

Ye Fan considered her proposal, recognizing the potential benefits of collaboration. With a nod, he replied, "I think it's a good idea. Let's team up and make the most of it as a team."

Su Mu's smile widened as she heard Ye Fan's agreement. "Excellent. We'll make a great team," she said with enthusiasm. "I've gathered a small team of three, and you'll be a valuable addition. For now, let's prepare for the mission I'll take you to meet others. Follow me"

She gestured for Ye Fan to follow her as they prepared to meet the rest of their team. As they navigated the sleek, high-tech corridors of the Shadow Eclipse Society's headquarters, Su Mu led Ye Fan to a gathering area where two other individuals dressed in black attire and masks awaited them.

Su Mu introduced Ye Fan to the two other members of their team, a man and a woman, both dressed in the signature black attire and masks. As the introductions took place, they exchanged polite greetings, revealing only their code names to maintain anonymity. 

The woman, known as "Raven," had an agile and graceful presence that hinted at her talent for scouting and swift movements, she seemed to be a hunter professional. Her black attire clung to her lithe frame, and her mask concealed all but her sharp, calculating eyes. She carried herself with a sense of confidence and alertness.

On the other hand, the man, who went by the code name "Boulder," exuded an aura of raw power. He had a robust physique, his black attire stretched over bulging muscles. A heavy sword was slung across his back, its size and weight a testament to his strength-enhancement talent. Boulder's mask concealed most of his face, but his eyes held a determined and resolute gaze.

Ye Fan introduced himself to the team using his code name, "Shade." The use of code names was a necessity within the Shadow Eclipse Society to maintain anonymity and security, ensuring that real identities remained hidden unless you trusted them. And Su Mu's codename is "Twilight."

Su Mu, as the team leader has a Spiritual talent for fire manipulation, her fire control made her a potent force for both offense and defense.

Raven, with her agility and scouting talents, served as the team's scout. She was responsible for surveillance, information gathering, and ensuring their safety by detecting threats in advance. While Boulder, specializing in strength enhancement. His role was to take on physically demanding tasks, provide heavy support in combat situations like close combat, and ensure their physical safety.

Ye Fan found that the team is short of someone with strong defense, with his strong recovery ability and enhanced attributes, he recognized that his role within the team would primarily be focused on defense and support, currently his attributes are enhanced around 100%. While he didn't possess extensive combat skills, he had inherited some techniques from his father that he could use to fight and defend himself together with his current enhanced strength he can felt like he can handle bronze level monsters with some assistance from others. As they discussed their roles and responsibilities, he commented, "I may not be the most skilled fighter, but I can act as a shield for the team. With my recovery ability, I can withstand damage and protect our more combat-oriented members."

His adaptability to harsh environments could prove invaluable during their mission, where they might encounter challenging conditions and unknown threats. Ye Fan was determined to make the most of his abilities to contribute to the team's success.

Su Mu nodded in agreement, appreciating Ye Fan's willingness to play a defensive role. She responded, "Your role will be vital in keeping our team safe. Let's make sure we coordinate well during our mission. Trust in each other will be key." Then she continued to emphasize the importance of working together and trusting each other. It was clear that their mission would be a test of their abilities, teamwork, and adaptability. With their preparations underway, the experiment subjects scattered, each preparing for the challenges and responsibilities that lay ahead.

The departure area buzzed with activity; various teams of experiment subjects readied themselves for their respective missions into Zone Epsilon-9. Ye Fan's team joined the throngs of people preparing for their expedition.

Among the mingling crowd, they could see that they weren't the only ones assigned to explore Zone Epsilon-9. Numerous teams had been selected for this task, which was somewhat reassuring since they would have the support and presence of other explorers during their mission.

Each team had been efficiently provided with supplies and equipment, ensuring that every subject was well-prepared for their mission. The equipment included rations, first-aid kits, communication devices, and specialized gear suitable for the exploratory nature of the mission.

Ye Fan received his supplies, which consisted of a Tier 1 standard metal shield and a Tier 1 basic pistol, unmodified and typical for recruits both can be used for handling Black Iron monster and cause some damage to Tier 2 Bronze Monsters. 

With limited points in his account for acquiring advanced equipment, Ye Fan perused the holographic display. It showcased an array of Tier 2 and Tier 3 weapons, from modified guns and snipers to swords, bows, and arrows. Among them were armor-piercing bullets and specialized ammunition like Blast Bullets, Frost Bullets, and Acid Bullets. As he scrolled further, he glimpsed advanced weaponry such as Electromagnetic Guns, Modified Gauss Rifles, and Exoskeleton Armors. Faced with these tantalizing options, Ye Fan resigned himself to making do with the allocations provided by the Society.

The shield was relatively small, covering only half of his body, and he also received some antidotes and healing medicines, all efficiently labeled and organized. He promptly transferred these items into his SkyDrive storage space, maintaining a sense of readiness for their upcoming journey. His storage ring had more than enough capacity to hold his gear without making him feel encumbered.

With sufficient preparations Su Mu addressed the team with a determined yet cautious tone. "We need to stick together and watch out for each other. Our teamwork is essential out there."

Raven, the scout of the group, chimed in with a nod. "I'll keep a lookout for threats and scout ahead to ensure our safety."

The society's proficiency in logistics was evident in the precise scheduling of departure times for each group embarking on their mission to Zone Epsilon-9. The objective was to ensure a smooth and controlled flow of explorers, minimizing potential issues that could result from overcrowding or disarray. The guards overseeing the area-maintained vigilance over the teams, ensuring that everyone adhered to their designated departure times, guaranteeing that each team had its unique window to commence its mission. 

This approach not only streamlined coordination but also reduced the chances of teams clashing with one another during their exploration. By thoughtfully orchestrating the departure schedule, the society demonstrated its dedication to both the safety and effectiveness of the mission. Ye Fan's group observed the various teams in their vicinity while they waited for their scheduled departure.

As they exchanged glances with their fellow subjects, "What the Fu..." Ye Fan couldn't help but be stunned by the sight of sleek and silver colossal Airships, with smooth curves and sharp angles. Each vehicle has two large engines at the back, and there are what appear to be weapons mounted on the front. The cockpit is located at the front of the ship, and there are several windows along the sides.

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