1 New

One day I woke up.

That was the moment all ended. Yet it all started.

I was just like you. Normal everyday person. Then I just fell asleep on a normal night like any before and any after.

The only surprising thing was...

I woke up somewhere else. Totally unlike those "human" times where it was due to being too drunk.

I actually woke up somewhere else. Meaning, a totally different place. So different. I think. I ain't even a god damn human anymore!

I don't know you shall be the judge.

So my limbs are jello. My face is jello. I feel like god damn jello.

Does that sound human? Do you think it looks human? Let me tell you.

Nope. Not even one tiny micro fraction of a percent human.

Right. This is what I awoke to.

A new world. I thought. One which I guess I have to deal with now. Don't ask why I'm so uncaring whether it was this or that. The reason is simple.

It's been two entire days which for some reason feels like a week in my standard "human time". Now, why haven't I done anything besides a recap of my past two days/ one week (human time)?

Let me tell you.

I was dizzy for the first day or half a week. Afterward, it was an existential crisis of another half a day or two my time. Which for future reference, will be my new world's time. "I'm getting sick of narrating with two separate timelines... sigh."

Followed by the remaining half-day doing a quick yet exceptionally detailed and long recap of my current situation... "sigh."

" Now where the #%$× am I??"

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