
Astral Anomalies

In a world on the brink of collapse, Caelum Voss has one goal: to find solace atop a secluded mountain. But luck has other plans. Every step he takes to escape the chaos inadvertently plunges him deeper into the heart of the unfolding apocalypse. Can a man just trying to mind his business navigate a world refusing to let him be?

QTV · Fantasía
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48 Chs

The Enigma of ?#%?#$?#

Exiting the Vault of Virtues, Dolura, Jenna, Saxon, Draken, and Tamsin no longer feel the need for stealth. With Itza in hand, Jenna runs her fingers along the blade, a sense of anticipation building within her. "Hey, when's the last time you've sliced something?" she murmurs, almost affectionately, to her katana.

Without warning, she thrusts the door open, revealing a horde of monsters that instantly turn their menacing gaze towards them. Draken, taken aback, stammers, "W-why did you do that for?"

Saxon, however, can't suppress his grin. "Just watch, dude, this is a high ranker," he says confidently, his eyes fixed on Jenna with a mix of admiration and expectation.

Jenna steps forward, the calm in her movements contrasting sharply with the frenzied rush of the monsters. "Ah, I miss this feeling," she whispers, a thrill evident in her voice. The monsters close in, their various forms a grotesque wave of impending doom.

Yet, Jenna's demeanor remains unshaken. She raises Itza, the blade catching the faint light. "I feel rusty," she says, her voice laced with a tinge of nostalgia. With a graceful, seemingly slow swing, a brilliant red light trails behind Itza.

The effect is cataclysmic. The monsters, mere heartbeats away from their prey, meet an unseen force. Their grotesque bodies, mid-leap and snarl, are bisected in a clean, precise line. The red light, a harbinger of death, passes through them like a whisper, but its message is unmistakable.

As the halves of their forms slide apart, a macabre spectacle unfolds. For a moment, they seem suspended in time, a grotesque tableau of the hunters and the hunted. Then, obeying the laws of gravity, they crumble to the ground, their threat extinguished as quickly as it had arisen.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Here I am, in this confounding situation, masquerading as a cat perched on the shoulder of Caelum. This man, or rather, this entity that I've convinced myself is a devil in disguise, continues to puzzle and terrify me. I'm certain he knows my true nature, yet he allows me to stay by his side, a devious game of cat and mouse where I am unwittingly the mouse.

The way Caelum moves through the ruins, so carefree and human, it's all an act, it must be. Why else would a being of his terrifying caliber stoop to such a mundane existence? But I dare not question it; my survival hinges on playing along in this twisted charade.

As we wander through the desolate streets, I telepathically command my fellow monsters. The directive is clear yet tragic: if Caelum spots you, you chase. It's their own fault for getting caught in his gaze. This masquerade of him being a 'human' must be maintained, and their pursuit, however futile, provides that illusion. They are to feign an attack, a brief moment of threat, before succumbing to their environment or his traps, a sacrifice to uphold this bizarre façade.

Each encounter is a carefully orchestrated dance of death. The monsters emerge, snarling and ferocious, only to be effortlessly dispatched by Caelum. To any onlooker, it's a human fighting for survival, but I know better. Each of these confrontations is a testament to his hidden might, a display of power cloaked in a veneer of normalcy.

I can't fathom why he maintains this charade, why such a powerful being would choose to live as a human. Perhaps it's a game to him, a way to amuse himself in this broken world. Or maybe there's something deeper, a reason buried beneath layers of deception and power.

Despite my terror, a part of me is fascinated. Caelum, this enigmatic figure, is a riddle wrapped in a mystery. He defies everything I know about humans and monsters, blurring the lines between prey and predator.

As I cling to his shoulder, feigning the docility of a domesticated cat, I watch him with a mix of fear and curiosity.

My eyes widen in sheer panic as I spot her from afar, perched atop a skyscraper like a sentinel overseeing her domain. No, no, no, no, no! My thoughts are a frenzied storm. Why is she blocking all my telepathy? Fuck, fuck, fuck!

There she is, my compatriot, the formidable ?#%?#$?#, always calm, always laidback. But now, her silence sends waves of dread crashing over me. This is bad, very bad. Caelum, the devil in human guise, is heading her way, and she refuses to respond to my desperate calls.

I can't help but fear the worst. If he spots her, and she spots him, it's inevitable—they'll clash. My mind races with terrifying scenarios. She might be powerful, insanely strong even, but she's no match for him. I know her strength better than anyone, but Caelum... he's on a whole different level.

The thought of them engaging in battle sends chills down my spine. She's formidable, yes, but he's an enigma, a being whose power I've only glimpsed and already fear more than anything. I can't let this happen. I can't let her face him alone.

Desperation takes hold, and I wrack my brain for a solution. How can I warn her? How can I stop this impending disaster?

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

-?#%?#$?#'s POV

Perched atop the skeletal remains of a skyscraper, I survey the chaos unfolding below with an air of detachment. The world is crumbling, but I remain still, an observer more than a participant. My skin, a canvas of writhing darkness adorned with deep red, seems to absorb the despair around me. I am a sentry in this apocalypse, unyielding and aloof.

Behind me, one of the lesser creatures, a spawn of this new, broken reality, scuttles forward. Its voice is a tremulous whisper, barely audible over the din of destruction. "There's a human-looking being coming this way," it informs me, a note of urgency in its quivering tone.

A human-looking being? The description piques my interest, but only slightly. I've seen many things since the rupture, many forms and faces. Yet, something about this news stirs a flicker of curiosity within me. Could this be another player in this endgame, another piece on the board of this chaotic new world?

"Interesting," I murmur, my voice a low hum that seems to vibrate in the air. I'm calm, unbothered by the prospect of a potential new threat. My existence has been one of observing and reacting when necessary, and this moment is no different.

Turning slightly to the creature that brought the news, I ask idly, "Do you think I could beat him?" It's a question born of curiosity rather than concern. The idea of engaging in a battle, of testing my might against another, is an intriguing one. It's been so long since I've felt the thrill of a challenge, the rush of pitting my strength against another's.

The lesser monster shivers, its body language betraying its uncertainty. "I-I don't know, my lady. He seems... different," it stammers, clearly intimidated by the mere thought of this human-looking being.

I let out a soft chuckle, a sound that seems out of place amidst the surrounding ruin. Different, is he? That only makes the prospect more enticing. I've been a spectator for too long, watching as the world tears itself apart. Maybe it's time to step into the fray, to feel the pulse of battle once again.

My gaze drifts back to the horizon, to the smoldering city and the path that this human-like entity will take to reach me. Let him come, I think to myself. Let's see what kind of chaos this new player brings to the game. Whether I decide to fight or merely watch, it will be a decision born of my own volition.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

As Jenna and Saxon dash through the abandoned streets at a breakneck pace, the urgency is palpable. Jenna, with Dolura and Tamsin securely in her grasp, moves with a purpose that belies her usual composure. Saxon, effortlessly carrying Draken, keeps stride with her, his curiosity evident.

"Why are we running at this speed?" Saxon asks, his voice steady despite the rapid pace.

Jenna's response comes as a heavy sigh. "We need to find Caelum," she says, her tone tinged with a mixture of respect and unease.

Saxon's eyebrow arches in intrigue. "Who is that? Another hunter?" he inquires, scanning their surroundings for any potential threats.

Jenna shakes her head, a rare hint of apprehension in her movement. "No... I don't know what he is, but he's someone way more powerful than me. I don't think I could even lift a finger against him."

Saxon lets out a low whistle, impressed. "Wow~ Someone that strong exists? Could he perhaps be a royal guard?"

Jenna dismisses the idea with a swift shake of her head. "No way, he doesn't seem to like rich people. Imagine what he thinks of royals."

As they continue their sprint, a monster suddenly emerges from the shadows. Saxon reacts instantly, a grin spreading across his face as he spits his metal toothpick, watching it expand and impale the creature with lethal precision. He seems almost exhilarated by the challenge. "Just how amazing must he be then? How much longer until we reach him?" he asks, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.

Jenna's eyes glow faintly red, focusing on a thin, glowing red line that traces their path through the street. "It won't be long if we keep up this pace," she responds, her determination matching the urgency in her voice.

Their pace doesn't falter as they navigate the labyrinthine city, moving with a single-minded focus towards their unknown destination. The streets around them are a ghostly echo of a world that once was, now serving as the backdrop for their urgent quest.


Jenna and Draken are running through the desolate streets, their focus unwavering, but suddenly they both halt, a sense of foreboding washing over them. Jenna's eyes quiver with an unspoken fear, her instincts on high alert.

In a split second, Jenna reacts. With a swift motion, she throws Dolura, Tamsin, and Saxon to the side for safety. She whirls around, Itza in hand, just in time to face an immense shockwave. The force of the impact sends the ground cracking, creating a crater beneath her. "Just what the hell are you?" Jenna demands, her voice laced with a mix of fear and awe.

Before her stands the monstrous figure of ?#%?#$?#, her form a chilling sight. She is a grotesque mockery of the human shape, towering and poised. Her skin is a living darkness, etched with deep red, absorbing light and hope. Her immense, elongated limbs end in vicious talons that flex menacingly. Her head, bulbous and alien, houses deep-set glowing eyes that seem to pierce the soul.

Jenna instinctively jumps back, creating distance between herself and this otherworldly entity. "Saxon! Take them back, I'll hold this thing off," she shouts, determination steeling her voice.

As the creature lands, the ground trembles under its weight. It was hovering just moments before, a testament to its unnatural abilities. It extends its arm towards Jenna, uttering an incomprehensible string of sounds, "@#$#^@$!@$%@".

Jenna's eyebrows rise in confusion and a hint of alarm. "What the hell is it saying?" she mutters, trying to discern any meaning from the alien language. 'This is no regular monster... it seems kinda smart... Itza keeps telling me that whatever this is something we cannot win against.'

The creature pauses, making a noise akin to clearing its vocal tubes. Then, in a voice that sends involuntary shivers down Jenna's spine, it speaks again, this time in a language she understands. "My apologies, I forget you humans only speak your own languages."

The voice is chilling, resonating with a power that seems to echo the despair of the world around them. Jenna stands her ground, gripping Itza tightly, her mind racing to comprehend this new development. The creature before her is not just a monster; it's something far more complex, possibly even intelligent. A new kind of fear mixes with her resolve – the fear of the unknown, of an opponent whose capabilities are beyond her understanding.

Fun Fact: Caelum loves his new calm cat.

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