
Chapter 144 You Are Not Worthy to Challenge Me!

A storm was looming over Ye Corporation.

Yet at Ye Corporation, an incident occurred: Xiao Yifeng was playing games in the sales department when suddenly, He Li, the Deputy Head of the Security Department appeared before him, his face filled with urgency.

"Is there a problem?" Xiao Yifeng asked, looking at He Li.

"Mr. Xiao, someone is causing trouble at Ye Corporation. Please go take a look," He Li said anxiously.

"Isn't dealing with troublemakers supposed to be the responsibility of your security department? Don't tell me you guys are just slacking off," Xiao Yifeng retorted unceremoniously.

However, He Li did not show any sign of anger and continued, "It's people from the Chen Family Martial Arts Hall. They have specifically challenged you and injured many of our brothers, even Minister Wang has been injured by them."

"People from the Chen Family Martial Arts Hall?" Xiao Yifeng was taken aback, thinking of Chen Xiu.