
A New Age






How many years has it been?

More than five whole years.

It has been more than an entire five years since the legendary brawler known as Dan Kuso took down the one known as Mechtavius Destroyer, and it has been since then that Bakugan have lived peacefully alongside humans here on Earth.

They had all made Bakugan City their new home here, and have lived alongside humans these past few years in harmony. Helping them out in basic things such as construction and more, and some just live fruitful lives with other bakugan and humans.

Over the past few years, countless great new brawlers have risen up to take the world by storm. Seemingly from the dark, many talented brawlers with incredible potential have made themselves known. People have even speculated that they might rise to become greater than even Dan Kuso himself.

Some have even assumed that some of them already have.

One of those talented brawlers could be seen walking through the streets of Neo Bakugan City at this very moment, a calm and natural powerful stride in his walk as he was walking towards what appeared to be a massive central plaza area.

The young man appeared to be fourteen or so in age, having a lean build along with beautifully fair skin. He also had smooth black hair with vibrant purple bangs, along with a pair of matching eyes. He wore a rather casual pair of attire.

Consisting of tight black sleek pants, a pair of white running shoes, along with a tight white and purple t-shirt that stuck well to his lean yet athletic physique. Finally, around his left wrist was what looked to be a black mechanical bracelet with purple glowing neon lights.

Alongside the young man was a younger male, one that looked rather similar to him, but shorter and with a less athletic physique. Along with now having any purple bangs, though he did share the same styled haircut, although shorter, along with the same colored eyes.

This young male wore black shorts along with black running shoes, and also a simple black t-shirt. Around his left wrist was also a bracelet that looked just like the previous male's, although it was colored black with red neon lights instead.

"Who are you going to be brawling, Hyuga?" The younger male curiously asked the older male as they walked. The older male just kept his calm smile on his face, answering the question without glancing down at the younger male.

"It's Kaito. He sent me a message asking for a rematch." The one known as Hyuga had responded to the younger male, also known as Kento. Kento was Hyuga's younger brother, along with also being a brawler, one that focused on the Pyrus attribute. "He should be around here..."

As they were looking around, their attention was soon caught by a number of cheers. Turning curiously, both of them noticed that a large crowd were watching as a brawl was currently underway, the crowd had surrounded a large metallic open space within the plaza.

These metallic spaces within the city were built specifically for brawling, they were spaces that allowed for a protective barrier to be placed around them as two brawlers brawled. This was to protect the spectators around the city and more.

"That looks to be him..." Hyuga gave a small grin as he saw a specific bakugan within the protected space, facing off against what appeared to be a Haos bakugan. It didn't last long as the bakugan quickly overwhelmed the Haos bakugan, causing it to shrink back into its ball state. "As usual, completely dominating the brawl."

"Hehe~..." Kento just laughed nervously as he heard this.

『Not really surprising. He hates to lose...』The deep voice of a certain partner bakugan of Hyoga's voiced. Said bakugan was currently on Hyoga's right shoulder, appearing to be mainly black in coloration, along with some purple. 『That's why he keeps challenging us』

"We're not really any different, are we, Black?" Hyoga gave a small laugh as he said this. Kaito was someone that wanted to be the greatest brawler in this world, and Hyoga was one of his greatest rivals and obstacles in the path of that goal.

There was a ranking system here in the city, one that ranked the greatest of brawlers. You would have to have a certain number of wins to be ranked, and the ratio of wins to losses isn't how the rankings change.

The only way to move up in the rankings is to defeat someone stronger than you, in other words, someone who is ranked above you. If you manage to defeat that person, you will automatically replace that person within that ranking spot.

Meaning that even the lowest-ranked brawler could become number one in an instant, only those that are yet to be allowed to be placed onto the ranking board aren't capable of that. They would first have to gain credibility to gain a ranking.

"Oh, you're finally here!" A male voice sounded as said person walked through the still cheering crowd. The person was revealed to be a male of the same age, along with having a similar build with slightly pale skin and slightly messy blue hair. "I've been wanting a rematch, Hyoga!"

"Well, here I am, Kaito. I hope you are ready."

『Trust us. We've been preparing!』A deep energetic voice sounded on Kaito's shoulder this time, revealing it to be a blue and white bakugan in his ball form. 『I'm taking you down this, Black! It won't end the same way as last time!』

『We'll see, Vortex. Maybe you will finally get a win under your belt against us!』Black laughed with good nature as he looked at the opposing bakugan. Both Kaito and Hyoga gave off smiles as they looked at one another, small sparks flashing between their eyes.

Soon after, both of them quickly made their ways into the protective space that was being used before. The crowd having made way for them as Kento joined the crowd, managing to get to the front, so he was able to get a clear view of the brawl.

『Who do you think is going to win?』Another male voice sounded. The bakugan that this voice originated from had suddenly jumped onto Kento's shoulder, revealing to be a red and black bakugan.『Both of them are monsters in their own right. But, considering the current record, Hyoga's probably going to win』

"Not sure, Diabo. I'm definitely rooting for my brother, though I'm not sure how strong Kaito and Vortex have become since the last time." Kento responded as he looked towards the blue-haired individual, before turning back to look at his older brother. "This could turn out with any of them being victorious..."

"You ready, Kaito?"

"More than ever!" Kaito grinned as he responded. Hyoga nodded his head with a smile before both of them raised their wrists that both had the bracelets, to which the bracelets soon gave off powerful glows. Both of them soon shouting simultaneously.


As soon as that word was shouted, the protective space gave off a powerful glow before a massive barrier was projected upwards high into the sky, soon becoming transparent, allowing the people surrounding the place to see them inside.

Soon after this happened, a large screen seemingly projected up high above both of them, revealing to show their life gauges along with their pictures.

"Gate Card, set!" Kaito took the charge as after he raised his bracelet, a card soon materialized as he took hold of it and threw it to the field. When it landed, the card glowed bright blue before expanding outwards in a wave of blue light. Soon disappearing as everything returned to normal. "You ready, Vortex?"

『Hell yeah!』

"You too, Black?"


Both bakugan soon retracted back to perfect spherical forms, to which both brawlers soon took hold of them in their hands. Both of them glared at one another before simultaneously throwing their bakugan forwards, all while shouting at the same time.

"Bakugan... brawl!"

Both bakugan flew at rapid speeds towards the field, soon making contact with one another at the center before bouncing back and landing on the field at opposite ends. They soon both opened up, soon after spinning at rapid speeds, creating powerful twisters of both purple and blue energy.

The twisters seemed to clash with one another as each clash caused a powerful shockwave to resonate through the interior of the barrier. The shockwaves were so powerful that even those outside watching could feel the pressure behind those clashes.

"Rise, Aquos Vibrant Vortex!"

"Stand tall, Darkus Black Fluid!"

On Kaito's side of the field, the twister formed by Vortex soon burst open, revealing a new entity formed in the middle of the twister before landing on the ground with a crash. Said bakugan revealed to be standing up on both legs and resembled that of a humanoid dragon.

Vortex was was mainly white in color with blue parts, and his head highly resembled that of a dragon. He had a strong-looking body with white plates and spiked arms and shoulders, along with deep glowing blue eyes that resonated pure power.

A similar situation was on Hyoga's side as Black soon revealed his true form, seemingly also somewhat resembling that of a dragon. However, his body seemed to be composed of a thick black substance, along with having intimidating purple eyes and a large glowing purple mouth. He also had a muscular body with a long tail, finishing off with sharp claws and multiple tendrils of the same substance wriggling all over his body outwards, mainly from his back.

[Darkus Black Fluid Appearance]

[Aquos Vibrant Vortex Appearance]

Both bakugan gave off powerful roars at the same time that shook the entire plaza, despite the powerful barrier that was projected around them. Both bakugan glared at one another as their partners did the same, all four of them seemed ready to brawl with all their might.

When both bakugan entered the field, the screen above soon updated as both the images of both bakugan were displayed along with what was identified to be both of said bakugan's power, otherwise known as their Gs.


[Bakugan Brawl Status]

[Hyoga Mikazuchi ─ 500 LG] Vs [Kaito Shizami ─ 500 LG]

[Darkus Black Fluid ─ 1600 Gs] Vs [Aquos Vibrant Vortex ─ 1600 Gs]
