
The Job is Done

'Is this it?', Joshua thought as he looked down at the dead body of the demon king. Blood covered the floors along with a variety of creatures unknown to mankind. But at the center of it all was Joshua and the Demon King.

The King laid on the floor with a sword through his chest. A deadly smile was still visible on his face. Joshua looked around and found the dead bodies of his teammates. Although eight years ago they were only acquaintances who attended the same school, they quickly became inseparable friends.

They went through life and death together and Joshua would never forget that. Slowly he turned towards the dead body of Milo. In a slow pace, he walked towards the body. He knelt on the floor and placed his hands on top of his friends face saying, "Thank you for all your work, friend."

Tears formed in his eyes and slowly came rushing down. How was this fair? How was any of this fair? They were all fighting to live, to go back home. But only he would go back home. Maybe there would be an angel there again...

But Joshua knew the answer, there would be nobody waiting for him. He slowly lifted himself up and walked towards his next friend, Chris. Chris was always the funny one. He made them all feel like they had something to live for. He would always make the mood a little bit more light and lifted some of the pressure off of all of them.

In the same motion, Joshua expressed his condolences for Chris and began to move towards the final "Hero", his lover. The girl that gave him reason to fight until the end, Cara. Before Joshua even reached Cara he was already on the floor. He forced back his tears and he placed his hand on her face as he spoke.

"Cara, I will never forget you. You shouldn't have died. It should have been me. None of you should have died. I'm sorry!"

Feeling the urge to do so Joshua went in slowly for a kiss, his last kiss with the woman he loved. He leaned in for the kiss ignoring his surroundings. The tears began to fall on top of Cara's face, but Joshua didn't care.

As his lips were about to reach her time stopped. The once blood filled room became nothing but whiteness. In an instant, the body below Joshua was gone. The woman he loved, was gone.

Shock was written all over Joshua's face. He looked around but found nothing but whiteness. His anger soured as he yelled out, "GIVE HER BACK!!!"

But, obviously, there was no answer. The white room did not even provide an echo for him to hear. After a while of screaming, Joshua gave up and decided to rest on the white floor. Laying on the floor he closed his eyes and prepared for whatever bullshit he would be presented with next.

It couldn't get any worse from here...could it?

This is not the first chapter, it is a prologue. Hope you enjoyed!

RandomName2creators' thoughts
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