
Back To When We First Met

'Rewinding just like the film Our starting point is still there' The feelings they had at the start of their long relationship were slowly starting to fizzle out, and they wanted more than anything to get back what they once had. One day a chance comes for the both of them to go back to the beginning and restart everything. Their love. Their life. Their togetherness. This time things will be different.

MarnieeD · Combinación de músicas
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8 Chs


It was almost midnight when Chae awoke from a peaceful sleep: it had been a long time since she had slept so well. Perhaps it was because of the conversation she had had with Yeosang the night before, and the comforting words he had said to her.

A small smile graced her lips, and she stretched a hand out to fill for the light switch beside the bed,  but nothing happened. Was there a power cut?

Sitting up in bed and reaching out with her fingers, she wanted to grab her phone to turn on the flashlight, but instead what she felt was something soft.

Looking closer she could just make out the outline of a person: one that she was most familiar with, Yeosang. Lowering the phone, without turning on the flashlight to not disturb him, she slowly and softly laid back down again, turning to face his direction.

Studying his facial features as best she could in the dark, Chaehee remembered all the things that had made her fall in love with him in the first place. If it hadn't been for all the outside factors that had put a strain on the relationship, then in the future they would've had a happier life than what they had done.

However, now there was no point in continuing to dwell on things that couldn't be changed. As far as they were aware, it was impossible to go back to the future: the past was now their present and they had to live with that fact.

With eyes drifting closed once more, Chaehee shoved all of the worrying thoughts to the back of her mind and fell to sleep while still facing the only person she could rely on.

Sunlight entered the room the next morning and woke up Chaehee. Her complexion was looking better and the gloominess that had surrounded her body was now gone. Feeling more relaxed than she had been when she first went back in time, she noticed that Yeosang had left the room at some point.

Her smile faded a little, but she reigned in her emotions before they could spill out completely.

Getting up, she put on her robe and then exited the room to find him sitting at the table with breakfast already served on the plates. It wasn't clear how long ago it had all been laid out, but it was plain to see that he had been waiting to wake up so they could eat together.

"What's all this?" Chaehee moved towards the table and sat down opposite Yeosang.

She took in all of the food and felt warmth spread throughout her body. It had been a long time since they had shared a proper meal. Before they had both been too busy with work to spend even a minute with one another - that had been one of the major problems that had affected their relationship.

"Breakfast." Yeosang's hands clenched under the table in an attempt to calm his nerves, and then he said, "after a stressful day yesterday, I thought it would be nice to have a hearty breakfast in the morning, and then we could go out for some fun in the afternoon."

He handed her the toast rack and then continued to say, "since coming back to the past we've done nothing to relax, and have only been worrying about getting back to the future. For now, we should enjoy the here and now and save the worrying for later."

Chaehee took a piece of buttered toast and then bit into it. While chewing she thought over what had just been saying and felt that what he had said did make sense.

After swallowing the last bit of toast, she asked, "so what's the plan for today?"

Yeosang looked shocked at first because he hadn't thought that she would agree, then he grinned sunnily at her and replied, "let's go see a movie."