In a magical world where the strong dominate the weak, humanity relies on the so-called elites, the most talented individuals, for its survival. Locked in an eternal struggle against more powerful races, magical beasts, and other humans, the Silver Flame Nation depends on the royal academy to forge its elites. Mike, a boy born into a humble family, wants to find his older brother, who mysteriously cut ties with his family after joining the royal academy. But there’s one problem: only the greatest geniuses in the nation get the chance to take the academy’s admission test, and for that, Mike has nothing but luck to rely on. However, along the way, Mike stumbled upon a strange object that would turn his life upside down, a mysterious egg. [Ding! User detected… Beginning user compatibility evaluation with the system...] [Ding! Evaluation complete! The user is 100% compatible with the system! Welcome!] With this strange system that granted him random eggs and the ability to tame the beasts that emerged from them, Mike embarked on an epic journey to find his brother while facing the challenges this magical world had in store. Follow Mike on his journey as he uncovers more about this magical world and strives to become the greatest beast master in the world! Well… at least he tries.