

"Fay" it is an old English word which means "Fairy". Whenever you hear this name, you must imagine something magical.

But now you will imagine a magical girl named 'Fay'. She is not a fairy. But we can call her a fairy. Not only because of her name, but also because of her magical heart.

She is only 5 years old. She doesn't have a family, she is orphan. Not only that, but she lives in a tent beside of the street. Folk says, her father died when she was only 6 days. Then her mother got married to another man and abandoned her. But when Fay was 3 years old, her mother also died. From then, she lives with an old street man. She calls him story book. Because the old man use to tell her a lot of stories like- Fairy tales, Fables, True stories, Moral stories etc. The man raised her. He loves her a lot.

Fay is a very kind, silent and sensitive girl. She takes everything deeply. Anyone can make her cry easily. She gets up early and then walk far to ask people for some food and money. She has to do it because her grandfather means the old man whom she lives with can't walk properly because of his leg pain. Whenever she gets some food, first she gives it to the old man and then share it with other poor kids.

And she eats the rest of food. She also helps people by clean their car, clean streets etc. from her heart.

One day, as usual, she hardly got some food. And ran to the tent to give the food to her grandfather. But when she returned, she saw her grandfather was sleeping deeply. She called him, but he didn't wake up. Then she played with her friends. After 2 hours, she again came back with some foods, but saw her grandfather was still sleeping. She waits some more time for her grandfather to get up. But she started feeling lonely, scared and started crying. She told her friends that her grandfather is not waking up.

Then some street peoples came and saw, her grandfather was dead. Fay didn't understand anything. She only gets to know that her grandfather will never talk to her again, he will never tell her stories. She was totally blank. The old man was her family. She loved her a lot, that's why she never even thinks about her parents. Next day morning, while she was crying for her grandfather, a rich man was passing by and saw her. He stopped the car and asked fay, why is she crying? Fay answered, her grandfather is no more. She doesn't have anyone else to take care of her. She is alone and scared. The man was so kind. So he talked with others in that area and decided to adopt fay.

Next day, the man took fay to his house. The house was so big. Fay thought, she is in a castle. The castle of fairy tales that her grandfather used to tell her in stories.

The man told her to feel comfort. It's her new home. He told her to freshen up. He is going to bring a lot of clothes for her. Chloe entered into the room. Chloe was that rich man's wife. She thanked him for bring Fay. She adored Fay. Likewise, she told Fay, it's her house. She can do anything she wants, she can eat anything she wants, it's all her. Fay felt like a princess like in fairy tales. Fay calls Chloe 'Mom' but she knows that Chloe is her surrogate mother. Her biological mother is dead. The man admitted her in school.

2nd July, When she turned 6. Her parents through a grand birthday party. All her friends was invited in the party. She got a lot of gifts - Diary, Pen, Story books, Computer, Drawing books, colours etc. But she was only busy to read all the story books. She didn't find other gifts interesting as books. She used to spend all her days reading the books and imagining all the stories.

Everything was going well.

Her mother called her, but she didn't hear. Her mother comes and hold her hands. Fay looks at her mother. Chloe says, it's time to go home. Let's go.

On the way, Fay is thinking, who was that lady? Chloe is wondering, why Fay was looking at her without blinking.

Evening, Fay is only thinking about the lady. She is thinking why she felt something unknown but magical. Suddenly, a question come into her mind- Is that lady her biological mother? But she thought, how's it possible. Her biological mother is not alive. Suddenly, she remembers a story that her grandfather was told her. The story was about a princess and her mother. In the story- 'The little princess get

lost in a crowded skit. The princess was there with her mother. Her mother tried a lot but failed to find the princess. 20 years after, they met in a feast. Suddenly the princess just going to fall, that time her mother hold her hand to save her. When her mother touched her, she felt something. She told her mother everything. Her mother hugged her and cried'.

Fay is thinking, maybe that lady is my mother. That's why I felt something like that princess.

At night, when Chloe was telling bedtime story to Fay for good sleep, Fay asked Chloe, 'Mom, who was that lady in park? Why everyone was asking her for autograph and selfie'? Chloe said, She is Faige. A famous painter. Not only in our country, world widely people know her.

Now her name. Now Fay is taking her name repeatedly in her mind...'Faige'.'Faige'. She feels like this is the most beautiful name she ever heard. She fell asleep thinking about Faige.

Next day, She searched on internet, 'Famous Painter Faige' She found a lot of images of her. She looked at Faige without blinking. After some time, she found some paintings of Faige. She took her drawing book, colours and tried to draw some of Faige's paintings.

She told her parents that she wants to meet with Faige. Her parents said, it's very difficult to meet with her. But if she ever comes in any fanfest. They will try to ask for a selfie with her.

Fay became sad.

Now her days go, by study and painting. Now painting is her dream. She wants to become a painter like Faige. Every day she cries and ask god If Faige is her mother. Then why she doesn't come to her, why she doesn't try to find her daughter. She cries and request god that she wants to meet with her. She wants to live with her.

Days go by, and she becomes more sad. Not a single night left that she didn't cry.

5 years later, Fay is still waiting for her mother to come. She was a teenager but inside she was that 5 years old Fay. As always, one day she was searching for paintings of Faige. But she found Faige's bio, her background, family etc. She read the article and found that Faige got married after her birth and she doesn't have any kids. She was frustrated. She asked a lot of her friends about Faige's background. Everyone said that she don't have any kids. Before that day, She knew that Faige is famous, but she didn't know that she is famous more than she can imagine. She understands that it was only her imagination. She explained her mind, she is not Faige's daughter, It was all her imagination. But it was very difficult to erase Faige from her mind. Because, she loves her a lot. She was thinking, Chloe didn't give her birth, but she is her mother. Then why Faige can't be her mother? It's just only a relation of love.

At night, Fay was sleeping with Chloe. She was crying all the night. In Midnight, suddenly Chloe woke and saw Fay is crying. She asked, what happen? Why are you crying? Fay was so emotional, so she told her everything. Chloe was shocked. How's it possible. Next day, she told her husband about it. He was afraid. Because, Faige is a nice person. Somehow, if she gets to know about it, maybe she will try to adopt her. Then judge will ask Fay, whom she wants to live with? Obviously, she will choose Faige. And he will never let it happen. He told Chloe to take care of Fay more and love her more so that she will never think about Faige.

But it's never possible. Fay loves her Faige more than herself.

Days went by, Fay is still same today. She still loves Faige. She still waits for the day when Faige will come to her and will say 'I love you dear'. It's just an innocent wish of a child.

It's 30th June, one day later, 2nd July is Fay's birthday. As always, her parents going to celebrate it grandly. They booked a beautiful venue to celebrate. But on 2nd July, there's a function near the venue. Lot of celebrities are coming on that. Faige is one of them. Fay knew it's a very good chance to meet with Faige. But what will she do to meet her. What will she say to her.

Chloe knew, Fay will feel so happy to meet with Faige. So she wants Faige to come on Fay's birthday. She didn't want to abandon Fay from her. But they can meet for once. Only for Fay's happiness. She contacted with some organizers of the function and got to know that Faige's performance will start at 6pm. And it will take one hour to end. The birthday party will start at 7pm. And Faige can be present on the birthday party around 7:30 pm. But she has to convince Faige to come. She again called the organizers and asked for Faige's contract details. But they refused. She asked, can she get Faige's manager's contract number. But they refused. They said it's their privacy policy. They can't do anything. Then Chloe decided, She herself will go to the function and will bring Faige. But She will not tell her husband about it. Because he will never allow her. What happens later will be seen.

2nd July, 6:30 pm, They all arrived at the venue. It was beautifully decorated. Fay's friends arrived. They were enjoying. Chloe was ready to go to Faige. But suddenly her husband saw her and asked, where are you going? She answered, she is going to bring gifts for Fay.

She will be here in half an hour.

It took 10 minutes to go there. She saw Faige is on the stage. At 7 pm, Faige's performance ended. Chloe told the volunteers, she is a big fan of Faige. She wants to meet her just once. If she had not said anything like that, then the volunteers would never have let Chloe meet with Faige. They allowed her. Chloe entered into the green room. Faige was busy with her phone. She saw Chloe and said, 'Hi'! Chloe said, Hello, actually I am here to invite you. Today is my daughter's birthday. The birthday venue is very close to this hall. If you join us, it will be very nice. I know you didn't know about it. But please, don't refuse. Faige said, if it's about a kid, then no problem, But I need 15 minutes to get ready. Chloe said, sure. Chloe was so happy.

7:30, Chloe's husband called her said, where are you! Everyone is asking about you. Chloe replied, I am here, on the gateway. Then Chloe entered with Faige. Fay was totally shocked. Everyone who was present there was so shocked and happy. Everyone was asking for selfie, autograph.

But Fay was still sad. She didn't understand what to do. Her mind was forcing her to hug Faige and tell her how much she loves her. But she can't do that. Because, she knows If she tells Faige about her feelings, It will be usual for her, because she is a celebrity. Everyone loves her, everyone has a feeling for her. It's not a big matter. Faige will not take her as daughter. She will take her as a fan. Fay was feeling to cry. But somehow she managed herself and cut the cake. Then everyone went for dinner. Fay started crying in a corner. Chloe didn't know that Fay will feel sad. She thought, Fay will be so happy.

Her husband came and asked, What's happening here? Why Faige is here? If Fay tells her everything, then? Chloe replied, I thought, Fay will be happy to see her, but... Her husband stopped her and said, You made a big mistake. Everyone came back after eating. They enjoyed. It's late. Everyone was about to leave. Fay said bye to her friends and came into a room. All was gone. There was a girl named Anne. She was there with her grandfather. Anne and her grandfather entered into the room to give Fay a flower bouquet. Looking at them both, Fay missed her grandfather.

Then she remembered, once her grandfather told her, you will not understand now. But remember, if you have feelings for someone, then tell them. What happens later will be seen. Fay thinks, should I tell Faige that I love her. She was thinking deeply. Sometimes later, Faige came and said to Chloe, where is birthday girl? I want to wish her. I bought a gift for her. Where's she? Chloe replied, she is there in that room. Faige entered into the room with a gift. She said, 'Happy Birthday, Fay. Here's your gift. She saw tears in Fay's eyes. She said, what happen, Fay? Why are you crying? She wiped Fay's tears. When she touched her, Fay became emotional. Fay told, I love you. When I first saw you, I thought you're my biological mother. I waited for you. I thought you will come one day. But I was wrong. You are not my mother. While waiting, I fall in love with you. So I don't know how. But I still want you. I want to be your daughter. I want to live with you. I love you so much. Faige was shocked. She said, What! You want to be my daughter! Really? You have parents, they raised you. How can you wish something like this! Don't be ingrate. You know, There's a lot of peoples who wants to be my friend, dream to be a part of my life. It happens to everyone. Some people dream about me. Some people dream about other celebrities. But it happens with almost everyone. You will understand with time. Faige gave her an autograph and stepped out from the room. Chloe took Fay at home. All the night, she cried.

Chloe was sad for Fay. So she decided to meet Faige. Yesterday when she met her, Faige told that, she will leave the city after 2 days. So, she must be here. When Fay got to know Chloe is going to meet with Faige she insisted to go along with her. So, Chloe took Fay with her. First, the manager of the hotel didn't allow them to meet Faige. Chloe told, they can call Faige and ask her if she wants to talk. So they called Faige and said, A lady named Chloe wants to meet you. Faige replied, Yeah, Send her.

They entered into the hotel room. Faige saw, Fay is sad, but she didn't talk with her. Fay was wondering, why are they here?

Chloe said, She wants to talk with Faige privately. So, they went to another room. But Fay wanted to hear. So she stood near the door. So that she can hear everything.

Chloe said to Faige, I know you are an celebrity. But you are also a nice human, Fay is my daughter. But she loves you more than me. More than anything. Now, I am not telling you to keep Fay with you. I just only wants that, You talk to her whenever you get time. You will take her as your daughter and will talk often. Please? Faige replied, have you gone mad? I will take her as my daughter? You are her mother, and you are telling me this. I even don't know who is she! She loves me, but I don't. It was her fault, she thought I am her mother. What is my fault in this? In fact, I didn't give her birth. And the biggest thing, The blood in her body is not mine. So, she never can be my daughter'.

Fay's eyes were full of tears. Blood! Only Blood! I can't be her daughter just because I don't have her Blood, I don't have any Blood connection to her. Her heart broke into several parts.

Chloe came back from the hotel.

1 week later, A news is heard everywhere. Faige is going to have a child. Faige is pregnant. When she heard the news, tears started pouring in Fay's eyes. Chloe asked Fay, what happen? Are you sad for Faige. Do you know, she told me that day in hotel, that she loves you. Don't be sad. Fay replied, I heard everything. And yeah, it was my fault. Not her. And she is not my mother. Because of Blood. But it's ok. Now she is getting her child who will have her Blood.

20 years passed by. Fay is 32 now. And she is now a very famous painter, like Faige. She married with her beloved. She is happy. But she still feels so sad for Faige's unexpected behavior. She still loves her a lot.

Faige have a son, named Fitz. Fitz is 20 years old now. Faige and Fay live in the same city. But have no contact. Faige doesn't work now. Her health is not good nowadays.

Today, Fay is going to hospital for Chloe's weekly health check up. And Faige is in a long drive with her son. Faige was driving after a long time. Suddenly a truck came and pushed the car. The car was crushed badly. A nice man took them to the hospital, where Fay was.

Chloe's check up was going on. So, Fay was waiting outside. Suddenly she saw Fitz. She never talked to him before. And she didn't want to. Because, from the childhood, whenever she saw Fitz with Faige, she feels so sad. Because she wanted to be there. But when she saw, Fitz's shirt is wet by Blood. She become tensed. She ran and asked, what happen? Fitz was injured little. She took him to the doctor. Doctor cured him. Fay asked, how it happened? He replied, it's a big accident. He told her everything.

Faige was injured badly. Because she was driving. She was in ICU.

Faige condition was not good. Doctors said, a lot of blood has gone out. They need A+ blood. They have called on the blood bank. But A+ Blood group is not available right now. But they need it now.

Fay was worried about Faige more than Fitz. She told the doctors. My Blood is A+. You can take mine.

Sometimes later, Chloe came and saw Fay is worried. She asked, what happen? Fay told her everything. Chloe asked, did you donate your blood? Why? Chloe was worried about her.

Surgery is done. Doctors said, they can't say anything before 24 hours. Fay told to Chloe, she wants to stay here. Chloe was thinking 20 years ago, Faige left her sad. She didn't care about her. Now Fay is taking care of her. Faige made a big mistake.

After 28 hours, Faige opened her eyes. She was able to talk slowly. She asked, where is my son? Is he okay? Doctor replied, yeah, he is alright.

But tell me, Faige, How are you feeling? She replied, better. By the way, Is Fay is your relative?

Faige replied, Fay...! But why? Doctor said, She stayed up all night. She is taking a lot of care of you. But she also have to take care of herself. Please tell her. Otherwise, she will get sick. Faige said, where's she? I wants to meet her.

Doctors came and gave the news to Fay and said, She wants to meet with you.

Fay enter into the cabin. Faige saw her and said, 'Come here. Thank you so much for the blood donation. But after that, why you donate your blood for me? Fay's eyes is full of tears. She says, Blood! It matters a lot for you, it's the biggest thing for you. You never accept me as your daughter because I don't have your Blood. But I always take you as my mother. That's why today you have my Blood. 'Sorry, maybe you will feel bad. But it's truth, in my world, you are always my mother. I always love you'.

Faige's eyes were full of tears. She said, 'I am not your mother because I don't deserve it'

Dear, "I never tried to find

Your island of love

In the ocean of 'BLOOD'