
Awaken of the Vampire King

Long ago, three races were at war: vampires, werewolves, and humans. The king of vampires possessed power none could rival, turning the ties of the war in the vampire's favour until he got betrayed by those closest to him and was thought to be dead. 5000 years have passed, the war is long over, and his name is nothing but folklore and old myths. Until he awakens due to an unpredictable factor, now 5000 years later, he strives to use his power to seek revenge on those who have betrayed him. He must now set on challenges that will come his way to achieve his goal and reclaim his title as the true one King!

Velocity10 · Fantasía
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29 Chs

The Way to Hell Castle

Chapter 1. Awakening.

P15: The Way to Hell Castle.

We were standing in front of the dead land before we ventured through it, I had to warn them about a hidden danger.

"This the wasteland, where nothing but death can be seen, stay on this road and no matter what never and I mean never leave that road," I pointed to the narrow road.

Both of them were anxious but they nodded.

"Let's go," I led the way with Leyla and Cecilia walking closely behind, both of them looking around everywhere for lurking danger.

We walked and walked and over us, crows with rotten flesh flew above crying and screaming.

"Don't let that irritate you, those cries are meant to lure you away from the road," I explained to them while we walked on the road.

"We understand," Leyla acknowledged in a soft voice.

We continued on the road with her castle, not in sight.

"How long until we arrive? It's been a while since we started walking on this road but still no castle in sight," Cecilia said with a tiring and exhausted voice.

"Not long, we need to wait until she allows us to enter," I told her.

Moments later something scary happened for both Leyla and Cecilia.

"It's been a while Emma," I said.

"AAAAHHHH!!!" Leyla and Cecilia screamed because a person wearing a suit, with long silver hair wearing black glasses was standing behind them.

"Who is she?" Leyla asked with a shaken-up voice.

I walked past Leyla and Cecilia standing in between Emma and them both.

"This is Emma, the right hand of Neoma, she's a high-ranked demon different from the one who tried to possess your mother," I introduced her to them.

Emma corrected her glasses with her middle finger.

"It has been a long time, Vampire King," Emma said in a calm and collected tone.

She walked closer to me.

"The mistress is displeased with you being here uninvited," She said with a slightly agitated tone.

Neoma indeed does not like uninvited guests.

"I'm sorry but this is urgent and she needs to hear what I have to say," I told Emma.

*sigh* Emma sighed and walked past me and both the girls leading the way.

"Follow me," She said.

We walked and the castle appeared in the distance and that's because only someone with the right authority can make Neoma's castle appear in existence.

"Now it's there?!" Cecilia was astounded that the castle appeared out of nowhere.

Neoma's castle was bright red with black accents, and the castle's height reached the crimson clouds.

As we walked closer we saw a crimson gate that was shut.

"The castle is still the same," I remarked with a smirk.

Emma turned her head slightly to face me.

"Of course, and it will for eternity," She said while correcting her glasses.

Leyla and Cecilia walked closer to me.

"She seems strict," Leyla whispered in my ear.

"I know right, I bet she doesn't know a single joke and hates people who do," Cecilia whispered into my other ear.

I held in my chuckle because it was true.

Emma came to a stop and turned her head to face the three of us.

"I heard that," She said with a firm tone.

Leyla and Cecilia's eyes opened wide in surprise.

"We are sorry," Both of them said bowing their heads.

*Hmm* Emma turned around with a slightly angered expression.

"Never make fun of her lack of humour, you aren't the first ones to point that out," I warned them, she can't take that kind of criticism.

"Yeah, let's stop that Cecilia," Leyla had regret all over her face.

Cecilia nodded also with regret written on her face.

We eventually arrived at the gate where I met another familiar face.

"If it isn't the Vampire King or should I say the fallen Vampire King!" A deep man's voice called out in front of us.

I would have recognised that voice everywhere, a tall figure approached me walking past Emma and towering over me.

"It's you Golgos, the one person in hell I wanted to avoid," I said with an unmotivated tone.

Golgos was also a high-ranked Demon, he was twice my height, his skin was made out of rock and he carried an axe over his shoulders which was as big as I was.

"Look at you, you are weak—lost your throne to Dracula and now you come here uninvited, you have a lot of nerve I'll give you that," Golgos said with a smirk.

Golgos was the type who had immense strength but at the cost of a brain. He had nothing on his mind other than fighting and using his ridiculous oversized axe to split the vast lands of hell.

He enjoyed mocking others whom he deemed inferior to him in strength. The first time I met him he talked about nothing but wanting to fight with me which Neoma stopped at the time.

"Golgos, I'm not in the mood for your stupidity, let me see her," I said with a firm tone.

Golgos didn't take this well, Emma stood behind watching the whole scene.

I looked up at the last floor of the castle where I saw a figure standing watching everything unfold.

So it was Neoma's doing I see.

"How dare you?!" Golgos shouted, lifting his axe off his shoulders and holding it with one arm.

Leyla and Cecilia looked worried, and Emma still did nothing but watch.

"Move aside. I won't say it for a third time," I threatened.

Golgos' expression was nothing but anger and frustration.

"You will pay for your arrogance!" He shouted, swinging the axe at me with all his strength.

*sigh* I wanted to get this over with quickly.

I caught the axe's swing with my pointer finger.

"WHAT?!" Golgos shouted in frustration.

I tapped Golgos using my other pointer finger which caused him to fly backwards with immense speed and force breaking the crimson gate open.

"AAAAAAAAA!!!!" He screamed.

Other demon guards approached me with hostile intent.

"Bring all the demons you have, I'll take you all on if I must," My eyes began to glow orange.

"That's enough!" Emma said out loud.

The Guards backed away from me.

"You may see her now," Emma led us inside the Castle.

Golgos was back up on his feet looking at me with a death glare.

"Next time you start a fight Golgos, make sure it's someone or something you can handle, perhaps a rock," I said mockingly.

Golgos grounded his teeth and grabbed his axe in anger.

"This isn't over," He mumbled.

Leyla and Cecilia had looks of concern.

"Don't worry, I'm fine," I told them.

"We are glad," Leyla said with a smile.

Cecilia smiled also in relief.

We were now inside the castle.

"This way," Emma led us inside a magic circle.

"Is that a Teleportation magic circle?" Leyla asked.

"Good eye," I replied.

Emma corrected her glasses with her middle finger.

"Yes, with this we can all be at the top of the castle instantly," Emma said.

We all stood inside the circle and we were teleported in front of Neoma's throne room.

The doors opened by themselves.

"Please follow me to meet Lady Neoma," Emma led us inside the throne room.

Inside the room sat Neoma, she wore a beautiful white dress with a sparkling tiara, she had golden eyes and was as beautiful as I remember.

"She's so beautiful," Leyla's amazement couldn't be more obvious.

"Yeah, who knew that the devil was so pretty," Cecilia said with astonishment.

Neoma got up from her throne and walked toward me.

"How tall?" Leyla was surprised at Neoma's height.

Celestials are on average 7 feet tall (2.1M).

"It's been a while," Neoma said with a beautiful voice.

She gave off such a beautiful aura while walking toward us.

"It has been indeed," I replied, grinning a little at her.

She walked closer until she stood in front towering over my 6ft 1 inches stature.

She touched my chin with her pointer finger lifting my head slightly.

"Looks like we need to catch up," Neoma said.

"I hope you can answer some questions," I answered.

The first chapter is approaching its end only a few (P) Pages left. 

I hope you enjoyed the story until now. 

Always appreciate any feedback and ratings. 

Have an awesome day.


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