
Ashes of Humanity: The Solitary Survivor

In the aftermath of a catastrophic cataclysm that merged the realms of technology and devastation, Sun emerges as the solitary survivor in a desolate and technologically altered world. Imbued with a mysterious system that grants him unparalleled abilities, he becomes the last flicker of hope for humanity's remnants. As Sun navigates the desolate landscapes, peeling back the layers of the cataclysm's enigma, he grapples with the weight of being the final human on Earth, a relic of a bygone era. Amidst the ruins of civilization, embark on a poignant journey alongside Sun as he battles for resilience and survival, unearths the truth, and clings to the tiniest glimmer of hope.

SilentSolitude · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Chapter 2: Return Back Time

Sun, battered and exhausted from his previous year-long battle, struggled to find strength within himself. His body trembled with fatigue, and each breath felt like a burden. Just when he thought he had reached his limit, a swirling vortex appeared before him, revealing a figure walking toward him.

Sun's eyes widened in disbelief. Another mysterious being stood before him, emanating familiar energy. The realization of his impending doom washed over him.

'This might be the end,' Sun thought to himself, feeling the weight of his recent victory.

Seeing Sun's reaction, the mysterious figure smiled and acknowledged Sun's role in the defeat of their comrade.

"You killed one of our own," the figure stated, causing Sun's face to show evident confusion.

The figure continued to explain, "The being you defeated was one of us. It may be hard to believe, but that is the truth. I have come not as an enemy, but as a former Guardian of Humanity. You must have wondered why your race received a mysterious power and faced near-extinction leaving only you, a single human."

Curiosity mixed with suspicion, Sun asked, "Who are you? How do you know all of this?"

"I am a Watcher," the figure revealed. "I oversee this galaxy, and your planet falls within my territory. I witnessed the destruction of your world and have had faith in your civilization, we're interested in your advancement when it comes to your technology. Unfortunately, before your race could advance further you faced an invasion and suffered great losses. Nevertheless, I must say, I am impressed with your species," the Watcher explained with a smile.

"By the way, my name is Enard and my duty is to maintain balance in the universe. It's quite remarkable that we've crossed paths now, as I'm currently on an important mission," Enard introduced himself, emphasizing the significance of their meeting.

"Sun, I've observed your journey and witnessed how you became humanity's symbol of hope. Despite the cataclysm that devastated your people, you must understand that your planet is just one of many that have suffered destruction and invasion. Throughout the centuries, you've bravely defended your world against remnants of beings who sought to absorb its energy and eradicate everything," Enard explained, shedding light on the larger picture.

As Enard spoke, Sun's body grew weaker, and he felt the impending presence of death. However, he strained to focus, realizing that this was the first concrete information he had received since the invasion.

"Wait... What do you mean by 'absorb'?" Sun asked, seeking clarification on the term.

"As I mentioned before, the invasion wasn't arbitrary. Those invaders are known as demons. They were once peaceful beings favored by the gods, among the earliest beings to inhabit planets since the universe's creation. Like humans, they multiplied, formed societies, and advanced technologically. However, a mysterious entity seized control over them, awakening their dormant bloodline and making them stronger and more violent over time. Some managed to escape, but sadly, they were hunted down and eliminated before they could find refuge," Enard continued, providing further explanation.

"The cause of all this is a powerful being called 'Dark Empress Seraphine.' She and her brother, 'Aurelius, the Zenith Celestial,' were responsible for the creation of all this within this universe. However, Aurelius discovered Seraphine's dark side and had no choice but to imprison her in the deepest part of the Void, sealing away some of her power. In response, Seraphine tapped into the power of Chaos, spreading fear and destruction to gather more energy and break free from her seal. She turned beings into demons to absorb their energy and increase her own strength," Enard explained.

"Driven by an insatiable thirst for power, they invaded countless planets. They would cultivate these planets until they were filled with enough energy, and then mercilessly annihilate both the beings and the planets themselves. They also enslaved other beings to serve their purposes," Enard continued, his expression filled with fear and sadness.

Time was running out, and Enard could sense that Sun was nearing his limit. "We regret that we cannot intervene and aid your species against these invaders. As a Watcher, I am bound to maintain balance, and that balance has tipped in favor of our enemies. The demons have already slain most of my comrades," Enard said, his gaze turning skyward.

"You are now our last hope, Sun. Aurelius is on the verge of death, facing Seraphine. My mission is to transfer a portion of his power to you. While it may be small compared to Aurelius's, you can infinitely grow this power. You will also be sent back hundreds of years in time. Initially, your body may struggle to handle this power, but you will eventually gain control over it. Remember this when you return to your own time," Enard explained, a mix of hope and sadness in his voice.

"As higher beings, we will cease to exist, as time does not affect us. If we die, we become nothingness, as intended by the universe. The same fate awaits the demons and Seraphine. When you travel back in time, you will be the last hope to stop the invasion. You and all the species in the universe will receive the 'System' to aid your journey to power. For a few years, Seraphine and her powerful subordinates will be trapped in frozen time. After that, it will be up to you, Sun," Enard concluded, transferring something to Sun through a burst of energy.

"I hope you can put an end to their reign of terror. This is a tremendous responsibility, and it is still your life. Consider this the final will and testament of Aurelius," Enard said, looking at Sun, who was teetering on the edge of death.

"I hear you, I understand everything. The hatred I feel towards them is far from over. I'll gladly return back in time and annihilate them all once again!" Sun's voice resonated with determination as a surge of energy engulfed him, causing his body to vanish from the ground.

Exhausted, Enard opened a portal leading to an unknown destination, despite his weariness.

[Update: 07/08/2023]


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