
Avatar of the Prophet of Serenity

Originally destined to live a mundane life, Patton's story of life was cut short one day when he was killed in a drive-by shooting. Meanwhile, a newly celestialized celestial, Gina, the astute observer, the prophet of serenity, is at her wit's end and needs to quickly choose an avatar to do her bidding in the material realm to maintain her survival. Of all the potential candidates Gina could choose from to be her avatar, she gambles on Patton, who, at first glance, looks pretty unpromising, but she sees potential in. As Gina's avatar, Patton will jump between many different worlds and realities to conduct missions. Follow Gina and her avatar Patton who will shock everyone in the battle of celestials. Arc 1 World 1: A supernatural world where everyone is born with a quirk that determines one's fate.

MyNameIsPeyton · Fantasía
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12 Chs

Ch. 2

"This seems like one of those offers where you just can't say no to," I answered Miss Gina's question.

"I take that as a yes?" Miss Gina asked.

"Yes, I am willing."

"Great. Now we need to perform the avatar ceremony. Just do as I say and say yes to my questions."

A short blade and a golden goblet manifested in Miss Gina's hands. Miss Gina then used the knife, cut the palm of one of her hands, and let her blood fill up the golden cup. She then handed the goblet to me.

"Are you, Patton X. Washington, willing to become me, Gina, the astute observer, the prophet of serenity's avatar?"


"Are you willing to serve me for all eternity?"


"Are you willing to brave any and all danger that threatens my wellbeing?"


"Do you promise to be forever loyal and only loyal to me?"


"Now drink my blood."

I lifted the golden cup to my lips and proceeded to drink all its contents. Moments after finishing drinking Miss Gina's blood, I felt a strong, painful thump in my chest and fell on my side, hand grasping my throat, struggling to breathe.

"Do not panic, Patton. This is a natural reaction. Your body is currently in the process of ridding its mortal shackles. Hang in tight. I promise it will be over before you know it," Gina said in an empathetic tone.

I only managed to gargle back in response.

Just as Miss Gina had promised, the painful, uncomfortable feeling finally subsided after a short while.

"Here, have a drink," Miss Gina said as she handed me a light refreshment.

"Thank you," I responded as I greedily emptied the drink.

"Congratulations, you are now officially my only avatar," Gina said as she clapped her petite hands together.

"Hmmm? I thought you could get many avatars."

"No. I could have several apostles, but only one avatar."

"Oh, ok. So, now what?"

"Now, I will send you off to complete a mission."

"Sounds fun."

Miss Gina chuckled in return.

"So, what mission do you have in mind for me?" I asked with apparent anticipation in my voice.

"Right now, you are still weak and lacking in experience, so I intend to have you do a less dangerous mission."

"Makes sense."

"I will be sending you to a world where it is common for people to have supernatural powers. Your mission there will be to kill a particular someone in that world."


"You will learn of that information later."


"Now, you understand the differences between a transmigration and a reincarnation, right?"

"I'm afraid I do not."

"Not a problem. I'm saying this because I wanted to ask you whether you wanted to transmigrate or reincarnate in the other reality. Transmigration is where your soul is moved to the other world, and reincarnation is where you are reborn in the other world. However, I highly suggest transmigrating as it would be less complicated.

"Ok, I'll take your advice. I'll transmigrate there. But will I look the same?"

"You'll grow up to look the same as you are now, don't worry, I assure you that. Would you like to have parents or no parents?"

"No parents, please."

"Just curious, may I ask why?"

"Because I already have parents. Though they did die when I was young, they will forever still be my parents. No one can substitute them."

"I understand."

"Now, as your avatar, will I be granted an overpowered ability like many of the protagonists in the fictional stories I've read?" I asked Miss Gina hopefully.

"I'm afraid that it isn't as easy as that. You see, I could grant you powers. However, the stronger the power is, the more authority it will cost me. And to be frank, I do not have much authority. At best, I could grant you a decent power," Gina answered as she butchered my dream of becoming an absolute powerhouse immediately upon my transmigration.

"Well, I guess beggars can't be choosers. So, when do I go?" I raised.

"You can go now if you want."

"Let's do it then," I promptly answered.

"Prepare yourself. You might feel a little bit delirious at the beginning."

"I'm ready."

Gina then waved her hands, the space around me then started to split apart, and I felt my conciseness leave me with a swoosh sound.


"Wah! Wah! Wah!" A crowd of babies wailed into the air.

Where am I? I couldn't open my eyes nor move my body, and all I could hear were babies wailing around me. I felt trapped in my own body. Suddenly, I could listen to Miss Gina's voice in my head.

"Could you hear me, Patton?"

"Basdf Ikasdf Jnelasd Ijj adfdf efwnjkq eqef! (Yes, I could, wait, what happened to my voice!)."

"You transmigrated into the body of a baby, Patton. Your vocal cords have not developed yet. Don't worry. As my avatar, we can converse telepathically. You don't have to speak aloud."

"Oh, that's very useful," I said in my mind.

"It is. Listen, I only have a limited time to talk to you, so let's quickly go over the details of your mission and your ability."

"Great, I've been looking forward to this."

"As you already know, your mission here is to kill someone, specifically, killing Anderson P. Whetstone, the godfather of the Villeno Mafia Family."

"That doesn't sound exactly easy."

"In the grand scheme of things, Anderson is a nobody in this world. Killing Anderson is one the easiest missions you could get."

"What about my power."

"Now, before I inform you of the power I have granted you, I must remind you that my title is Gina, the astute observer, the prophet of serenity, so most of the powers I grant you will be eye-related. Just letting you know."


"I have granted you the power of thermo-vision, the ability to see the temperature of all objects!"

"… That's it?" I interrogated.

"Oh, and the ability to immediately understand and speak all common languages," Gina announced excitedly.

I was speechless.

"I really tried to give you a better power, alright. Compared to the other abilities you could've gotten, this was the best one I could afford with my meager authority. Also, due to my lack of authority, I will only be able to contact you like this rarely, but I will be able to watch your actions. Anyway, good luck now. Make me proud, Patton!" Miss Gina said so as I felt her voice fizzle out of my head.

What the hell am I supposed to do with thermo-vision?


Eight years have passed since I reincarnated in this world. In these eight years, I learned a lot about this world. However, I haven't been able to secure any information about the Villeno Mafia Family yet.

I do have to say, when Miss Gina said that supernatural powers were a common thing in this reality, I still wholly underestimated just how prevalent it was. People without supernatural powers, or quirks as the people here referred to them, were in the vast minority. Speaking of Miss Gina, I haven't been able to talk to her since the day I reincarnated here.

I was currently living in an orphanage, watching the days pass by. There isn't much an eight-year-old could do, honestly. To subside my boredom, I've buried myself in the modest-sized library here and at the one in my elementary school. I, personally, found no enjoyment talking to the other eight-year-old kids.

If I were to chart my progress to completing my mission, I assume it would look like an exponential graph. Where, right now, in the very beginning, the line was flat, but once I attend junior high school and high school, I will see a lot of growth.

During my eight years here, I also learned how intertwined quirks were with the society here. In almost all scenarios, quirks determined how you would live your life. If one were to have an average quirk or anything below that, like me, they would be destined to live an insignificant life. On the other hand, if one were to be lucky enough to have a strong quirk, they would rise to higher positions in society and have the chance to become an esteemed hero as their occupation.

I have a precognition that if I want to complete my mission successfully, I must be admitted to one of the hero training academies to become a hero. However, my underwhelming quirk will make getting into a hero training academy very difficult. I'm going to have to bust my ass in junior high school even to get a slimmer chance to enter one of the prestigious hero training academies. It's thoughts like these that make me wonder whether I shouldn't have agreed to become Miss Gina's avatar and just fizzle out of existence instead. But, truthfully said, I'm feeling pretty excited about this challenge. I don't regret becoming Miss Gina's avatar.

With that, another two years have passed, and I am finally a middle school student. I could start making some progress now. I was made fun of a lot due to my shitty quirk, but, seriously, mentally, I'm already in my mid-twenties, I'm not going to be taking the words of a child seriously. I did notice, interesting enough, that the middle school student body was split into three groups among the students. The first group is the students with good quirks. The second group is the students with average quirks who get bullied by the first group. Lastly, the third group is the students with lousy quirks who get bullied by the second group to feel better about themselves. If you're wondering which group I am in, I'm in the third group.

I do admit, having the ability to immediately understand and speak all common languages has been a lifesaver. I couldn't imagine learning an entirely different language at this point in my life. Also, academic work has been a breeze for me since it's all middle school stuff, and the material is almost the same as my world's except the introduction of quirk-related studies.

On the other hand, I still haven't quite found a use for my thermo-vision ability. Sure, I could see the temperature of everything in my view. However, those situations where my ability could become powerful are too niche.

I've long concluded that if I can't beat other people with my quirk, I've got to do it the old-fashioned way, with my fists. And that's precisely what I did. I proceeded to spend most of my days in the school gym. I eventually became known as the school's gym rat. One could always find me training in the school gym. Fortunately, the school hasn't made a big deal about it, given that it doesn't seem to be affecting my academics, as proven by my more than stellar grades.

One day, as I was heading to the school gym after finishing all my classes, I was stopped by a group of four boys in the same grade as me.

"Not this shit again," I thought to myself.

"Look who we have here. Patton, Patton, Patton. Where are you going, Patton?" A boy with reddish hair said to me. His name is John Adams, a run-of-the-mill bully. His quirk allows him to harden specific parts of his body of his choosing. It's a simple but effective quirk. Though, it is just short of being considered a strong perk as there are perks that do the same thing but much better.

"Well, I'm heading to the gym like I always have, John. Would you like to come to the gym with me, John?" I answered in a friendly tone.

"I'm afraid you're not going to the gym today, Patton."

"I beg your pardon?" Then I thought to myself, "He's looking to fight me, isn't he."

"You see, recently, I've gotten bored sparring with the other students. They're just not scratching that itch anymore, you know? I was hoping that I could spar with you," John boasted snarly.

"I don't see why you can't go challenge a student with a strong perk," I replied.

The mention of a strong perk seemed to piss John off. Like many others, John was very sensitive about his quirk.

John started rubbing his eyes as he grasped my shoulder with my other hand. "Oh, Patton. I might be going a little deaf recently. Are you inferring that my quirk is… weak?" John said.

You know what. I've been pretty bored going to the gym every day recently, and I wouldn't mind beating up some middle schoolers today. With that in mind, I answered John, "Yeah. Your quirk is weak. What about it."

After saying that, I could feel John's hand on my shoulder start shaking in anger.

"YOU. ME. FIGHT. OUTSIDE. NOW" John hollered venomously.

John's lackeys circled me and led me to the back of the school.

"So, this is where you bring students weaker than you to beat up so you could feel better about yourself and your average quirk."

"I'm going to disfigure you, Patton. How dare you, someone with such a shitty quirk, insult my quirk."

"Bring it on, John," I said as I activated my quirk. I discovered that when I activate my thermo-vision quirk, my eyes turn bright red. I kind of liked it. It had a scare factor to it.

*Yeah, you get him Patton!*

Hmm? Did I just hear something? It must've been the wind. Anyways I noticed that John's right hand turned more rigid in shape and possessed a grayish color. That must be where he hardened his body. With his hardened right hand, John attempted to punch my face. I easily dodged his wide swing and responded with a quick left jab to his nose. Even though I don't have much combat experience, I could still tell John was a terrible fighter.

My casual jab to John's nose caused him to tumble backward and land on his butt, to my slight surprise. He had his left hand over his nose, but it didn't stop the blood from dripping down his face. Wow. Was that it?

It took John a moment to comprehend what happened, but all hell let loose when he did. John started yelling and crying and ordered his lackeys to attack me together. Honestly, I would have been surprised if it didn't turn out this way.

None of the quirks of John's lackeys was anything noteworthy, so I was fully confident I could wipe the ground with these kids. Just like John, his lackeys had just as little experience fighting. All it took were some nice dodges, some counters, and a few solid hits for John and his lackeys to start running away.

This was… underwhelming.

*Well, what were you expecting, Patton? Too bad you can't hear me right now.*