
Author In The God's Game

Everyone grew up listening to the stories of heroes are a species of righteous heroes which are given help from gods to protect humanity in the myth and legends from the demons and devils. But do you know that the biggest enemy of the world are gods themselves and the biggest evil in the world is the humans themselves. This is the story of an author himself who travelled into his own novel. Fighting gods and going against society, the novel is not about a hero but a traitor who let go of humanity.

AlexanderCrown · Fantasía
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21 Chs

Capital City Solus

After he got a few thousand skills from combining different skills through fusion he stopped he has skills for almost everything now and a very high level but he can't ascend to transcendent state as of yet for reaching transcendent you need to complete you whole skill slot and max out all the skills and with the help of transcendence stone you can enter realm of transcendence even though i am a lot stronger than a transcendent and can compete with a peak demigod stage expert but then also i am weak in front of gods and all i as of yet have have less than a hundred slots left of the skills i have added skills of almost all things from different types of magic, weapon, life, healing skills and scholar skills to Max. Scholar skills include runemaster, blacksmith, engineer and many others and life skills include hunting, cooking, building, swimming and others. Leaving the inn at night i went to a nearby forest where you can see players are now also leveling up, i got to the centre of the forest and began hunting while trying my new skills, i have too many skills and since i have battle awareness in my real life raise to Max i don't have to waste too much time to adjust i am able to deduce best out of my thousands of skills depending on the situation looking it was very easy i decided to leave the coty. I opened the world chat in my in game status as i have yet to see it i am now operating from my Island because of which i am not included as a part of any country because the vr cabin checks it through location that's why regional and national chats aren't in my option. I also got a lot of friend requests from my subordinates and i accepted it through my disguise skill they are unable to see my information unless i want to so i don't need to face many of their questions. In the world chat it was full with thousands of comments over how good and realistic the game was and thankfully there wasn't an option of calling our names for ever small things it will only available for world boss type events or guild rankings and all. There are individual rankings but will be introduced after at least 100 people reached level 50 as i wrote in the novel.

Seeing nothing for me to do in the novice village i called out my wings they are like 18 wings like angels on my back condensed out of white fire. This is my racial skill angel wings due to my bloodline in Dragnax Race belongs to the Strongest Archangel i inherited it's 18 wings which are determined through ones lineage and 18 is the highest number you can get and white flame look as it is mutated due to phoenix fire wings i inherited and created elemental wings out of holy and fire element. I took a jump and the ground below me cracked and i activated my flight skill through the wings it was first time ever i fly at first i was not able to control much but i got hang of it and with my instant Mastery i became master in flight and began to fly fast and higher and soon reached above the clouds looking at the clear night sky above me and clouds below me and full moon in front of me it was a mesmerizing scene but it didn't last long with my super sense i sensed presence of thousand of creature surrounding me from below i slowed down and use void steps to walk on clouds and as if sensing danger i instinctively activated light sphere around me and a yellow sphere appeared around me and as appeared thousands of attacks from below happened it was from a black bat beasts activating my appraisal skill on them i looked at them they are Blood Cursed Bats, a rare 4 elemental beast who appears in group and a group of thousands of them is dangerous for a demigod too they like most to attack holy elemental and got attracted due to my wings i didn't wait for too long and activated plasma wave skill which generated a plasma wave around me and burning all of them into ashes. I deactivated my light sphere and once again started my journey but this time i changed it to dragon wings my one more racial ability and changed them to shadow element and travelled for few hours in the speed of sound, the planet where i am is a small planet mainly inhabited by humans and not the true origin planet and is consider a small planet in ranks but then also it is the size of whole solar system in diameter, after crossing s few cities i arrived at my destination a city fortified with strong white walls with a magic barrier around it, there were tall buildings like sky scrapers towering, spaceships floating above the city and people from different races be orcs, catkins, and lizardmen and all with humans happily talking and laughing with them and a the centre a magnificent and large dome shaped white palace present, the capital city of Sun Theocracy, Solus.