
Awakened Independently (Part 4)

Riley lowered his head and remained silent.

The three of them assumed he had been discouraged and didn't continue discussing independent awakenings.

Little did they know that Riley was restraining himself from bursting into uncontrollable laughter.

Independentl awakenings!

When he first arrived, he had successfully awakened independently!

Back then, he had no idea what it was when he awakened, thinking it was some sort of special power. It was only after his memories merged that he realized it was the Beast Tamer Codex that awakens at the age of 15.

Since most people awakened at the age of 15, he hadn't paid much attention to it, but he had no idea the gap between independent awakening and awakening through magnetic wave stimulation would be so significant.

No wonder Riley's original self was a poor student. When his memories first merged, he didn't even understand the stark difference between independent awakening and awakening through magnetic waves.



Without the pressure of the national exam, Riley felt more relaxed when studying. He didn't just memorize the book; he actually absorbed some of the knowledge.


[ Mudtle belong to the Earth type, commonly found in desert tropical regions, with black eye circles, and they're not good at swimming. ]


"Why is a tortoise, of all things, not good at swimming? If you can't swim, why are you a tortoise? Why are you an Earth type and not a Water type?"

"You're a tortoise, so why would you rust?"


[ Mouspine should not be exposed to rain, because their bodies are prone to rust and they like sunshine ]


"Why do you, a Spirit Beast get rust?"

"If your type is steel and you rust when it rains, why do you like the sun? Aren't you afraid of oxidation and rust?"

Seeing so much common knowledge made him want to make fun of it.

However, because of this, Riley didn't find reading these materials is painful. In fact, he found it quite interesting and he didn't need to rembered them hard; the information just stuck on his brain.

School was over soon.

Riley packed up his things, but before leaving his seat, a boy with black-framed glasses approached him. "Riley, the homeroom teacher wants to see you in the office."

Riley blinked in surprise. "Alright, I'll go."

The boy with glasses, Marlon, was the class monitor in their class, so he was used to such requests from the teachers when it came to Riley.

As the eternal third to last student in the class, it was a common occurrence for Riley.

The original Riley had grown used to it, but the current Riley was not accustomed to this treatment, especially when the teacher's spit flew onto his face.

"What's wrong with you? We're about to take the national exam, and your performance is like this! How can you justify this to yourself? How can you justify this to your parents?"

Riley silently took a step back. "Teacher, please calm down."

"Calm down? How can I calm down when you're like this? I've taught so many batches of students, but I've never seen someone as poor as you!" The teacher continued his verbal attack, getting even more agitated.

As someone who had been considered a top student in his past life, this was the first time Riley had ever been treated this way. He silently took another step back. "There's a reason why my performance is like this."

The teacher sneered, "Oh? What's the reason?"

"Well, I actually awakened independently, but my mind hasn't fully adjusted yet."

At that moment, Riley felt quite proud of his quick thinking.

"Hmph." The teacher let out a sarcastic laugh. "It seems like we teachers have been too lenient with you."

Riley looked puzzled. What does this have to do with whether the teachers have been lenient with me or not?

The teacher then took out a contact book from a drawer, opened it, and dialed a number listed inside.

It didn't take long for the call to connect.

"Is this Riley's parent? I'm Riley's homeroom teacher. Do you have time to come to the school right now?"

Riley: ...

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