

A vulgar nomadic drifter with a strange affliction comes to the aid of a teenage runaway. Their bond brings new challenges and many great new risks as his affliction and her inescapable youth place them at odds with the world around them.

Knight_Wind · Fantasía
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55 Chs

Chapter 11: Not The Wooing Type

Roadside Motel, Trenton County, Oregon.....

The unmistakable roar of a revved engine filled the area as Rae chanced a peek out the large motel window. She had taken to putting on the black t-shirt, the man she came to identify as "Duko", left behind and awaited his return. She took some time to watch television but was disappointed when the only thing playing aside from annoying commercials, due to basic cable being the only thing the company was springing for in terms of cash for customer value, was the continued news cycle about bodies being discovered mutilate via a vicious wild animal at the truck stop. She didn't care to hear much about that as she had her own problems with that place and bad memories of the events to last a lifetime.

Before she heard the roar of the engine, she was lounging in one of the chairs with her knees pressed up against her chest and the black t-shirt folded over them as she had nothing else on and it was very awkward sitting with her semi wet bare bottom in the chair alone. She could see from the window that Duko had returned wearing nothing aside from his dark jeans and a pair of black sunglasses as he put his bike in park. He turned off the engine and approached the door to their room after climbing off. She could see the strap of what she made out to be a black bag on his shoulder as he neared the door digging the key to the room out of his pocket and opened it.

Rae didn't understand the feeling of relief and peace that washed over her when he stepped into the room she felt as if her bout of anxiety vanished in that very instant. Duko casually kicked the door closed behind him as he tossed what was actually a black backpack onto floor at the foot of the bed while he took off his sunglasses.

His dark blue eyes seemed to survey their surroundings for a moment before he kicked off his boots and flopped down on the bed. Rae didn't know what to make of him as his gaze focused on her.

"Good morning to you too, Duko." she said finding amusement in the name.

"It's Duke, if you please." he said slightly annoyed that she used they name. "Haven't been Duko since I was sixteen and the last person to call me that was my own deadbeat Dad."

As annoyed as he was that she called him Duko, he was glad she didn't refer to him as Channon.

"Well Duke, I don't mean to be a bother, but in case you haven't noticed I don't have anything else to wear." said Rae.

Duko yawned and leaned back against the pillows of the bed.

"That's what I brought the bag for." he said in a borderline lazy tone and turned his attention toward staring up at the ceiling.

Rae noticed the black backpack and how it was similar to the one she lost. She picked it up and started going through it. She'd been amazed to find that he managed to get a few things for her in the form of clothes that fit that included a fresh pair of jeans, a bra (which she found to be odd due to him knowing her exact size ), underwear, and socks black in color and very comfortable. She couldn't believe that he also managed to bring back food, drinks, and a few notebooks with pens with black ink. It was bazaar that he knew what she liked despite them only meeting the previous night.

"How did...?" she began.

"Lucky guess." replied Duko casually. "Figured that would keep you happy til we leave."

"Leave?" she said caught off guard by his words and their implication. "We?"

Duko sat up in bed with an arched brow.

"Never figured you for a soft touch Raelynn." he said smirking at the annoyance in her expression at the mention of her full first name which she never told him."You know shopping through your bedroom is definitely a lot easier than buying anything outright."

Rae's eyes widened when she heard this. She never told him she was from Trenton County, let alone where her house was. Duko climbed off the bed and walked toward her slowly with his intense dark blue gaze on her much like always since she's been in his company.

"You're mine." he told her pointedly. "So rest up, we got a long ride ahead of us tomorrow and possible rain on the horizon."

She stared at him for several minutes not understanding why she should object or if she even wanted to, this was her chance to finally leave Trenton for good and he was definitely her ticket out of town. Duko seemed to be satisfied with her lack of protest and he stepped away from her to flop back down into the bed, this time kicking off his jeans and propping his head up on one of the white pillows.

While Rae didn't disagree with leaving town, she couldn't quite figure out how she had become "HIS" all of the sudden. They barely even knew one another and she wasn't in the least outright claiming to be his girlfriend. He was thirty five after all, a very handsome and obviously strong thirty five, but thirty-five nonetheless.

"Did you at least bring a..." she began only to be silenced by him in reply.

"Check the bag." he said cutting through her question.

Rae couldn't help but smile as she pulled one of her favorite hooded sweatshirts from the backpack.

"Also, that asshole you call Ed Earl, was gracious enough to deal out cash and give you his blessing for whatever that is worth to you." said Duko once more with his attention back on her.

Rae found herself at a loss for words in that moment. He had actually met Ed Earl and left him alive. She couldn't imagine how terrified the drunken bastard must have been when he found himself in the presence of a real man so to speak.

"To make a long story short, you are mine now and clear to travel cross country with me wherever I choose and should you choose to see Ed Earl before we take off that's fine by me, but I'll be tagging along." he continued.

Rae didn't really have an interest in seeing Ed Earl and let her imagination do a bit of running in that regard. Duko stretched a bit in bed and she found herself inching close to it dropping the backpack altogether and climbing on the other side still in nothing aside form his t-shirt and still a bit soaked from her shower.

She thought it an odd compulsion to be near him, he was a vulgar naked drunkard with little to no common decency as he didn't seem to mind always taking his clothes off when in her presence. Duko seemed amused by her contemplation as he flexed his cock causing it to stand up beneath his blue colored boxer shorts.

Rae came to the conclusion that Duke wasn't in the least the wooing type when it came to women and settled onto her side of the bed as he took up the remote control, she didn't know he took the time to swipe from the table where she left it when she was too busy staring at him, and turned on the television.

The morning after her unfortunate disaster of an outing the day before didn't turn out to have been so bad.