
Astral Anomalies

In a world on the brink of collapse, Caelum Voss has one goal: to find solace atop a secluded mountain. But luck has other plans. Every step he takes to escape the chaos inadvertently plunges him deeper into the heart of the unfolding apocalypse. Can a man just trying to mind his business navigate a world refusing to let him be?

QTV · Fantasía
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48 Chs

fateful encounter

Stretching luxuriously, I feel every muscle in my body unwind in the most pleasurable way. It's the kind of stretch that makes you grateful to be alive, even in this wrecked world. With a renewed sense of purpose, I make my way to the nearest broken-down convenience store. "Finally, I found one," I mutter to myself, "let's see if there's anything left."

As I step into the store, a faint noise catches my attention. I pause, listening intently. It's probably just a rat or two. I mean, there haven't been any monsters around, and with my footsteps echoing through the empty aisles, any smarter creature would've bolted by now.

The place is a mess, a testament to the chaos that's unfolded here. Shelves are toppled, products strewn across the floor. But amidst the disorder, there are treasures to be found. "Let me grab more cans," I decide, focusing on the non-perishables. Canned goods are like gold in this new world. They last the longest and are pretty easy to carry around.

I gather a decent stash, feeling a sense of satisfaction. Being alone has its perks. No one bothers you, slows you down, and you can move at your own pace, doing what you want, when you want. It's a liberating feeling, being your own master in a world that's lost all sense of order.

I check my backpack, making sure everything fits snugly. "Can't get too comfortable, though," I remind myself. "Always gotta be ready to move." I glance around one last time, ensuring I haven't missed anything of value.

Grinning, I notice a room out of the corner of my eye, a sliver of light leaking from its doorway. "This could mean there's some power left in here," I think, my mood lifting at the prospect. "Maybe I can finally charge my phone." Without a second thought, I stride towards the room, eager to see what's inside. "Let's go~ Can't wait to listen to more music," I murmur to myself, already planning my next playlist.

As I push open the door, I'm greeted by the sight of a backup generator, humming quietly in the corner. The room looks like it was designed for someone's side projects, which strikes me as odd for a convenience store. But I'm not complaining. "Knew it was smart to bring my charger," I say with a self-satisfied nod, rummaging through my backpack.

I find the charger, plug it in, and connect my phone. "Guess I'll camp out here till it's fully charged," I decide, settling into a makeshift spot. I glance at the generator wistfully. "Too bad I can't lug this thing around with me."

As I'm about to relax, something catches my eye, making me nearly jump. Underneath the table, there's a cat. It's a striking creature, with sleek black fur that shimmers under the dim light, and piercing green eyes that seem to hold a world of secrets. It's trembling, its wide eyes locked onto me, clearly terrified of the monsters lurking outside.

I can't help but feel a twinge of sympathy. "Come here, I won't eat you if you behave," I say jokingly, trying to sound friendly. To my surprise, the cat, still wary, inches closer.

I reach down and gently pick it up, settling into a chair with the cat on my lap. "Heh, I always wanted a cat," I muse aloud, stroking its soft fur. "Cats are cool. They're not too loud, can fend for themselves, and..." I pause, looking into its eyes. "...cats don't bite their owners, right?" I ask it playfully, though part of me is genuinely curious.

The cat, still trembling slightly, seems to relax a bit under my touch. I can feel its muscles loosening, its breathing becoming steadier.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

-One minute ago

Humans, humans, humans... an enigma of a species. Fragile yet cunning, they never cease to captivate my curiosity. I stand in my makeshift workshop, my long, pointed fingers deftly operating the generator. Shrinking to adapt to their devices is bothersome, but it's a small price for the knowledge I glean. These things they call artifacts... don't seem to be native to this planet... at least that's what I think of them. I should capture some humans that use them for testing. 

I mutter to myself, my multi-colored, pupil eyes fixated on an unusual artifact. "She should have kept me," I grumble. "My insights into capturing humans would've been invaluable." But they dismissed me, thinking I overestimated these creatures.

Suddenly, the sound of the door creaks open, sending a jolt of terror through my veins. My heart plummets. No, no, no... It can't be! Him! The human - the monster cloaked in human skin, the one they all whisper about in hushed, fearful tones.

Panic engulfs me, thoughts racing in a frenzied blur. "He's coming this way. If I break through the wall, he'll surely kill me." The only exit is through that door. "Shit, shit, shit! I can't die here, not like this, not after everything!"

Desperation spawns a wild idea. I recall a concept from the humans – pets. With a guttural grunt, I wrench my form into something new, something small and innocuous. I twist and contort, reshaping into the form of a cat, and dart under the table for cover.

From my hiding spot, I watch in terror as the human steps in. To the unaware, he might seem relaxed, but I know better. I've seen him before, exuding an aura of monstrous delight, a diabolical entity masquerading in human flesh, relishing in torment and fear.

He moves around the room casually, plugging something into the generator, humming a tune that to my ears sounds like the prelude to agony. Every note he hums resonates with an ominous foreboding, a soundtrack to my impending doom.

The fear is overwhelming, my body trembling uncontrollably under the table. I must maintain this disguise, must not reveal my true nature. I can only hope my transformation holds, that I appear nothing more than a scared, harmless animal in his eyes.

Cowering beneath the table, my heart thunders against my ribs, each beat a reminder of my precarious situation. The human – no, the demon – stands mere feet away, a being of pure malevolence masquerading in flesh and bone. His eyes, those windows to an abyss, casually scan the room, oblivious to the terror he instills in my very core.

He speaks, and his words slither through the air like venom. "Come here, I won't eat you if you behave." His tone is light, almost playful, but to me, it's a clear threat – a command from a higher being, warning of dire consequences should I dare disobey.

My body shakes uncontrollably as I inch closer, driven by the primal instinct of self-preservation. The monster bends down, and his hands, those instruments of untold cruelty, encircle me gently. Every fiber in my body screams to flee, but I am paralyzed, trapped in the grasp of the devil himself.

As he lifts me, settling me on his lap, a cold shiver runs down my spine. "Heh, I always wanted a cat," he muses, his fingers stroking my fur. To him, I am but a plaything, a slave to his whims. The thought of being subjugated by this creature, to be at the mercy of his sadistic desires, fills me with a dread so deep it chills my very soul.

His gaze locks with mine, and I see in his eyes a dark amusement. "Cats are cool. They're not too loud, can fend for themselves, and..." His voice trails off, but the unspoken threat hangs heavy in the air. "...cats don't bite their owners, right?"

His words strike me like a bolt of lightning. He knows! He must! It's a warning, a declaration of his omnipotence. He's telling me he's aware of my thoughts, my fleeting hope of escape. It's a dare, a challenge to see if I dare oppose him, knowing full well the consequences of such an act.

The realization that I am but an insect in his eyes, a mere plaything for his entertainment, sends waves of despair crashing over me. He could snuff me out with a mere thought, extinguish my existence as easily as one blows out a candle.

My trembling subsides, not out of comfort, but out of resignation. I am at the mercy of a being far superior, a demon in human form. Any attempt to defy him would be folly, a swift path to my own destruction. I must play along, must be the docile creature he believes me to be, if I am to survive this encounter with the devil himself.

Trapped in the clutches of the devil himself, my trembling body struggles to maintain the façade of a harmless cat. "No, no, no, why me?" The thoughts whirl in my mind, a maelstrom of fear and desperation. "I must warn her. If I don't, and this abomination encounters her, she too might become his slave, jeopardizing everything we've planned. But how? I'm imprisoned here, powerless under his malevolent gaze."

I watch helplessly as he saunters over to my workstation, the sanctuary of my research and discoveries. "No, no, no, please... leave it alone," I silently plead, but the demon seems drawn to my most precious possession.

He eyes the glass enclosure, my meticulously crafted chamber designed to contain the artifact. "Is this thing valuable?" he muses, a cruel grin spreading across his face. His hand reaches out, not to delicately unlock the mechanism, but to shatter it into pieces. My heart sinks as I witness the destruction. "My work... all my research... gone in an instant."

He retrieves the artifact from the ruins, a special ring I discovered sealed within a building. It's unlike anything else I've encountered, its power still a mystery to me. I watch, aghast, as he scrutinizes it with a look of disdain. "Worthless junk," he declares, tossing it carelessly onto the ground.

Disbelief and horror grip me. "W-what? How can he call something of such potential 'worthless'?" The realization dawns on me – he did it to torment me, to show his disdain for my life's work. It's a game to him, a sick display of his superiority.

I cower under his touch, every fiber of my being screaming to escape, to flee from this nightmare. Yet, I'm frozen, bound by the overwhelming presence of this monster in human form. He's a creature beyond understanding, one who looks upon our greatest mysteries and sees nothing but playthings to be discarded.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Sitting comfortably with the cat on my lap, I notice something out of the ordinary – a case, carefully positioned, drawing attention to itself. Inside, a ring sits, its presence almost calling out to me. I grin, curiosity piqued as I stand up, gently setting the cat aside. Let's see what you're hiding. I think to myself, moving towards the case.

I examine the case, trying to figure out the mechanism. Ugh... how do I unlock this? My patience wears thin, and a part of me just doesn't care for delicacy. Ah, fuck it. I think, my hand forming into a fist. With a swift motion, I smash the glass. Why the hell is it so weak? Isn't this supposed to protect what's inside?

I reach in and grab the ring, holding it up to the light. My initial excitement quickly turns to disappointment. Seriously? I scoff. "Worthless piece of junk." The ring feels light, insubstantial in my hand. It lacks the weight and sheen of precious metal – not even silver, just some dull, unremarkable alloy.

I turn the ring over in my fingers, scrutinizing it. There's nothing special about it, no markings or intricate designs. It's plain and, frankly, ugly. "I doubt I can even exchange this for anything," I grumble, my frustration growing. "It's damn worthless, and it's not even nice to look at."

With a flick of my wrist, I toss the ring to the ground, dismissing it entirely. "I'm not keeping a useless trinket like this." I shake my head in annoyance, turning back to the cat, which watches me with wide, cautious eyes. "Well, that was a letdown," I admit, reaching down to pet the cat again. "At least you're more interesting than some fake ring."

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