
Awakening, Quickening

Harmony, a college student and magic researcher with a disembodied soul, finds herself awakening on a new planet, with huge gaps in her memory--and pregnant, with a child she knows she didn't conceive by choice. Together, she and her reborn half-soul work to survive this situation and uncover the many mysteries surrounding this world, and the traumatic arrival of a new baby. But after spending some time on this planet, she finds there may be more than mystery and trauma, to find here--there may be life; there may even be love.

Harmonious_Echoes · Fantasía
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79 Chs

The Wall House pt 2

Myra led them back downstairs. Benly was back to his apple, now sitting in the fireplace, which was cold. He was flicking a bit of flint on the floor stones, making sparks jump and then trying to catch them in his hand. Harmony wondered if he thought that's how her sparks were made. But Myra led them straight through and out the door, and stood in the doorway as if to block them from coming back inside. "I'd best be gettin' back to work now, ye have a fine day, and good luck to ye". She waved and picked up her broom, turning her back. 

 Dismissed, Harmony checked on Kyir, who was still peacefully observing; and then she and Muse took a look at the next paper. It was a short, squat building with a spiky roof–Granny Jak's house. Harmony shook her head. That wouldn't do either–she liked Granny, but she didn't want to live in the same home. Although she had been most kind, Granny was a quick study, and Harmony didn't like the idea of having to face her fierce wit every day. Besides, that house had only two floors, and it appeared as though Granny was using all of it already. She might not want to have three people as permanent tenants. 

 The third page had a picture of a tall building with a fence around the back of it, which extended off the page on both sides. Animals of some kind were pictured inside the fence. Harmony looked around and spotted the building; a few houses down from them, a large building with a fence appeared. Behind the fence on one side milled a large flock of sheep, being fed by a tall, muscular boy with a bucket. On the other side, a second boy who appeared thinner, sat on the fence and watched the first. Harmony and Muse walked nearer, and suddenly encountered a powerful animal-feces and dead-animal smell, emanating from behind the building somewhere. Muse stopped abruptly, and Harmony glanced at her; Muse looked nauseated; she was shivering, clearly struggling not to transform and run away. I HATE strong smells, she told Harmony. 

 Harmony nodded. So do I, of course... As they stood watching, a tall, irritable looking blonde woman with a long face came around the corner of the building, forceably dragging a large black faced sheep; a bell hanging from its neck clattered loudly on the ground as it struggled and bleated loudly. She lifted the struggling animal's front legs up until they were over a pasture stile, and then shoved from behind, flipping it over violently into the pasture. The creature staggered and rolled, then jumped up and ran off, kicking and dancing. "AND STAY IN THERE, YE DUMB WOOLY LOUT!" The woman shouted after it. "Run offt agin, and I'll turn ye into a stew!" She shook a long shepherd's crook at the retreating sheep. Both of the boys watched her with large grins, clearly highly entertained. 

 Harmony felt ill at seeing the animal treated so, but decided to wait; instead, she raised a hand and waved at them "Hello! I am here to look at a place to live, according to a page I got from the Lord?" 

The woman came forward and observed her sourly from across the road. "Hallo. Who're you? Yer' new in town?" Harmony nodded. "Yes Ma'am. I am Harmony and this is Muse, my maid, and my little son. I'm a healing mage, and Lord Grebefal has offered us a choice of homes to stay in since we plan to live here." 

 The woman frowned. "Magic user, eh? Ye kin keep that shis well away from here. We don't need no magic-usin' about this place. We've trouble enough as it is." 

Harmony looked at Muse. "then…I suppose we'll just go back to the Lord and tell him we haven't had any luck with finding a place to stay?" 

 The woman curled her lip. "Ye go on an' do that. Grebefal don't need the likes of you. Our Lord'd be eatn' mighty thin without them hogs 'n birds 'n sheep I raise for his table, and the whole town depends on our eggs 'n meat 'n milk. This place is ourn'. And I ain't sharin' no house with no witchy bunch." 

 Harmony nodded. "We'll be going then, ah– I'm sorry, I don't know your name?" 

"I'm Jeede. Jeede Bennt" said the woman curtly. She turned and walked stiffly back around the side of the house, shepherds' crook in hand. The two boys watched her go, then turned back and waved at Harmony and Muse. One of them called across the road, "Sorry about 'er! She's just all crotchy-twisted 'cos yer' young n' pretty!" The other boy chortled "Yah! An' she's an oooold hag-bag!" They both broke into loud giggles, then shushed each other, "She'll hear!! Quiet!!" Red-faced, they tumbled over the fence and bounded away, still snickering. 

Muse looked like she'd like to run after them, but Harmony gave her a stern look. Muse….We're not welcome here. We don't want to make trouble. And, it smells. Let's just go. 

Muse nodded, nose wrinkled. "Yeah." 

Harmony consulted the last page of the four they had been given. A single door, in a tall wall. No plants or fences or even windows. Harmony looked around, puzzled; what house looked like this? Then it dawned on her; there were living areas inside the wall, the one between the castle and the town. If an entire iron forge could fit there, surely there were more rooms there as well. Hopefully they're above ground, she thought wryly. I'd rather not turn into a mushroom. 

Muse giggled at the thought, and they walked away from the stinking farm house as fast as they could, without looking like they were fleeing. 

Reaching the high stone wall which housed the forge again, Harmony and Muse sat down by the steps to the tunnel that led inside, and rested for a few minutes. It was warm and Kyir was a little fussy; he had woken up from a nice long nap and wanted his lunch. Harmony sat in the shade of the wall and leaned against it to nurse, looking around. "Muse, why don't you explore for a minute? I'll be all right here." And you can send me anything that looks interesting. 

 Muse smiled. "Of course, My Lady." she said and curtsied like a proper servant. Her smile was anything but proper, though. Can't wait. Do I get to look around the forge? 

Harmony nodded slightly. Just be careful, Muse. Be small and don't cause trouble. 

Muse rolled her eyes. Obviously… She walked quickly and quietly off, radiating happiness at being allowed to explore, transform, and possibly, get into some mischief. Harmony didn't know if it had really been a good idea to allow her to go alone; but, she also really didn't want to walk back into a deep, dark place just yet. Just the thought of being in a cave-like place made her shiver. She still didn't know how to feel about her experience in the mountain, or the memories she'd dreamt of–, or that awful feeling of quiet, dark, same, nothingness. Granted, the forge didn't seem all that quiet. The regular clang-clang-clang of hammer and anvil sounded regularly for what seemed like hours. It was just faint enough to seem musical, rather than irritatingly loud; It must be deep underground, Harmony thought. Or behind a few doors. 

Kyir struggled and kicked at her, as he nursed, and Harmony awkwardly changed position; this was harder than she'd thought, to sit on the ground and nurse. She was used to sitting in the padded seat Agatha had arranged for her. Finally, she crossed her legs and lifted them a little, and leaned forward, resting Kyir on her lap. Still, she couldn't help but marvel at him; this tiny thing with tiny hands, tiny feet…every time she looked at him, he seemed new again, somehow. He was so lovely, in such a strange way! She stroked his soft cheek and fuzzy downy head with her hand, taking in every inch of him. His face was not so new, now, and had filled out a little more; during the days they'd been in Grebefal, they had both had time to rest and settle in a little, and he looked more like the babies she'd seen in other families, now. As she looked at Kyir, he looked back; his dark eyes wandered and then settled on her own. Harmony felt a twinge of a mental bond; he was trying to reach her telepathically! She pictured a warm blanket and a softly crackling fire, holding the image; Kyir held her gaze and mirrored the mental image back to her. It was unsteady and rough, and only for a moment; but Kyir was only a few weeks old. "OH!! Little one…you're going to be someone special, you are!!" Harmony whispered to him, thoroughly astonished. 

 She paused as a flashed mental image came from Muse. A huge, dark room with a massive roaring maw of fire at one end; A giant dark shadow–no, a person, working in front of the firelight–bright flashing sparks thrown under his hammer as he swung it down again and again. A second shadow pouring buckets of water into a long trough, in which the first person submerged a shining red blade of metal. It felt surreal, a painting in red and black, white and yellow, sharp edged, hot and bright. Harmony shuttered her mind from Kyir carefully, not wanting to upset him. How do they keep it so hot? Where does the fuel come from? she wondered to Muse; I don't know, came Muse's soft answer. I haven't seen them feed the fire–if that's even what it is. Another flash–an image of a wall of fire inside the maw of the furnace, white-hot and appearing to fall down into itself, pouring inward without ceasing. They collect bits of that white fire to make the blades, so I think that's metal in there. 

Harmony gave a mental shrug. I don't know much about forges, or metal, or fire. But it looks pretty interesting, I guess. 

Muse agreed. Oh! I think I figured out where the real fire is! A flash of stone steps, lit by red fire-light, under a heavy wrought iron grate in the floor…. then, a whoops, I think someone almost saw me… better go! Harmony frowned. Muse! You had better not be transforming in front of people! Kyir finished nursing and gurgled contentedly on Harmony's lap, a picture of contentment; out here, it was all sunshine and soft breezes and shady fruit trees. Harmony started as someone tapped her on the shoulder. She quickly covered herself and turned, to see Neil regarding her. "See yer back" He looked her up and down. "Why here? Why're ye not at the inn?" 

Harmony produced the page and handed it to him. His expression cleared as he saw it. "Oh…Ah see. Yer here 'bout the wall house." Neil glanced around. "Where's yer lil helper?" 

Muse, be careful–Neil is here, thought Harmony. She needn't have worried, though; Muse-the-elf stepped primly from behind the nearest tree with a fistful of local wildflowers and offered them to Harmony. "Here you are, My Lady. Are these to your liking?" Harmony nodded as if she'd requested to see the flowers. "Yes, thank you Muse, those are wonderful. I'd like to look at them more later–can you keep them for now? I'll need to hold Kyir while we look at the residence, he isn't ready for his wrap yet". Kyir, like a proper little actor, blinked sleepily. 

 Neil waved them through the tunnel and to the inside-side, facing the castle; there was, in fact, one tree here, right next to the wall and covered with ivy. A little ways past that tree, set into the wall, was a plain front-step and a heavy iron-and-wood door. Muse looked intensely curious, and Harmony shot her a warning look. They entered the wooden door into a very large, plain, rectangular stone room; at one side, a tall, wide fireplace with seats built into the walls on either side of the fireplace, so a person could sit while they were cooking food. On the other side of the room, narrow stone stairs led upwards; no lights were lit, but Neil found a candle stump and lit it. He carried it to the stairs, talking as they went. 

"Th' whole place is empty, only one in Grebefal as is. Nowt wants t' live here. They all say it's too creepy. Can't say as I blame 'em, but there ain't nothin' wrong with it really, it's just a bit dark an' a bit lonesome. Theres three floors all together–this big room here, a middle floor wi' two rooms, and a top floor wi' another two. Oh, an' th' steps to the upper wall, up top. I like to go walkin' there, sometimes. It's a good view." Neil lapsed into an awkward silence after this long speech. They climbed the stairs and Harmony and Muse took in the dark rooms, stone walls and floors, with spiderwebs and straw in the corners. Harmony repressed a deep shudder at the sight of dirt and dust layered on the floor; it reminded her too much of the mountain tomb. Still, looking around, she knew this was the best place they could have been offered. It was close to the center of the condensed mana, the castle. It was in good repair, outside of the dust; had lots of room, and best of all, it was unpopular–a place that the other town folk would be less likely to drop by at a moment's notice, and would be unlikely to want to move in with her. Harmony didn't want anyone walking in on some complex spell and ruining it. 

Muse was looking cheerful too. "My Lady, may I walk around?" Harmony nodded. "Here, give me the candle a moment." She took the candle and encircled it with mana, and set it down on the step, then took it away again–this time, leaving behind a perfect image of the candle. She handed the candle back to Muse, who bounded up the steps with the candle, and could be heard up there, shuffling around, moving things to the sides and opening doors, exploring. Harmony "picked up" the candle-image by drawing it into her hand; it gave off light just like the original, which danced and flickered, but this one could not be blown out by a breeze. 

"There. Now we have a light also." Neil looked like he couldn't believe what he had just seen. He gaped at Harmony, eyes round. Harmony offered him the candle-image. She kept a string of mana threaded to it, to keep it lit. He stared at it like it might bite him. "How'd ye do that?" 

 Harmony shrugged. "I had learned to do this on one of my first lessons, at my magic school. It's called a magelight. It's not an actual light, just an image of one, but it works much the same way." She held it high and took her time looking around; on this floor there were several large bare cupboards, an old dresser, a three legged table, and a few wooden chairs tumbled in a pile, in one room; a large wooden bedstead and chest, wide open from Muse's explorations, but empty, stood in another room. No linens or any food, and a rather strong smell of mice. The third floor was no different–a few bits of old furniture piled here and there, a few pulled-apart mouse nests. One room did have a single window, shuttered with heavy wood shutters. Finally, Harmony motioned to the steps. "This place looks good, and I like it–but we should go back to the inn for now; all of our things are there, and I think it may be getting late already." Niel tore his gaze away from the candle-image and nodded. "yeh. Best be gettin' back. Ye can let me know in the mornin' if ye decide this is the place for ye." 

Muse trotted back down the outer stairs, looking satisfied; Harmony let the second image-candle fade away. They blew out the first candle, and left it inside as they exited. THe back door was a large heavy door, much the same as the front. This one opened on the outside-side of the wall, facing the town. They were much further along the wall than Harmony had first expected; there was no path here, only a wide, grassy meadow which lay between them and the tall fence of the nearest house-garden. A small stream ran along one side of of them, with reeds rising beside. The water ran from under the inside wall of Grebefal, and made a shady corner where the town wall met the castle wall. A little pool only about knee deep lay there, its edge sparkling in the sun; at the far side of the meadow the stream ran out of view, back into the ground. Neil waved an arm at the small meadow; "This bit here comes wi' th' place. For plants n' such. No fence, 'cos nobody lived here."

The sun was setting, the golden beams of the sun caressed the little meadow; Harmony was entranced. She loved the little pool already; it was so serene and secret, and the water looked so clean. She loved the flowers, and the soft grass… This place would be perfect. "Captain Jaksson, I don't think we need to wait. Please let the Lord know that this place is where we would like most to settle down. I would be glad to come back up to the castle to arrange any particulars that are necessary. We will spend the night tonight in the inn, and begin moving into this place on the morrow, if that is agreeable." 

 Neil nodded. "I'll tell 'im, no doubt. Kinda figured ye'd like this spot. It suits ye. All mysterious-like." Then he seemed to realize what he just said, and flushed, looking away. "No disrespect meant, miss–uh, Lady Harmony." He led them back to where the path met the wall, and then bowed and marched quickly away, back through the tunnel, leaving them alone again. 


Am I mysterious-like too?

Harmonious_Echoescreators' thoughts