
Vaude Family

Alara chuckled joyfully as the Light Fury affectionately licked her face, an action that seemed to melt the dragon's heart toward her. This gentle gesture deepened their bond as Alara embraced the Light Fury's neck, feeling the warmth of the dragon's response as it nestled closer to her, reciprocating the affectionate connection they shared.

They ventured inside the Ice Castle, escorted by the Light Fury, who seemed to implicitly trust both Alara and Julius, welcoming them into the majestic interior. The dragon's instincts deemed them to be trusted individuals, allowing them access to the depths of the castle's icy domain.

"I think I should name you... Hmmm," Alara contemplated, pondering over a suitable name for the Light Fury.

"I think I'll just name you Light then! From now on, you're Light," Alara declared affectionately, bestowing a gentle kiss on Light's forehead to seal the naming.

"Roar." Light expressed her approval of the name given to her, showing her agreement. Then, she gestured for Alara and Julius to climb onto her back, inviting them for a ride.

"Really?! You're letting us ride on your back?!" Julius exclaimed with excitement, his enthusiasm evident. It was his first time experiencing the thrill of riding on a dragon's back, and he couldn't contain his excitement. 

"Roar." Light nodded in confirmation and approval, signaling her readiness for their journey.

"Let's go, King Julius! Time to ride on Light's back!" Alara encouraged Julius, signaling him to join her for the dragon ride. 


Alara and Julius were now seated on Light's back as they soared through the Forsaken realm. The wind's gentle breeze brushed against their faces, creating a sense of exhilaration and freedom as they traversed the skies.

"Wow... It feels amazing!" Alara exclaimed, her voice filled with delight, relishing the sensation as she closed her eyes, allowing herself to be completely immersed in the experience. Julius nodded in enthusiastic agreement, sharing in the thrill of the moment as they both reveled in the exhilarating journey atop Light's back. 

"Look, King Julius! It's a giant skull!" Alara exclaimed, her excitement evident despite her prior knowledge of it. Seeing the colossal skull in person brought her immense happiness. This place held immense significance—it was where everything started. 

"Yeah, it looks incredible," Julius smiled, appreciating the impressive sight before him.


As the day progressed, dusk began to settle, indicating the approach of evening. With nightfall looming and the lateness of the hour, Julius and Alara made the collective decision to return home. They embarked on their journey back, riding atop Light, heading toward Alara's castle in the company of the dragon.

"We're finally home," Alara exclaimed with a smile. Light gently descended, allowing Alara to dismount safely. Julius went down first and positioned himself to catch Alara as she descended from Light's back, ensuring her safe landing.

"Will you stay here, Light?" Alara inquired, to which Light nodded in affirmation, indicating her intent to remain at the castle. 

"That's wonderful! The castle is spacious, and you'll fit in perfectly here," Alara remarked to Light. She then turned to Julius, saying, "King Julius, I've inconvenienced you today. As a token of appreciation, would you honor us with dinner here?"

"Hm? Of course! But there's something I need to tell you," Julius responded, his tone serious.

Alara's curiosity piqued. "What is it?" she inquired, eager to know what Julius had to share.

"As a King, you're not allowed to call me King Julius ever again. There will be severe consequences. Instead, you should address me as 'Father,'" Julius smiled as he revealed this request to Alara.

Alara was taken aback by Julius's words. "B... But... I... I can't do that. You're such a great King and..." she stuttered, but Julius interrupted her, saying, "I don't care about how you perceive me as a respectable person. I see you as a daughter, and that's why I want you to address me as a father."

Alara bit her lip, her emotions swirling. She'd never experienced calling someone "father" or heard someone express love for her as a daughter. Her past experiences had driven her to constantly strive for improvement, avoiding mistreatment like she faced in her previous life. The idea of familial love and a paternal relationship left her with a mix of emotions, a longing for the warmth she had never known.

"Father..." Alara choked out through tears, her voice trembling with emotion, as she embraced Julius tightly. In response, Julius wrapped his arms around her, returning the hug, providing comfort in that heartfelt moment.

"I understand how you feel, Alara. Even if it seems overwhelming, I'll always be here to support you, to carry any burden you may have. Regardless of what anyone says, you'll always be my little princess, my daughter," Julius reassured her gently, tenderly rubbing Alara's back in a comforting gesture.

"Roar," Light playfully licked both Alara and Julius, eliciting giggles from both of them in response to the dragon's affectionate gesture.

"Eh? Princess Alara?! King Julius?! A Dragon?!" Noelle's mouth hung agape in utter shock at the unexpected sight of the Princess, the King, and a dragon together. 

Observing Alara's hand entwined with King Julius', Noelle was astounded and concerned, perceiving their intimate gesture as potentially inappropriate or even illegal.

"Hello, Noelle. This is Julius Novachrono, my father... And this is Light," Alara introduced, presenting both Julius and the Light Fury to Noelle.

"Oh..." Noelle blushed, feeling embarrassed for her earlier thoughts. "T... The dinner is ready, Princess Alara. Shall we go and eat?" she stammered, trying to shift the conversation away from her previous reaction.

"Of course," Alara nodded in agreement, acknowledging Noelle's suggestion to head for dinner.


The next day

As Noelle and Alara were engrossed in practicing their magic within the garden, their training session was unexpectedly interrupted by a guard who hastily approached them, a sense of urgency in his demeanor. 

"What's the matter? Is there an issue?" Alara inquired calmly, addressing the guard in a soft and composed manner.

"Princess Alara, the Vaude family has arrived and wishes to speak with you. Shall I permit their entry?" The guard knelt respectfully as he conveyed the message.

Alara fell silent for a moment, pondering the unexpected arrival. Langris and Finral are members of the Vaude family. She wondered about their sudden visit. 

"Let them in. Instruct the maids to guide them in, please. I'll just change my attire," Alara replied with a smile, granting permission to the guard and indicating her intent to alter her clothing before meeting with the Vaude family.

"As you wish, Princess," the guard acknowledged, paying his respects before departing to fulfill Alara's instructions.

Noelle walked over to Alara and inquired, "Princess, do you know why they're here?"

Shaking her head, Alara responded, "I'm not certain. Stay vigilant. We have an unexpected visitor."

"I will, Princess," Noelle affirmed with a nod, acknowledging Alara's instructions.


Alara swiftly changed into her militaristic attire, uncertain about the purpose of the Vaude family's visit. Aware of the snobbish nature typical among Langris and Finral's parents as nobles, she hoped their arrival wouldn't bring about any complications or discord.

Alara strolled through the hallway, making her way toward the garden where the Vaude family awaited. Spotting Noelle at the entrance, Alara nodded in acknowledgement. Noelle, noticing the gesture, promptly opened the door, ushering Alara through towards the garden. 

Alara, accompanied by Noelle, proceeded toward the Vaude family, noting the proud and dignified expressions etched on their faces.

Observing the Vaude family's apparent lack of respect, the guards' faces shifted to expressions of disdain. The family's failure to offer even a greeting caused a visible reaction of displeasure and disgust among the guards.

Noelle courteously pulled out a chair for Alara to sit, prompting a slight bow of gratitude from Alara. Raising her head, Alara glanced towards the Vaude family, acknowledging their presence.

"Greetings, Vaude family. It's pleasant to see you today," Alara spoke softly, maintaining her composure despite the evident lack of respect shown by the family's demeanor.

"Oh, you're finally here, Princess Alara. Nice to meet you. There's something we wish to discuss that will undoubtedly be of benefit to you," Ledior Vaude remarked with a smile adorning his face.

Alara, upon hearing this, casually crossed her legs and leaned her cane against the armrest of the chair. "So... May I inquire about this matter that would bring me benefit?" she responded, maintaining her composed demeanor and soft smile without a change in expression. 

"You see, I have a son who's incredibly talented and powerful. I'm confident that, in no time, he could rise to prominence here in the Clover Kingdom," Ledior remarked proudly, sporting a smile reflecting his confidence.

"Oh, really? I'm intrigued. May I inquire about the identity of this impressive son of yours?" Alara asked politely, showing interest in learning more.

"His name is Langris Vaude. He possesses incredibly powerful spatial magic and has already secured a slot within the Golden Dawn," Ledior stated, emphasizing Langris's remarkable magical abilities and his prestigious affiliation with the Golden Dawn.

"Congratulations, Mr. Ledior Vaude. You've managed to nurture such an exceptional son," Alara congratulated Ledior for raising such an impressive individual.

"Thank you, Princess Alara. Now that you're aware of my son's capabilities, I'd like to propose the possibility of a merger between our families," Liodor expressed with a hint of a smirk on his face. Alara raised an eyebrow upon hearing Liodor's words. It was evident that he intended to discuss a marriage, aiming to leverage his son's abilities for social advancement.

"Oh..." Alara's expression shifted to disinterest. Witnessing Alara's change in demeanor, the maids and Noelle appeared anxious, beads of sweat forming on the guards' faces. The maids quickly prepared a cup of tea for Alara in an attempt to alleviate her displeasure. 

"Honey! It's so beautiful here! I want a castle too!" Lilliane, Liodor's wife, suddenly exclaimed, expressing her admiration for the surroundings and her desire for a castle akin to the one they were in.

She walked toward an unoccupied chair and seated herself without even acknowledging Alara's presence or making eye contact.

Noelle's expression shifted to one of disapproval upon witnessing the disrespectful behavior. However, before she could take any action, Alara raised her hand, signaling to Noelle to hold back.

"Are you perhaps... proposing a marriage? I'm sorry, but I must decline," Alara straightforwardly rejected the proposal.

Ledior's expression shifted to one of surprise upon hearing Alara's direct rejection. He appeared taken aback, evidently not anticipating such a straightforward refusal from Alara.

"Princess Alara? C... Can you repeat that?" Ledior seemed uncertain, perhaps not fully comprehending Alara's straightforward rejection. 

This time, Alara chose to remain silent and simply looked at Ledior with a sense of indifference. She was noticeably put off by him and held firm in her decision. Moreover, she had no intention of being ordered around or dictated to in such a manner.

"Hey, young lady! My husband asked you something! You should speak!" Lilliane Vaude pointed insistently at Alara, expecting a response.

Alara raised an eyebrow, but before she could respond, Noelle swiftly intervened. "How disrespectful! Watch your tone, you insect!" Noelle retorted sharply, defending Alara against the disrespect shown by Lilliane.

"My son will become more powerful than your princess someday. What's the point of showing her respect?" Lilliane scoffed dismissively. 

"How dare you?!" Noelle shouted in outrage, appalled by Lilliane's disrespectful remarks towards Alara.

"Your son is powerful?" Alara chuckled softly, "It seems you're forgetting the standing of the family I belong to."

Alara flared up her mana, and a blue aura enveloped her form. The air turned icy, and the ground quivered slightly in response to her power.

"I am a Frostwind, the most powerful Royal family in the Clover Kingdom, and I am the Princess. Who are you again?" Alara's voice turned cold, her eyes becoming piercingly dull as she asserted her family's stature.

Ledior and Lilliane were frozen in disbelief, struggling to catch their breaths. They were astounded, pondering how a person of such youth could possess such tremendous power.

"Can't answer? Well, ants couldn't talk anyway, so it's understandable," Alara remarked icily, using the metaphor to highlight her contempt for their disrespectful behavior.

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