

During the 21st century the chuck Norris excavation team discovered new species of bat during the Wide exca competition, a specie which holds a terrible disease that led to a worldwide vampire pandemic, and caused countries to separate from each other by building giant walls containing bunkers to prevent the pandemic from causing further damage and protect the unarmed people. Morty starks a fifteen (15) year old inhumane boy who seems to be immune to the virus and also seems to be able to control it gets separated from his parents as a result of the pandemic, leaving him with his sister and some companions and also to put an end to the pandemic as he seems like the only one that can stop it.

AbrahamDevTM · Fantasía
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5 Chs

Chapter Three - Training

"Morning" Molly said as she walks out of her room yawning

"Morning" Morty replied as he also walks out of his room

"First to breakfast" Molly said as she pushes morty away from the stairs

"Tch" Morty replied as he scoffs and jumps through the stairs

"Woah looks like someone learned the stealth landing technic" Molly replied as she also jumps through the stairs

"Guys be careful you might get hurt" Mrs. Starks said

"Morning mom" Morty replied

"Hey guys' breakfast's ready" Mr. Starks said as he drops breakfast on the table

"Woo" Molly replied as she runs to the table

Some minutes later they finish breakfast and Mr. Starks decides it's time for morty martial arts training

"So let's start with styles, I see you've learned all the basics" Mr. Starks said

"Yes, but I don't still understand the styles" Morty replied

"So the first one I'm going to teach you is karate, it covers defense, kicks, punches and one handed chops, let's start with defense" Mr. starks said

"Okay I'm ready" Morty replied

"So you can defend most attack by using your palm to hit them out of your way, it might hurt but you'll get used to it, so I want you to defend this few attacks I'm going to throw at you" Mr. starks said as he starts throwing some punches at morty

"Ouch, I can't, I can't do this. Oh am I kidding! I'm just a freak that can't do anything" Morty replied as he lies on the lawn

"Morty you're not a freak, don't listen to negative words of people" Mr. stark said as he helps Morty up

"You're a special person, I mean your wound heals faster than anyone, your scars don't show up and you're immune to lots of diseases that can even kill a person, you're like the main character in an anime manga" Mr. starks said as he pats morty on his head

"You know that's how my grandpa was, he looked so young at his old age like he was just a thirty-seven year old man, and he lived for a very long time" Mr. starks said with a smile on his face

"He passed away right after your mom gave birth to you" Mr. Starks said

"But why didn't you tell me all this while, I know this just didn't come from thin air" Morty replied with anger

"I didn't know you'll think this way, I've been so busy with work that I didn't have time to ask you, I thought you were doing well" Mr. Starks replied

"You know now that I actually think about it my grandpa had this strange journal that was always with always with him, I think he locked it in the basement or something, don't worry one day we will pay his house a visit" Mr. Starks said

"Okay now I'm pumped up, let's continue training" Morty replied as he begins to focus

"So I'm going to continue from where I stopped" Mr. Starks replied as he continues to train morty

A while after morty was able to learn karate, jujitsu, hapkido and aikido successfully

"Wow see I told you, you're not a freak at all, you're awesome" Mr. Starks said as he breathes heavily

"You're also very good at this dad" Morty replied as he tries catching his breath

"Make sure you don't forget them especially aikido you need to learn how to control and master your Ki by meditating, who knows maybe you can even shoot a dragon ball out of your hands" Mr. Starks said

"Wow I can't wait, but what are we going to do about all the broken mop stick from the hapkido training, mom is not going to be happy" Morty replied smiling

"Let's go have a break then we will buy new ones" Mr. Starks replied