
becoming immortal

"he" had everything, but he was still nothing but a spec of dust in the universe. So he grew untill he was no longer just a spec. He realized he could still die, but he still wanted to live. so he would do anything he could to survive. - The story follows the main character who reached a new world and is exploring ways to become stronger while getting closer to his own experiences, alongside the side characters who will interact with him. author's note: I'll be open to some suggestions. please leave reviews if you want to. (cover art is made by me so it's not very good)

OFWAR · Fantasía
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43 Chs

Confusing humanity.

It's been a while since the last time I saw somebody else... Ah! right, We got to know if we can communicate first.

[Do you understand me?]

[### ### ###! ####### ########!]

//language analysis complete//

Huh... that's convenient, I didn't even need to concentrate in listening to him, yet I already deciphered his language.

Ah! I can't just stand here without talking to him, it'd be rude.

[Ah, this is much better. Now I can actually talk with you]

huh huh... why is he shuddering? so funny.

Let's smile to show him that I'm not a threat.

If I remember correctly... you just needed to raise your mouth like this... something is off, but it's probably fine.

[Where did you came from?! What is your purpose!]

Mmmm? What does he mean by that.. oh, right! Any person would be surprised if a stranger suddenly appeared in their house!

[It's fine, I didn't intend to surprise you! I didn't have complete control over the place I was gonna be thrown into, and I just ended up here, sorry]

Hmmm... I think I still don't remember how to talk properly, I spent one and a half minutes saying that sentence. I shouldn't do that.

//problem solved//

[Come on, I'm sorry okay! You don't have to shiver like that... Just tell me if you're feeling uncomfortable]

Has he calmed down now? maybe I should try getting more "human" so this isn't so awkward...

//feelings restored//


I was making a very weird smile wasn't I?

Well, anyways let's continue our conversat-

//imminent treath//

Wait, what is happening with that guy? is he about to blow u-

//response activated//


Bleh... So this is how his brain looks like...

//feelings deactivated//

It's a shame I couldn't talk with him, but I guess there must be more people to talk to. More importantly, his brain is filled with energy I can absorb, so I guess I should use it.



Bleh... this energy seems pretty useful.