
Becoming The Guardian of the Gates of Anarchy

"I'm just a normal girl..." Chelsea Caves never thought much of life, to her it was always boring. Living with a foster family and having a benefactor who she knew was her father hardly seemed interesting. But when she finds out the truth about her mother and also that she has a secret responsibility to guard one of the hidden gates which keep uncontrollable evil from entering the world, she has to admit life is not as boring as she thought. She and a new friend have to find the other five Keepers who can close them when other dark forces try to open them. Its not easy but its a race against time and Chelsea has to get some answers along the way. Its not exactly easy with her new trainer but, hey, what can she do? Can she face the dangers that are emerging from the gates? Read to find out. Disclaimer: cover background isn't mine it's from Pinecrest.

Artz_Kohai · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
12 Chs


Chelsea stood before the Alliance of order, unsure of what to say and what to do. And worse was that she was definitely late for school, what did these people want with her and why did they say the balance of the earth was in her hands? She finally decided to ask, what's the worst they could do,

"Excuse me but how did I get here and why am I here?"

"To answer your first question, you picked up a key and opened a door, right?" Father time asked in the most matter of fact tone.

"Yeah, I did and I was expecting a tea garden but how by the way?"

"By magic, does that answer your question?" Mother natured replied.

"I guess." Chelsea tried to hide her confusion but it was still obvious that she was confused.

Yang scrutinised her foor a minute or so before saying something, "Are you sure this is the girl?"

"Of course, don't you recognise the hair and eyes, she clearly took after her mother, I knew Snowflake would bring her to us." Queen of peace said joyfully stroking the cat on the table in front of her.

This is crazy. Chelsea thought, she walked through a door in a fence out of curiosity and now she was standing in a room with a couple of strangers, she wasn't quite sure what was going on but clearly nothing was normal. She scolded herself for letting her curiosity win.

"I expected the child of the late Lora Caves to be less pathetic."

"I'm not pathetic!" She snapped as Yang finished his sentence, "and how do you know my mum,what happened to her, do you also know my dad?"

"One question at a time sweetie," Mother nature said warmly.

Father time stood up and fixed a thoughtful steady gaze on her, she on the other hand was a little surprised he did not look as old had some of the movies she had watched had made him look, when she thought about it she still couldn't believe she was standing in the same room with Mother nature and Father time. she was going to have a very unusual excuse prepared for the Lawsons on why she wasn't at school that day.

Father time cleared his throat to call back her attention, he could see her mind had been occupied, "Chelsea Caves, you have been brought here for a very important reason," he began,

"I hope I haven't broken any magic law or anything?" She was being skeptical.

"You may not want to be here but you have to," he totally ignored her question, "there is more to this world than it seems, it's time you knew the truth,"

Father time told her about the existence of magic, the explained to her the story of the six gates keeping uncontrollable evil from destroying the earth, he also told her about th Gatekeepers, including her mother and lastly he told her about her responsibility as the sixth keeper.

"You see Chelsea, you're the one to find the others," Mother nature said.

"Sorry, but don't expect much from me, I'm just a kid," Chelsea voiced out.

"Don't think less of yourself, you are greatly needed at this time."

"You shoulder a responsibility of great importance." Father time said adding to the Queen of peace's words.

"And that is?" Chelsea was still unconvinced of why this discussion was still going on, she was clearly showing unintrest. Responsibility of anyking wasn't her strong suit.

"You have to find the first Gatekeeper, The first gate has been opened." Yang snapped harshly

"Since I'm the sixth Keeper can't I just close it?"

"I told told you, a gate can only be closed by its keeper, you can only open any gate at any time even if it isn't the year of an Alignment." Father time reminded.

"Those idiots who made these gates should have really worked out their design flaws." she didn't immediately notice the implications of her words but when Chelsea saw the annoyance on the faces of the members of the Alliance, she knew what she had said was stupid, "did I say idiots, I meant geniuses and your gate designs are great,"

Father time sighed, this wasn't going to be as easy as he had thought it would be, this girl had possibly gotten all the joy in life sucked out of her by living with foster parents, "You are far behind training, but I think there's a way we can make this work."

"Make what work?" She asked,

Mother nature knew what he was suggesting, "He means you need a trainer."

"Some one who would understand you and what you're going through." Queen of peace added,

Father time turned to Yang, "I think we need Justin."

"Absolutely not, he's hardly responsible for himself not talk of training someone else." Yang protested,

"Come on Yang, he boy is skilled, fun in his own way he can help her," Father time was persistent.

"Why don't I call any of the others?"

"Most of them have their own lives to live at this time of year. Yang we know you and him don't get along but for sake of earth work something out." Queen of peace replied.

"I hate to agree with Yang, I myself wouldn't recommend that boy to anyone but for the earth, Yang please." Mother nature pleaded also.

"Who's this Justin you guys have been talking about?" Chelsea had been listening to their conversation and had some how become interested. Yang snapped his fingers and in whirlwind of a flames a boy with dark hair just like his appeared standing beside Chelsea. The boy took one look at his surroundings and instantly flared up.

"Dad I've told you to stop bringing me here without my permission, I was in the middle of something important!"

Yang ignored the boy's out burst, "Chelsea meet my son, Justin Yang and Justin meet the sixth Keeper, Chelsea Caves."

Chelsea and Justin studied each other.

"If this is the only hope the earth has, then I'm truly sorry for it." Justin said,

"What exactly is my use for this piece of...leather garbage?" Chelsea asked the Alliance as she took note of Justin's jean and black leather outfit, he almost looked like a teenager in a biker gang.

"He's going to be your trainer, " Mother nature answered,

"No way," Chelsea said stomping her right leg,

"Yeah exactly, what makes you guys think I'll train this.... and for free I might add?" he added,

"You're not doing it for free, you gain a favour, your father has agreed to give you whatever you want." Father time said.

"Justin name your price." Yang looked like he knew what Justin was going to ask for,

"I want immortality, like the four of you." He said without any hesitation. The Alliance discussed it among themselves before Mother nature finally spoke on their part, "You'll get your request if and only if she improves by the next year."

Justin didn't need to think twice about this, he turned to Chelsea,

"Hello, I'm Justin Yang, your personal trainer, nice to meet you." He shook her hand.

Chelsea looked at her watch, no use going to school at this point, it was well past first period. "So anything else before I go?"

"Yes, come forward." Queen of peace said excitedly, Chelsea did, Yang brought out a flat box from underneath the table, it was opened and inside layed a sheathed sword. It was the coolest thing Chelsea had seen in her life, even with its sheath on,

"Chelsea, this was your mother's, in her journal she wrote her wish that it be given to you."Mother nature said. Chelsea closed the box and picked it up,

"Father time, can I have the journal?" She asked trying to act strong and not break down at the thought of her mum.

"We shall send it over in a week with the sword for now leave and enjoy your day."he replied.

She nodded and was walking to where she would open a doorway back to her street. Snowflake jumped down from the table and went after her, she patted the cat on its head.

"You can have her, consider it our own present for your birthday." Queen of peace said waving to them as they were about to leave. Chelsea smiled to herself it seemed like she had her summer work cut out for her after all, she waved back to th Alliance, brought out the trans-key and opened a door back to her street. She and Justin walked through, Snowflake was out in front, the door closed behind them as they left.

Only when she was in familiar surroundings did she allow her smile to fall. She was confused more so than any point in her life. Magic was real and she was a part of it. She looked to both sides of the street. She couldn't go home and she definitely couldn't go to school.

"Hey Justin, where do you want to go?"

"Don't you have school to get to, cause I'm sure wherever I'm going, you won't be allowed." He answered typing something on his phone.

"What the heck are you doing? You're suppose to training me."

"Hang on, I'm changing my status update to babysitting a tween"

She became angry,

"I'm not a tween, going to be fourteen soon?"

"But are you a teen? No."

She huffed. " I hate you." She began walking away,

"Hey kid, where are you going?" He called after her,

"To the park meet me there when you're ready."she yelled back. Justin wished he could just let her go but he had a deal with the Alliance, she was his ticket to immortality whether she liked it or not.

Chelsea sat on park bench, her schoolbag beside her and Snowflake on her lap, she was watching Justin hit on some girls near the park fountain, looks like she wasn't the only one not in school. She shrugged, school, nothing to do anyway, final exams were done and by september, she would be in their second year of high school, she wasn't sure if it would be a dream or another nightmare. She was so occupied with her thoughts that she didn't notice when Justin sat down on the other side of the bench.

"If you're done wondering in space, let's work things out"

She looked up. "What's there to work out?"

He wasn't bothered about the steel in her voice all he wanted was for the time to fly by so he could get his pay, "Where I'll stay, when we'll train-"

"Did you just say stay? " she shrieked,

He burst out laughing, "You didn't know that as your trainer and guardian I have to stay close to you?"

"Who the heck made you my guardian and don't you have a home or something?"

"It's not my fault I have to baby sit you." he muttered to himself, she heard him though. She put Snowflake on the bench and began to pace in front of it thinking of how to handle this.

"Uhm, kid can you stop pacing you're messing up my view,"

She stopped and followed his gaze to where the girls he had seen earlier were standing, he winked at them and they all began to blush. Chelsea sighed heavily and sank unto the warm grass, the following weeks were going to be very very long.

By three thirty, chelsea returned the house, at some point on the way, she realized Maryse and Max would have arrive home so she took her time and talked things over with Justin, she gave him  Snowflake, and explained they would hide the backyard of the house while, she found a way to let them in.

She got to the door and knocked,

"Why weren't you at school?"was Mr Lawsons' first question when he pulled her in. Mrs Lawson pinched her ear,

"Stubborn little brat, we pay so much yet you waste it."

"You pay nothing." Chelsea yelled pulling herself away from the woman, she ran up to her room and locked the door. For an hour or two she sat in her room, waiting for the family to head out like they usually do on Wednesdays, there was a knock on her door, she opened it and saw Max.

"Sorry about the school thing, Maryse brought it up."

"Max, are you talking to me?" She asked a little shocked,

"Who else? I just feel bad for you its not like I'm being nice or anything. We're going out, dad said if you're not home by the time we're back, your dad will have to find a foster home for whatever's left of you." With that Max left, chelsea felt as if he was finally warming up to her, after fourteen years.

Chelsea waited till she heard the car blare down the street before rushing downstairs to the back door. She opened it and in no time Justin and Snowflake were checking out the house. She showed them her room. "You guys will stay here,"

"Explain, " Justin said,

"You can stay on the bed anytime I'm not using it, there's a sleeping bag in my closet, use that at night and hide when you hear anyone coming up."

"What about the cat?"he asked pointing at Snowflake,

"She stays where she wants and there's an old litter box in the toilet. " chelsea felt proud of herself ,

"Nice work, almost like a home. "

She shrugged and sat on her bed, Snowflake jumped on too,

"Where's your real home?" She asked Justin,

"Don't have home, I travel the world with my dad's ex, Yin"

"Yin and Yang broke up, that's hilarious. I guess you have other siblings?"

"My dad is thousands of years old, of course I have siblings, they weren't immortal so they passed, I'm the last, for now, but I won't die, I'll live on."

"How old are you? "

"Sixteen." he responded kicking of his shoes and laying down on the bed. "I'll tell my dad to send some of my stuff tomorrow."

Chelsea checked the time on her phone, and remembered she had not spoken th Nelly and Ray all day, they would be worried,

"Justin stay up here and don't make a sound I want to call my friends over so don't blow your cover"

"Okay." He simply replied,

"Look after Snowflake." Chelsea went down stairs and called Ray and Nelly on her phone, they came over and when she had explained a totally well made lie to them, they believed her and went straight to planning her birthday party.

The following weeks went by as Chelsea had hoped, no one had found out about Justin or Snowflake. If she was able to say it out loud, she'd happily tell the Lawsons how dumb they were, there's a stranger in your house and you don't even notice, ha!

She and Justin did well to have arguments when the family wasn't around, to her he was just difficult and never wanting to agree to anything but she was happy she only had to put up with him for a few months, depending on how well she performed.

The beginning of summer marked the beginning of Chelsea's training, when the Lawsons left her behind so they could have several family outings, she spent time learning martial arts from Justin in the backyard, other times he would teach her sword fighting using sticks which would later on progress to real swords.

The day of her birthday party Chelsea was not that excited, as usual she got up early and put on her dress robe, she looked down at the side of her bed to see Justin snoozing peacefully, he almost looked agreeable, she thought. She carefully opened the door and closed it, she had to be quick and get back, she ran downstairs and out the door into the war summer morning breeze.

She got the mail out of the mail box and went through it; bills for Mr Lawson, love letters for Maryse and shockingly a parcel for her. She went in and dropped everything except for the parcle on the dining table. She was examining it when Maryse came in,

"What are you looking at dorkess?"

"Nothing."Chelsea replied and quickly hiding the parcle behind her back and skillfully walking past Maryse and climbing up the stairs,

"Wait right there, I heard you sleeping upstairs, how come you're down here?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Chelsea began climbing the stairs again, she heard Maryse coming behind her so she ran into her room slammed the door and locked it.

"Open up dorkess! I'll get my dad."

Chelsea ran to Justin, "Wake up, wake up"

"What's up?"he mumbled, stretching. She pulled him up and pushed him into the walk in closet,

"Stay quiet," she threw in the sleeping bag and the parcel, and carried Snowflake in before locking it and keeping the key in her robe pocket. Maryse was no longer at the door, she had gone to get either Mr or Mrs Lawson, Chelsea only had a little time. She took of her clothes and put on her towel. There was a knock on the door,"I'm busy, who's there?"

Chelsea went to the door, she hadn't heard anybody else so guessed it was just Maryse, she unlocked the door but before she could touch the handle, it flew open sending her to the ground. Maryse came in pulling a reluctant Max.

"You tricky little ant where's it?"

Chelsea picked herself up, "what do you mean?"

Max stopped his sister from attacking Chelsea, "I see we caught you at a wrong time, Maryse you can yell at her downstairs , right now let's go." He pulled her out of the room for Chelsea to have some privacy.

Once they were gone Chelsea let Justin out of the closet, though they could still hear Maryse trying to convince Max that something was going on, they were sure no one would come in soon. Justin locked the door,

"So should we be concerned about her?"

"No, just be more careful." Chelsea said, picking up the parcel, she tore open the brown wrapping paper and opened the box, at its bottom was book with its worn out front cover, written in boldly red was the name Lora Caves. The Alliance had sent a message stating the journal was proving hard to find and would take a while but now it was finally here.

"I guess it's your mum's, isn't it?" Justin inquired,

"It is,"she was about to open it when her name was called from downstairs. "Coming!!!" She shoved the book into a drawer and ran into her bathroom, in mere minutes she was out and dressed.

"Don't make a sound." She said to Justin and Snowflake before leaving the room and locking it from the outside.

"She still acts like she can't trust us, what are we stupid?"

Snoflake meowed at Justin's qestion before making herself comfortable on the bed, he lay down too began watching clips on his phone.

Chelsea reached downstairs to see Max holding out the phone to her, before she could take it Mr Lawson pulled her aside,

"One wrong word missy and the rest of your stay here will be hell, got that."

"Fine." she answered taking the phone from Max,

"Hello, sweetheart is that you." The voice was low and had a caring tone she knew who it was,

"Dad, where are you, won't you visit," she asked, aware the Lawsons were still watching her.

"I'll find time. Happy birthday, now you can tell me where you want to go this summer."

"Like an actual vacation, without the Lawsons?"

"Just you and any friend of you choice." He replied,

"I'll think about it, bye dad."

"Bye, Chelsea."

She slammed the phone right back into its place, the same thing he had said before, I'll make time, and instead of him to be on the vacation with her he just gives that spot to any of her friends.

"What did he say you brat?" Mr Lawson asked

"I'm not in the mood for you people today so let me just mourn my life, which you broke, in peace." Her voice sounded ice cold and angry, she shot them one last menacing look before going back to her room, often surprised herself at how she could make them scared when she was angry.

"So how was it?" Justin asked,

"I talked to my dad, says he'll pay for trips to anywhere I want to go this summer,"

"Great opportunity cause we need to go to LA by next week,"


He showed her the list with the names of the keepers families,

"The first Keeper was Mr Diez, according the internet he had died a few days after he was murdered but we and the AO know the truth."

"What does this have to do with LA?"

"One of the upcoming stars there is his son Antonio Diez aka Dj Tony- D."

Chelsea though about it and agreed to give her dad a call that night." Do you have a passport. "

"I can tell my aunt to send it over."

"Great. Let me go downstairs and get breakfast. "

"Chelsea, wait, "she stopped at the door and faced him, "Happy birthday."

She smiled. "Thanks."

That evening Chelsea and Justin snuck out of the house to her birthday party, Nelly had sent the address and they arrived a minutes after. The party was at Ray's house, his grandparents had gone to a theatre, or something like that. Chelsea stepped into the room and was greeted with loud cheers,

"Happy birthday, my fave BFF in the world," Nelly squealed hugging her, "I have to ask you something, who is that cutie that came with you and is he single?"

"He's a friend and to be honest I don't knowif he's single, but knock yourself out."

Nelly squealed and made her way to the crowd of girls surrounding Justin.

"Who is that guy?" Ray asked Chelsea when they were alone,

"He's my friend, he's just being himself,"

"So he's an attention hog? Great,"

"Are you jealous, Ray?"

"Not the slightest, he doesn't have your attention does he?"he asked sipping his soda,

Chelsea glanced at Justin then back at Ray, "not my type."

"So who is your type? Give an example with anyone you know."

She blushed a little and was about to reply when, Justin cut in,

"Chelsea, there you are, come on let's dance." He didn't even wait for her to answer before pulling her unto the dance floor, she had a quick glance at Ray who looked very upset.

"Justin what the heck, dude? You dragged me away from a very interesting conversation."

"We have to go I'm having a bad feeling things are about to go wrong. "

"Well lets go I'll explain to my friends." They then noticed every eye in the room was on them and they were the only ones on the dance floor, "what are they looking at?"she whispered.

"They're waiting for a show, so let's give one." he pulled her close and gave her a quick kiss on the lips.

The people in the room were ecstatic and cheering, when everyone had gone back to what they were doing, Chelsea slapped Justin.

"Never, no matter the circumstances do that again,"

Suddenly a shrill sound filled the room, it was coming from outside, everyone rushed out to see what had happened. The sound went on like a torturous scream of agony, shrill, high pitched and soul piercing,.

"The Gate of Discord and Chaos?" Chelsea heard Justin whisper, he took her hand, "let's go"

The sound didn't stop,it was like the sky was screaming, soon the clouds and sky moved between colours of gray and apocalyptic red, lightning fell from the sky striking any thing it could. After a while it all stopped as sudden as it had begun.

"What, happened back there?" Chelsea asked Justin before they reached home,

"Some evils that have escaped the first gate, the screams of torture and the lightning of death. The scream can drive some mad while the lightning can kill anyone it hits. "

"We have to find Antonio, I'll call my dad about the trip tonight."

"Awesome, it's settled, we're going to Los Angeles." He said with excitement.

The following week, Chelsea and Justin were at the airport with their bags, she had convinced Nelly to help her take care of Snowflake and her dad had sent over their chaperone, his collegue and business partner.

"This is amazing, the first time I'm leaving town on my own," Chelsea said happiness clearly written on her face.

"I travel a lot so its not really that exciting, except we're going to Los Angeles, I heard they have hot chics."

"Is there any thing you think of besides girls?" She asked not surprised. The man led them to a private hanger, with a jet in it.

"Chelsea who is your father? Cause I want him to be mine,"

Justin said in a star struck voice, he ran up the stairs leading into the plane, "Chels, you have check this out."

She went in after him and saw what he was gasping about, the interior of the aircraft was classically furnished and looked like something owned by a celebrity.

"Forget first class, I'm all about private jets now." He sighed relaxing into a soft chair. The chaperone put their bags in the proper places,

"We'll be there in a couple of hours make yourselves comfortable" he said and left to the cockpit. The jet took off in a few minutes and once they were stable in the air, Chelsea and Justin enjoyed the rest of the trip, they could do anything, they wanted, for jumping on chairs to bugging the pilot by asking how close they were to LA.

After a few few hours, they arrived at the airport in LA, a cab to them to the hotel, Mr Caves had booked. The two had decided to share a room, it would be okay since they had survived it for some weeks how hard was going to be two more. The bellhop brought their bags into the room and Chelsea gave him a tip, her dad had sent her money through the chaperone, who was in the room next door.

"So, do we share the be like we do at your house or..."

"Don't bother, its large enough, but you keep to your side."

"And you keep to yours." He completed. That day they spent a lot of time trying to find out more about Antonio and finally they found his home address online.

"But how do we get to see him, you just don't go to a star a tell him the fate of the world is at stake."

"I have a crazy plan that just might work." Che.sea grinned.

The next day, they went to Antonio's home, it was a mansion like building with high walls and everything. They were searched at the gate and were let through. Chelsea rang the door bell, man, a butler, opened the door,

"How may I help you?"

"We wish to speak to Mr Diez."

"Who are you, might I ask?"

Chelsea scowled, "Don't you know I am Miss Chesterfield of Chesterfield music records how dare I am treated with such disrespect, I'm sure it's because of my height, you rude fool." She was dressed in a pantsuit, with lots of jewelry and huge dark glasses.

"Miss Chesterfield, it seems Mr Diez no longer wants our propsal, his butler just lost him the deal of a lifetime." Justin said playing his part also, dressed as a personal assistant.

They turned to leave. The butler immediately called them back and apologised, they told him to give them a private place where they could discuss with Antonio. They were escorted into a large, open room with plush chairs, they sat waiting for Antonio arrive.

Surprisingly he came alone, a boy about fifteen with coco brown hair, his eyes were hidden behind his sunglasses and his smile was quite enchanting.

"Miss Chesterfield, it is an honour. " he said gladly

"Sorry to spoil your mood kid." Justin said as he and chelsea threw of their glasses. Chelsea replaced hers with her rea, ones.

"Who are you people?"

"I'm Chelsea Caves the sixth Keeper, this is my partner, Justin Yang." she explained everything to him as fast as she could because through the full lenght glass windows they could see the storm of death was about to begin again.

"You guys, I'd be happy yo help but if that's how my dad died and my mum didn't tell me it has to be for good reason." He said after the explanation.

"Don't you get it, there won't be a reason for anything once the Gate destroys the world."

"You're the only one who can close it, Tony, please."

The guy looked thoughtful for only a split second, "will this be hard?" He seemed a bit hesitant now.

"The longer we wait the more dangerous it gets disc jockey," Justin drawled. Chelsea jabbed him in the side. She wasn't one for emotions but even she understood how scared Tony probably felt.

"No one expects stuff like this to ruin their normal life Antonio, I don't blame you for over thinking but you're our only shot here."

"Only shot huh?" He then sighed, "then let's save the world, can't have it ending before I'm world famous."

"But first we have to get out of here," Justin pointed out.

"No one can walk through that storm," Chelsea put in.

"What about drive?" Tony threw a key to Justin, "you can drive can't you?"

"I can, so let's go, the first gate can be opened just outside the city."

The three of them got out of the house unseen by the guards. Tony took them to the garage, where he showed them the car they would be taking, a cool black Mercedes.

"How do we get past the front gate?" Chelsea asked. Tony grinned as he dialed a number on his phone, he spoke in Spanish for sometime often yelling and possibly swearing, he ended the call,

"I've told them they should open up cause you two are leaving, I'll hide in the back."

They drove past the gate unsuspected, and drove back to their hotel,

"I want to get the sword, I'll be back." Chelsea said getting out of the car.

"Hurry," Justin called after her,

"She's cute, is she single?" Tony asked,

"Don't get an ideas, she'llslice you in half,"

Tony shrugged, he'd ask her himself.

Chelsea came back soon enough, they began their journey to the outskirts of the city. Chelsea was a bit surprised at how calm and collected Tony was, she wished she was that way.

She took the time to talk about closure keys, something she had read about in her mums journal. They belong to each keeper and can open, but mostly, close the gates.

"Well find yours don't worry."

The further they got from the city the more Tony complained about about a headache.

"You're getting atuned the Gate energy, that's how you know the best place to open a specific gate, we must be close." Justin explained. At a point, Tony actually passed out.

"Tony, wake up."Chelsea said shaking him lightly, Justin had stopped the car and they got off.

"Not my best moment," Tony woke up and as soon as his feet touched the ground it shook.

"Tony, tell the Gate to reveal itself." Chelsea said.

"You're kidding." He then saw how serious they were, he couldn't believe what he was about to do, "First Gate, I command you to reveal yourself. That how it works?"

The ground trembled and opened up. They backed away from the cracks.

An abyss came into sight, from its depths a ball of light came out and temporarily blinded them. When the shaking stopped and he light faded, they saw, right in front of them was a tall gate, just like the one Chelsea had seen in the dream of her mum.

Unfortunately they didn't see any key. Chelsea went back into the car and re-read that part of her mum's journal, that's when she got another crazy idea, she took the sword and met the boys in front of the gate,

"I think we need to go in."

To Justin this was just something else he was used to, "See you guys at the other side," the gate was half open and clearly anyone could see there was no ground inside, but Justin seemed to know what he was doing, he dived in and was soon out of sight.

Tony took Chelsea's hand "you're scared?"

"Pretty much."

He took of is shades and pocketed them she did the same with her glasses,"are you ready?"

She took a deep breath and nodded, they jumped in at he same time into the abyss.