
Death At Midnight- Part Four

Later that night.

After putting her daughter into the quilt on the bed, and tucking the child properly; Marinette kissed the girl's forehead, sweetly. She peeked at her daughter with a loving gaze, as if she was a trophy she had won and would forever treasure - gloriously.

"Gabriel is doing everything possible to get the money for your treatment. Please fight harder, my dear. Mother and Father adore you so much, you cannot imagine. We pray tirelessly each day for your recovery. You are the fruit of our love. Please recover" She whispered, her hand entangled with the child's, rubbed, and kissed. Thereafter, she gently withdrew the little hand and tucked it back inside the bedcover. Darting her eyes to the noticeable silver strand between her child's blonde hair, Marinette assessed the strand with an in-depth frown but overlooked it - the local doctor had informed them that it meant nothing. She needn't worry too much for no reason.

"Why is Gabriel late today? Is the rain holding him up?" Marinette thought fervently. Her husband was very hardworking and honest; he wasn't one to stay too late outside without any written letter. Besides, he'd always stumble upon ways to reach home on time.

Subconsciously, she skimmed her hand to the golden pendant etched around her neck, a small gift her husband had acquired from his family. He had told her it was an heirloom from his mother. The pendant was quite expensive - if they sold the piece, it would bring tons of gold coins, even so, Marinette objected as the necklace was the last gift from her husband's family - Like a memory he was to cherish, after all, it came from his biological mother.

Feeling exhausted from waiting, she lay beside the girl, who was snoring heavily and sighed. Harriet must have been so exhausted from all the vibrant actions in the morning. She had stubbornly tagged along with her father to produce those hundred loaves of bread. She worked hard as a hireling, not like her husband had one. His bakery shop was more of a miniature cabin, than a proper working place, so they couldn't afford any workers even as they were middle-class people.

Earning money in Aetherwatch was like searching for water in a desert.

Shortly, Marinette languished in self-esteem. Before she had encountered her husband, she was a seamstress who would invariably sew gowns for the upper classes, but that was pro to when Aetherwatch was better and organized, unlike now. She had lost that skill by the death of her grandparents.

"Good night, princess" Marinette cradled around her child, with a radiant smile on her face. She was content with their small family. What more did a woman need apart from her lovable husband and adorable daughter? Nothing more. Especially for her.

A few hours later, there came a sharp tap on the door, which elevated to bangs that awoke Marinette. The woman rubbed her eyes, as the sound outside became louder. She turned her head to the child sleeping so peacefully and patted the girl's hair.

Coming out of the wooden bed that squeaked from the weight leaving it, Marinette picked up the shawl she had hung on the headrest of the bed. She encircled her body with the brown cape - but not thoroughly. Walking a certain distance away from the bed, Marinette held up the lantern hanging on a nail hammered to the wall. As its flame flickered slowly and dimmer, she realized it wouldn't take a while before the beam took off, so she ran out of the room, swiftly, and returned with some oil and a single candle. Pouring the oil and supplying the lantern with a brighter light, Marinette took the candle closer to the flame, igniting the candle.

Leaving the candle on the bracket and bringing the lantern with her, Marinette left the room, barring the door silently to avoid Harriet being disturbed.

She ran impatiently to the parlor door. Thankfully, the storm was over.

"Gabriel, is that you? Oh, how I missed you! Wait-" Marinette muttered feeling relieved. She couldn't wait to embrace her husband and shower him with kisses all over. She missed his touch. Keeping the lantern to the stand by the side, she urged her elbow to the door and shifted the stiff wooden oak door to the side before it could open fully well. The knob of the dual door was broken and still not fixed, so she and her husband had to make do with the problem for now.

"Gab - Oh! It's you, Peter. I thought it was Gabriel at the door, please come in and suit yourself" Marinette greeted pleasantly with a sliver of disappointment lurking within her eyes. She had anticipated finding her husband, not his friend.

Outside the door, stood a tall middle-class charming man in his mid-thirties. His golden-red locks were soaked, roughly sticking to his face, making him look more mannish, and half of his face was encased in bruises and purple marks. He was formerly wearing a white shirt that had currently turned chocolate and unkempt over his bronze scarred skin. The man was like a giant, murking in Alpha epiphany with modesty. He smelled of chopped sandalwood, and rough woodland that sent shivers to Marinette, who stood in front of the door waiting for the man to continue the conversation, but he didn't. Rather, he was lost in her eyes.

She blinked, wetting her plump lips and pondering over his thoughts when she realized her throat had become parched. Even without any of his ethical direct dalliance, she was already bewitched by him? Again!

Marinette frowned deeply. Peter and Gabriel were childhood friends - or she'd say more like brothers. Before meeting Gabriel, she was once an accomplice of Peter as they both formerly lived in Roselake, a neighboring village to Aetherwatch. Back then, Peter had courted her and showed his interest in her, but she refused because she wasn't ready then. She was too occupied with the revenge for her parents.

Though she may have had a tiny bit of a crush on him. Who wouldn't? This massive man standing indifferently in front of her was sexy, raw, and just so ethereal. The strong jaws, and horny cleft chin. He might not be as handsome as her husband, Gabriel, but she had to admit - he was hot! Angelic!

"Marinette, sorry to disappoint you" Peter's husky voice twitched her from her daydream. In the process, she took her bottom lip to her mouth and bit on them nervously, afraid he'll think she was checking him out. Why did she in the first place? That was the aftermath of Peter's seduction.

You lose your lack of concentration.

"Uh? Hmm!" She mused directly, taking her range of sight from him as she felt ashamed. Then, she remembered her husband.

Peter was about to step forward to cover the woman's cleavage that had been tormenting him for a while since he reached her place. She stood there quietly in a spartan satin nightgown, but he could make clear her round breasts and womanly curves which made his heart flutter, and her normally fastened honey-blonde hair cascaded down to her waist. Taking in her appearance, she looked neither lavish nor enormous; it was rather brief and simple. Yet, this woman was breathtaking. Her scent alone wafting with the wind permeating his nose was a sweet felony. He loved her. He loved her soul greatly and he wished she was his.

He was about to comment, but suddenly there was an explosion like a sonic boom from the sky.

"Father, it looks like the rain would start once again"

Beside the man was a boy, a younger version of him. The two had mud on their faces, and they were carrying sacks of potatoes and vegetables they got from the farm, covered in dirt. Some parts of the sack were torn and ruined, coated in mud as well as if they had fallen into sewage.

Peter Willingham and his son traded a faint look. One expressed with the eyes, while the other looked blank. The man closed the distance between himself and the door as he probed into the crescent spark in Marinette's blue eyes before he reported, "Marinette, it is about Gabriel, he is -"

"Aunt Marinette, how is Harriet? Is she asleep!!" Exclaimed the young boy, not more than fifteen as he peeked his head into the house, trying to get a glimpse of the little girl that pushed him into the small lagoon the other day. Crestfallen, he looked away when he saw nobody in the living room.

"Darius, get back here. It is bad manners to peek at one's home without permission" Peter chided, pulling the boy's ears. He looked frustrated and gave Marinette a sorry bow. There was a huge problem at hand, and he swore to himself to 'love' his son if he added more.

"Peter, he did nothing wrong, and I had permitted you two to enter the house anyway," Said Marinette. She was searching around, dashing her blue eyes everywhere in the damp cold, and dark street; only to notice a stray rat escaping through the lamppost into the ally.

"Marinette" Peter called for her attention, "Gabriel killed a person" He revealed outrightly.

"Hmm? What!!" The woman was stupefied at the unthoughtful words. Her eyes opened wide assailed and the thin line of her brows jumped in surprise. She glared at the man for the nonsense he had spouted.

"I am sorry. I couldn't help him when he was demoralized" The man began, his eyes filled with anger "I told him not to mess with these bloodsuckers but he insisted. They were plenty of those creatures in the house of Lord Frank. During the exhibition of the meals, we were about to leave and hadn't taken a long period when all candles blew off, then followed by the screams of a feminine voice" Peter paused to observe the expression on the woman. He didn't want to continue the story. He was scared and angry. He hesitated. Despite that, he kept going "There was blood on Gabriel. He held the sword and a young vampiress was dead on the ground. To worsen the situation, she was the future wife of Lord Frank. Lady Rosie" The man fisted his hands to the side. He loathed this feeling - of helplessness.

"So? What are you insinuating? That my husband killed the vampiress? Do you hear yourself, Peter? He has been and was your friend for quite a long time and I am guessing since boyhood, right? And you supposed he committed a crime so cruel. Where is Gabriel? My husband! I want to see him - NOW!" Marinette barked, shooting eery daggers at the man. She was beginning to panic for she feared these could be true. Gabriel hated these creatures and would do anything to have them erased, but... No! Never! He promised to stay out of trouble for his family.

"Marinette, they killed him. They did. Even if you were to leave, he can't be brought back. I tried. I am sorry that I failed to save him. We wanted to help him, but these bloodsuckers treated us like rags. They forced us. They used every one of us as animals. Gabriel must have suffered the most. That Lord Frank - he wickedly tortured your husband" Peter was a male with broad shoulders and a gigantic height. He was a strong man, but he couldn't help but break down. What could he do? This was his person. The woman was his love and her suffering was his as well.

Marinette stood rooted on the wet ground. Her heart skipped a beat and her mind was blank. Her husband was dead? No!! She refused to believe. She was waiting for him to return and she would continue to wait. He promised her anyway. Gabriel wasn't one to break a promise.

She would wait till he returned to his family. To them. To her arms.

"Forgive me, please." Peter fell on his knees and pleaded regretfully. He ran a hand through his damp locks feeling guilty. He could have done more for her - the woman he loved.

"Aunt Marinette, they beat Father when he had tried to help Uncle Gabriel. They even drank the blood of - Ouch!! Father" Darius grumbled bitterly as he rubbed his arm that was in pain. How rude of his father to slap his arm!! That hurt badly. For a child that experienced hell in a vampire house, Darius was too outspoken.

"Gabriel. Where is my husband? I want to see my husband. Peter, take me to him" Marinette begged desperately. She thought of Harriet and swallowed down the pain stuck in the middle of her throat "Take me to my husband, please. Let me see him" Her panic grew worse and more intense. She felt a jab in her chest that refused to fade. Gabriel was still alive!

"Marinette, he is at the territory of those bloodsuckers. He is dead. Please understand" Peter argued, trying his best to reason out with her. He wanted to eat up the woman in his arms, to tell her everything was going to be fine and kiss away her worry. He wanted to tell her that he was going to be there to safeguard her and Harriet. Now, he wondered how the young child would react and take the news. She loved her father more than anything.

"Is that a fact? Or are you trying to make me believe that lie of yours?" Marinette grunted as she felt doubtful about the man's intentions. Pain blurred her eyes as she was unsettled. Her loving husband couldn't have left her and their daughter alone. She wouldn't allow that.

"Darius, stay behind with Harriet. Remember, do not authorize any visitor to enter the house until we are back. In case, Harriet wakes up and asks for her parents - you are smart, so just make up a story she'd believe" He told his son and pushed him into the cabin. He returned his gaze to Marinette, saying "I never told a lie, Marinette. Even if you were to see him. He is dead and in the territory of that corrupt lord. Yes! I know where they put him, during our escape, I heard the guards outside mention burying the dead bodies in the inner cavern of the forbidden forest. You can't go in there"

Marinette shot a murderous glare at Peter. She said in a high-pitched voice "Take me to my husband"


The next chapter is shorter. Its continuation.

I feel bad for our young mc. What will happen to her now? She needs lots of our comforting. Will you support her? Please do

Rainism_11creators' thoughts
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