
The cafeteria

"Oba-san give me a yakisoba-bun." She said.

Then the oba-san said, "Sorry, reina-chan. It seems like you are quite late. This young man just picked the last bun now. So it can't be helped."

Suddenly she looked at me and made an innocent face saying, "Haruto-san, you wouldn't mine giving this yakisoba-bun to this pretty classmate of yours, would you?"

I was really surprised seeing her appearance. (not to mention she looked very cute thou)

But I am not a businessman for notch. If I could just let her take it, it would have hurt my guts. So I wasn't intending to give it to her without any cost.

So I said, " I might give half of the bun to you then what will you offer in exchange of it ?"

"what ??? only half ! I haven't even eaten my breakfast yet and I have club activities. Are you that cruel to the heart?"

Wo! I didn't know she was in that kind of situation but still backing down now would be pointless. [in my mind]

"do you not want it then?"

"of course I want it. Then I'll give you the full money for the half yakisoba-bun and buy you a drink."

"I~ don't want it." Lightening my voice a little.

"what? Then what do you want?''

The weather was quite good outside. Bright sunny day , blue sky, warming temperature. And in the heat of that moment I subconsciously uttered,

"Then…be my friend."

I just stood there expressionless but in my mind,

[ wh~~~at? What the hell did I just do. Did I just asked her to be my friend. Why the f/@k did I just said that? Did I loosed some screws from my mind. I was really caught off-guard. I was actually saving this line for later as I wanted to apologize for being rude with her all the time]

Then thinking about nothing I hesitantly said, "wait, it's not what you think. Just forget everything I said just now. Just forget it If you want the bun. Forget it."

I looked at her face. All of a sudden her face turned red. She kept looking at the floor and said, "I don't need your bun."

She started walking. Again my body moved subconsciously and I grabbed her hand saying, "please don't go yet."

I opened the bun and gave half to her.

" I don't need anything just take the half bun."

[my face also turned red somehow]

Ok. (she said)

I think it was an awkward situation for both of us. As If we forgot that we even had fights.

Luckily there wasn't much people at the cafeteria at that time. probably because soon the break time will be over.

We sat in the tables and started eating it because we were also in a hurry.

I opened the half yakisoba-bun and started eating it.

Man what should I say. It was super delicious. Just as I predicted.

"Delicious, isn't it?" , she said. (She was also eating)

Of course! I loved it. (I said)

Then a thought crossed in my mind so I asked.

" by the way, why are you talking to me. Didn't you said you hate me?" I said. ( a little curious)

Suddenly she came close to me and whispered in my ears saying, "you don't have to know it yet. Ba-ka."

[ 'baka' means stupid in Japanese]

Then she quickly ran off.

My face again turned red.

Why did she said that and what did she meant by 'yet'? seriously that girl is quite mysterious thou she gives me such a familiar vibe. I really need to find out who she is.

I just finished eating when hiro called me out.

"Hey! Haruto, can you pay the bill? I really ate to my hearts content thanks to you. Hahaha"

Yeah ok. Good for you. Then you go ahead I am coming after paying.

Then Hiro said, "Speaking of which, you and riena-san seemed to be very close. Are you guys childhood friends or something?"

"Pff! Me and that silly girl. Don't be ridiculous." I said.

"Really! Aw you guys look so good together. Would I hook you with her? I am an experience expert after all."

"Expert my foot. I don't even wanna talk with her let alone hook up." I said.

"Hmm, let's see in the future. Cause my friend youth is the best time of life. So enjoy it to your hearts content that's what I believe." (hiro mumbled)

Actually what he said isn't wrong I guess. Cause I have always been chasing only one road and that is being successful and earn money and I never had the chance to see many things. That's why I lack social abilities and the urge to trust people and consider them close. May be If I could realized it sooner then perhaps I could also be friends with HER.

life really has regrets.

But it also gives us a second chance. So we should embrace it and change our fate.

That's how I become successful in earning money and fame.

Then may be, even I, can also try to fit in society and make friends like other people.

Yes. I have decided.

From now on I will try my best in both work and in fitting into society.

Yes this is the path that I have chosen and I will go through it until I see the light at the end.

"I think you have discovered something interesting." Hiro said.

Then come quickly, ok? It's getting late for the class. You should probably know the way to the clssroom by now.

I was shocked and asked, "Wait! how did you know I didn't know the directions?"

"Well If you're to ask me, pure instincts I suppose. I am the model student of this school after all."

After saying this he left the cafeteria.

I was speechless. That air-head is really the model student. I should probably watch out from him. Again he doesn't seem to be a bad person. So he can hang around with me.

Frankly speaking he is my first step of going through the path that I have chosen.

Phew! A lot of things happened today. I should hurry back to the class. Hiro is waiting for me, my very first FRIEND.

I quickly paid the bill and was heading to the class when a girl called me,

Satsuki-san, do you have a moment?

I looked back. And I probably recognized her.

"Hey! You're probably the girlfriend of Hiro, right?" I said to her.

"Well, yeah technically."

"What do you wanna talk about?" I said.

"Stop hanging around with Hiro, Satsuki-san" she replied.

But why? ( I became a little serious)

"I can't tell you that just stop being friends with him. It would be better for you." Saying this she quickly left.

What does she mean by that? (I wondered)

Any way I didn't heed to her. Huh! Why should I ?

Hiro is my first friend after all. And I don't like giving away my possessions,

I went back to the class and then the class started.

The final bell rang.

"Ah! Finally it's time to leave." I mumbled.

I was preparing my bag when the class monitor came in front of me.

[Long hair, tall body and a serious vibe]

"Hello my name is Kiba. Nice to meet you. Will you become my friend?"

I thought, Oh! Wow another friend without any effort.

"Ok If you're so much insisting it can't be helped." I said.

"Oh! Thank you, then as a friend I have a request,

PLEASE DON'T FIGHT IN THE CLASS." (suddenly shouting)

I became angry and said,

Why are you only telling me why not that girl.

I looked at her desk. She already left.

Now that I think about it she never looked at me after the time in cafeteria. Did she become angry? (Not that it matters though)

Then the kiba guy said,

you are the only here,

"Yeah, yeah. I got it. I will keep your words in mind." I said.

"Good then. And about the other thing, we are now friends so please take care of me." He said.

Oh! I was impressed. So then I became friends with him and finally went home.

Reaching home I quickly took a shower and sat on the couch in the living room to relax a little bit. My dad was out for some works and mom went to shopping.

Then hiromichi oji-san came and asked, "Haruto-sama it seems you have lost your phone. Would you like to see your new phone now?

I'll do that letter. By the way, was today's deal sorted out or should I step in?

No, Haruto-sama, your father did a wonderful job in handling the local clients.

Good then. I'll look into the details later, I said.


Hiromichi oji-san was really close to me. I talked about many things with him which I never really shared with my parents. My grandparents died before I was born. So I looked at him like a grandfather. He also loved me very much.

"Oji-san, will I be able to make friends here?" I asked him.

"Of course! If it's the young master we're talking about you can do anything with your determination and hard work. You just need to believe in your-self"

It really made me happy.

Then I asked him to leave went to my room and stated studying.

Up until now I never enjoyed going to school but today really was something.

Today I saw HER in my dreams, caught up late and ran with teacher, ate my most wanted food, made two new friends and finally realized my true path. And there's that silly girl, what was her name again, oh right!


She is a lively and a short tempered girl. We are like oil and water. But still I kind of feel the moments I spent with her weren't half bad. She is rather very cute when I think about her.

Aaah! What am I doing? I shouldn't be thinking about her. I should really go to bed.

Riena huh....

Finally the day ended. Today was rather very exhausting but I think enjoyed it.