
be my favorite Dr Kang

finding and rejection

Saira_8617 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
2 Chs

chapter 1 BL NOVEL

Be my favourite Dr.kang

[ ] Biography and role

• Dr Kang... He's a doctor by

• profession and lead role

• Cheif Lee min jae

He's a cheif surgeon and he

only have to

attended the special patients

( first class)

Lee min jae is the friend of

nurse min and Dr Kang

• Nurse min

She is the school friend of

doctor Kang Ahan's and

colleges friend of Lee min jae 's

And she's the nurse where Dr

Kang work...


The father of Kang Ahan's is

the director of the hospital

( Kang shin bong)

And the colleague of chief

surgeon Lee

He's the also a surgeon

and the relationship

between the cheif Lee and

cheif tae is worse

And this story starts from

their university

Both are the amazing

surgeon their skills and

there way of diagnosis are

amazing 😁😁

((((But both are the enemy)


Dr Kang and chief lee BF😍😍😍😍

And friend of cheif Tae


[ ] First scene

[ ] Hospital view

[ ] Asan medical centre....

[ ] Morning time 8:45

Move away, this is an emergency.

A policeman from an ambulance takes a

patient down by saying

Her daughter who is with her cries nothing

will happen to you mom mom mom when

she enters the hospital crying.

And she calls doctor help me doctor my

mother has had an accident please look at

her she is not talking The police lady said

to this girl, take care of yourself

And come here

Dr Kang.come and asks what happened to her

The policeman said that she had an a car


When the.

Dr. Kang is checking him with histhe ki


The nurse is standing by.

Dr Kang... said to the nurse that the patient is

bleeding profusely.

So Prepare the operation theater and

arrange the blood okay

nurse.... ok doctor

The doctor tokes her away,

And nurse asked to her daughter goes

with her, and wait for her at the banch

and after nurse asks her what is your

mother's blood group.

Nurse Yes she went to the girl and asked

what is the blood group of your mother

Scene change....


Dr Kang was washing his hands outside

the operation theater,

The nurse came and asked

Dr Kang what is the blood group of the girl's


the blood group of her mother Is not in the hospital now,

so now...

what should we have to do

Dr. Kang.... asked in a surprising way.

Nurse min.... worried face 🤔🤔

Dr Kang... But this patient has lost a lot of blood

Nurse min.... Yes I know

( Nurse Min and Dr. Kang are worried what to do now )

If you want, I can help you Dr. Kang.

" Dr Kang looked behind and

Dr Kang.....


Oh Chief Lee you here ( with down voice)

Chief Lee Yes.

but I think right now your patient

needs the blood and medicine,

so let's go for her treatment 😜😜 hmm

Dr Kang.yes why not hurry up and they go

to the operation theater

( Second Scene ))))

Outside the operation theater

when Dr. Kang took off his mask

That girl went to Dr. Kang,

How is my mother now?

Is she okay, doctor?

Crying way

Dr Kang. yes, he is fine now, don't worry,

girl, I can see her now doctor.

DOCTOR KANG: Yes, in some time, she will

be shifted to the ER, then you can see your

mother When Dr. Kang walks a few steps

away, you hear someone call out

It was Chief Lee

say thank you.

Nurse Chief Surgeon Lee called you the director,


A nurse who was seated to the left of Chief

Surgeon Lee

The chief surgeon

asked what happened

Nurse that

Chief Lee Running towards the private


Scene change Director come on Chief

Surgeon Lee

Chief Surgeon Lee, who is breathing

heavily . The director is actually the point

The chief of K is doing a surgery and a lot

of blood has flowed during the surgery

and if the blood is not given on time, the

patient may die. CHIEF SURGEON Lee Oo

So what can I do? Director Umm and the

group are not in the hospital now and

blood has been ordered from a nearby

hospital but it will be too late. And I want

you to give blood to this patient

Chief Surgeon Lee is silent for a moment in

thought and looks at Dr. Kang who is on

his right side.Chief Surgeon Lee looks

back at the director. And he says yes Yes

why not It will be a matter of pride for me

if my blood saves the life of a patient

Director Smiley Face I hope "yes "from you

Dr. Kang laughed strangely SCENE



NURSE MAN Affff man, Is your father out

of his mind Dr. Kang seeing Nurse Man,

he says that "he is an idiot" and he leaves

from there towards his cabin

After donating blood Diage In the

director's cabin

Director, I hope the same

from you today, you have done a great job,

patting his shoulder, if you don't give blood

today, that patient will not be alive now

Chief Surgeon Lee. how are you talking

Dr. Kang who is listening to these words

from outside the operation theater and

There comes a boy Who listens to what

the Director and Chief Surgeon Lee are

doing inside

And there comes a girl who's Dr. Kang's sister

she says to the boy oh you're here

and she looks inside and she sees this boy aren't you going to meet with director

The boy looks like he's in a meeting

(The girl whose name is Kang Li Soo,)

oh no, she's just talking to Chief Lee about the operation

Dr. Kang is listening to them and seeing Chief Lee

Dr. Kang why he is so

stupid and leaves.

( The boy is the son of that patient's)

The boy's name is( Kim Jong Ho)who is looking at Chief Lee with a smiley face

Cheif Lee... I am a doctor and it is my duty to do whatever I can to save the patient's life.

This is what I expect from you," says the director to Smiley Face

CHIEF LEE Well, now I'm on my way

Director yes ok then you drink some juice etc

Chief surgeon Lee. Huh? okay director 🙂

There the director sees Kim Jong-ho and

says hey, why are you outside? Come in.

(((Chief Lee and the boy look at each other. Chief Lee goes out and Kim Jong-ho goes in. ))

And Kim Jung Ho turns to look at Chief Lee

Scene shift

to Dr. Kang's cabin where

Nurse Min and Dr. Kang and Chief Lee

is sitting in a chair and drinking juice.

Nurse Min Joo is angry at Chief Lee that

you should take care of yourself. There is

no point in explaining him, he just wants to

prove himself to papa It is foolish to

explain it After listening to nurse Min Dr.

Kang, you should not give blood Chief Lee

said today, he is alive because of

blood donation and I am not the only one,

and by the way, I am a doctor and this is

my duty. And by the way, I will be fine in a

few days, don't worry ☺️

Nurse Min

puts her head on her forehead when she

sees Dr. Kang and then Chief Lee

At night, ten steps behind a convenience


five to six boys in college clothes are

beating a boy very badly

The one boy..

telling him to be smart. Huh

The way you stand in front of the (MIN SUN) girl name

The Boy who was beaten, I don't look

smart in front of anyone uhhh

One of the boys is a fighting student in class

and that boy has a crush on a girl of his

class ( that girl is the friend of that boy

who was beaten.....))))@@@@@@@@

whose name is Min Sun

and that girl had a crush on the boy who was being beaten by those boys

Scene change @@@@

In the distance,

a girl who is with a friend of hers

and is shopping at a convenience store

and notices these boys from a distance.

And they both went near them

They look at each other and a girl says

what is going on.

((( Mi-gyeong))) name of that girl.

####Mi-Gyeong often means beautiful city or beautiful view.###

with heavy breath...

Hughhhhhh. this is the child of today

Outfit (((((())))))))




Mi-gyeong.... girl with short hair is wearing jeans

and a hoodie

Nurse min ....and the other is wearing a long skirt and a top ( black colour ☺️))) .

And glasses and long straight hair

Brown colour of her hair

And they run this way and say to these


Mi-gyeong said.... What are you doing,

you child? !!!

Mi-gyeong .. said stop beating the boy.

The boy is moaning in pain.

Nurse min ....One girl goes to him

and the other.


Oh, you're not out of your mind, huh? Boy .

Kim seung One of these boys and leader of the group...

Said that ((( with great attitude)))))

He's Our friend,

whether we kill him or not,

This is our will

Soo you..

And he pushed on her shoulder

If you hear it, then walk away, you bastard.

(With arrogant smile.....)!!!!!

Said the boy Kim seung ۔

to the girl

That girl laughs (mi-gyeong)

and says this for the last time

Hey boy,

your brain is not damaged

And that girl twisting his arms

and said abusing a policewoman while on

duty is a crime and for beating the boy badly.

So I'm going to arrest you.

Hearing that,!!!!!

the boys who were with him run away

and the boy who was caught by the girl sees his friends who are running away choking.

Mi-gyeong to

nurse min.. I am taking him to the police station and you take this child to the hospital.

Nurse min. nods her head in yes

and said you too have a safe drive...

((((( The girl who was sitting with to the boy

is Nurse Min who was a friend of Chief Lee and Dr. Kang))))))

And after that

Nurse min said to him that let me take you to the hospital

The boys said with moaning... No not to the hospital,

there will be brother

Nurse Min Yes,

Chief Lee knows that his brother is beatin

by boy's

Even When your brother was a very good

fighter during his college days look at you

and your brother

That boy is leaning against the wall and

listening to her

The boy said...uhhh

That's why I don't want to go there

Nurse main takes a deep breath and looks at him

who is moaning in pain.😫😫😫

In the next scene,

the view of the hospital

in the hospital

""There was slowly progressing and

stopped right in front of operation theater.

Those who are deaf from fatigue .

and sleepy eyes looking for someone,

someone's memory and endless

love !!!!!!!!!!!

That is Chief Lee goes into Jo's operation

theater putting on her mask ....

Dr. Kang ...walks out of his cabin and is

greeted by the nurses around him.

And that's when he notices Nurse Min

sitting on a bench outside with Chief Lee's brother.

Dr Kang goes that way in a worried way and on reaching there and ask ..


Lee Ji Woo.

what happened to you here on your face did you have a fight with someone huh.

tell me what happened

Looking at Nurse Min

and sits next to lee ji woo.

Lee Ji-woo keeps quiet with bold attitude

And was sitting leaning against the wall

and doesn't give a damn answer to Dr. Kang.

Addressing Dr. Kang-ah Lee Ji-woo, look,

(((you listen to me. Right now, your brother is operating on someone.)

then you should stop such;;;;;

and with hesitantly talk;;;;

you should be brave now you are grown up and now you stop beatin by people like this

Lee Ji-woo lowered his eyes and took a deep breath

when he heard that,

picked up his bag and laid it next to him.

And leaves without saying anything

Dr. Kang is watching him from behind.

The next morning,

Fresh environment 😊😊❤️

while Dr. Kang is standing at the counter talking to the nurses,

Chief Lee . wanders a few steps away from

Dr. Kang, feeling dizzy on the other side.

Dr. Kang also turns back and seems to know that way.


Chief Lee Joo falls on top of Dr. Kang and there they meet lips (Dr. Kang and Chief Lee) and kiss. Both eyes met with surprisingly

Everyone was surprised

Looking at each other with pleasure they

saw each other 😉.

The girls nearby are static to see them


Chief Lee's eyes are filled with love

Dr. Kang with sweet eyes .....

There they go away from each other

By stealing their eyes.

Dr. Kang gasped and took deep breaths,

Dr Kang ...asked what

what happened,

are you okay,

Chief Lee,


I'm fine,

I don't know why I felt dizzy.

Dr Kang."Yes,

at the speed at which you are working, you will buy this hospital,"

Dr. Kang said while going to his cabin.;;;;; 🙄

Nurse min .

Who comes behind them and says,


I don't know, I didn't know. what It's about ....

So you didn't let it go to us

Dr. Kang, there is no such thing.

Chief Lee was sitting in the chair.

And said Yes,

there is no such thing

nurse min .... Geezing. With teasing eyes

In the classroom where Lee Ji-woo sits deep in thought

while the teacher lectures them..


ji woo، ji woo، ji woo،

Jee-woo, getting out of thoughts,

getting up ۔۔۔yes, sir,

teacher, asked

are you sick,

ji woo...yes, no, I'm good

Teacher.. so give me faith in the classroom,

Ji woo.. yes, yes, shake his head,


Chief Lee. talking to someone on the phone in the hospital canteen.

Disturbed manner Turns off the phone and rests his arm on the table .

Let us go??????

(((a woman and a man sitting on a chair tied with ropes saying let us go.))))