
Chapter 1

Once there was a girl her name was star she was so beautiful she was 16 year old she lives with her stepmother father and two stepsisters in a small village her stepmother was her big mom

her father was married her mother in hiding of her first wife after 5 years of marriage when star was 4 years her mother left her from dying cancer♋ then her father told all trues to her wife and said sorry to her and request her about star cares first she was cried and then accept her star was so cried

and then she look Diana and Rusa so she smiled Diana was 8 year old and rusa were 5 when they meet each other they were makes like best friends

after 12 years they lives happily but the some of reasons her stepmother and Diana were occurred her rudely they were not rich but them small life were going easily

Mother father was working in farmland star and her sisters was handles them animals

Star was every night sitts outside and missing her mother she talked to stars🌟 to finds her mother

One night🌃 When everyone was sleeped then star sits outside then suddenly one flashy light fall from sky star was star was stand and walk slowly slowly then her eyes was fall on flashy stone

She go ahead as soon as she touched the stone at the place of this one awfully flashy light is fall star was closed her eyes when the light was disappear then star was open her eyes 👀

What she was seeing She was surprised because she was on another world star was scared she says which place is this there is a day and this place is so beautiful like paradise she walked slowly slowly everywhere was so green and there are colorfull flowers

She thinks about her home and family she said i can go to my home the then the time of sunset🌇 she think about help but there was no-one then every where gradually darkening then star was sits there and she was cried

Suddenly star lesson a voice of wolf 🐺 star was so scared and rise up she looked there were more wolves they coming from distant near to her she was running and the wolves are behind of her

Suddenly someone Streching her towards cave and put a hand on her lips the light of moon is fall on them eyes and they look each other the wolves are gone star pushed the stranger and told him

Who are you and which place is this how i have to go to my home he was just missing in her beauty star was wag her hand✋ and say who are you then he smiled did you don't know to say thank you star say oh sorry thank you so much to save my life he says I am living here star say really Are you living in forest with wolves he say yes this is my home star say can you help me i want to go to my home he says 1 Time whose came here then they go from here with the permission of magical beauty queen 👑

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