle Sam."

" I want you to breathe not though your mouth but through your nose. Do you think you can manage that?"

"I'll do my best' I said said. And I took two deep sniffs through my nose.

"there' said uncle Sam, " I bet you are feeling relaxed already, aren't you?"

"actually, I'll feel a lot more relaxed when you stop talking, uncle", I said.

"Fair enough" said uncle Sam.

He went and stood by Beth, who was swinging a stopwatch about: "so, in your own time now, Jesse".

I started hopping about the garden on tiptoe. I looked just like a little kid who was desperate to go to the loo.

"you still seem very tense" said Beth.

"relax those shoulders".

"and keep breathing through your nose", said uncle Sam.

"and remember to think of nothing", cried Beth

"and we know you'll crack it tonight", said uncle Sam. They went on whispering encouragement and advice, while fifteen minutes passed. I was getting more and more frustrated while my feet remained obstinately on the ground.

Then uncle Sam said, " why not  just copy us?"

I tried to copying them but ended up being more humiliated. Because in two seconds they were airborne.

I sadly walked up the stairs and headed straight to my bedroom. I just can't understand why I'm finding it difficult to lift this time when I'd just lifted so easily before.


My guardians think I'm cool about being a vampire now. But I'm just pretending, that's one thing I'm good at.

Beth and uncle Sam have just appeared in my bedroom with something hidden behind Beth. "what are you hiding Beth?" I asked.

"it's a sound box that belongs to our family" uncle Sam quipped before Beth could respond.

"we want you to have it" said Beth.

"the sound will help soothe the pains you are experiencing inside you" continued uncle Sam who took the box from Beth and opened it. Immediately the box opened it started playing a tune that would never sound normal in the human ear.

The tune was not giving my type of vibe but It was pleasing to my body as I could feel the tingling sensation all over my body.

"would you like me to put it in your bedroom?" asked Beth.

"yes and if you don't do it, I'll sleep in the garden" I said.

They both smiled and did as I instructed, "well, just study it and take in it magical message" Beth shouted before closing the door behind them.

Uncle Sam and his wife Beth are not my real parents, they took me in when I was a baby due to the death of my parents.

they always treated me as they would to their biological child, but unfortunately they don't have any.

No one knew they were not my real parents due to the way they treated me

I love them as I would have loved my parents and in the coming chapters of this story don't be surprised if I refer to them as my parents and stop calling them by their names, uncle Sam would be called my dad and Beth as my mum.



jessekingcreators' thoughts