
Ashes of Humanity: The Solitary Survivor

In the aftermath of a catastrophic cataclysm that merged the realms of technology and devastation, Sun emerges as the solitary survivor in a desolate and technologically altered world. Imbued with a mysterious system that grants him unparalleled abilities, he becomes the last flicker of hope for humanity's remnants. As Sun navigates the desolate landscapes, peeling back the layers of the cataclysm's enigma, he grapples with the weight of being the final human on Earth, a relic of a bygone era. Amidst the ruins of civilization, embark on a poignant journey alongside Sun as he battles for resilience and survival, unearths the truth, and clings to the tiniest glimmer of hope.

SilentSolitude · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Chapter 10: Nightmare Difficulty!


Name: Sun Ether

Level: 6 (7,500/10,500 EXP)

Title: Cosmic Traveler

CLASS: Warrior

HP: 2000/2000 (175/sec)

MP: 615/615 (75/sec)

Strength: 48 (+15)

Intelligence: 50 (+15)

Stamina: 40

Constitution: 40

Agility: 40


Free Attribute: 10


Active Skill: Cosmic Burst (F) [25.0%] | Auraforge (F) [15.0%]

Passive Skill: Cosmic Absorption (F) [0.0%] | Soulforge Ascendance (EX)


Skill Name: Authority (???) - Level: 1

Skill Name: Ancient Cosmic Inheritance

1st Seal: (Unlocked: Soulforge Ascendance (EX)

2nd Seal: (Unlocked: Authority (???)

3rd Seal: (LOCKED)



Nervously, Sun cautiously opened the door, shielding his eyes from the blinding golden rays. As he stepped inside, his vision adjusted to the surroundings, revealing a breathtaking sight.

Gigantic ancient-like trees towered above him, their branches intertwining to create a lush canopy that filtered sunlight into mesmerizing patterns on the forest floor. Vines snaked along moss-covered trunks, adding to the enchanting atmosphere.

Colorful blossoms bloomed, filling the air with a captivating fragrance. The ground beneath his feet was covered in plush emerald grass, scattered with delicate petals and whimsical luminescent toadstools.

"It's indeed a forest and a beautiful one at that, but why is the difficulty set to this level?" Sun questioned as he noticed a notification appearing in front of him.

[Feywild Grove - Nightmare]

Description: A captivating forest with shimmering foliage and radiant golden light that lures visitors into its ethereal embrace. But hidden within its enchanting beauty lies a treacherous allure, where mischievous sprites and enigmatic creatures create illusions that trap and disorient wanderers, revealing the perilous and enigmatic nature of this enchanting realm.

Sun's mind raced with thoughts as he assessed the situation. "What a messed up situation. Nightmare difficulty? This kind of challenge would require a fully equipped team, with a balanced composition of 20 to 30 Rank A individuals. And here I am, a lone Level 6 with limited powers."

"My current attributes are far from enough for this difficulty," Sun remarked. He knew that 'Nightmare' was one of the most challenging difficulty levels, with its complexities and highly dangerous monsters. In his future, it took numerous lives and countless raids and trials to close the Dimensional Crack of Nightmare difficulty.

"However, I can't afford to relax. I can't give up on this Dimension just because of the difficulty. If I cut off the connection and merge it with a new one, there's no guarantee that it will be any easier. I won't be a coward and take the easy way out.

This difficulty will be the perfect test for my current limits!" Sun declared resolutely, activating his skill Auraforge and using a third of his mana as a precaution against unexpected attacks.

He heightened his senses to their limit, prepared for any threats. Gripping his greatsword tightly, he proceeded cautiously. After some time, he sensed something, but it didn't seem to pose a danger.

Soon, a dense mist began to form around him, gradually limiting his visibility. While he didn't feel any immediate threat, he knew that in a Dimension, death lurked around every corner. He remained vigilant and prepared for battle at any moment.

He quickly stops and looks around, surveying his surroundings. He comes up with an idea and focuses his Aura on his eyes. A notification pops up indicating the MP usage, but he ignores it. His vision undergoes a remarkable enhancement.

He can see with greater clarity, perceiving even the smallest movements of insects on the ground. However, his amazement is interrupted when he spots a figure hiding behind a tree several meters away.

The figure seems to be trying to approach him unnoticed, but Sun immediately notices their presence. The figure disappears from its original spot and reappears on the far side of another tree. Sun can see their attempt to get closer, even as the mist begins to envelop the surroundings, limiting his perspective.

But Sun's enhanced vision allows him to maintain a minimum level of sight, enough to see what is in front of him. He braces himself, tightening his grip on his sword and heightening his senses, prepared for an attack as the shroud completely obscures the surrounding area, including Sun himself.

That's when he noticed something familiar—a transparent line that seemed to exude mana. Sun heightened his senses and followed the line, which led him to a shadow. Instantly, he felt a surge of danger, prompting him to swiftly dodge.

Sidestepping and lowering his head, Sun narrowly avoided a clear, swift attack that sliced through the air above him.


As the air was cut and the smoke dispersed, Sun quickly made a decision. He retreated backward, stealing a glimpse of his assailant in the process.

"Shit... A specter?" Sun muttered, cold sweat trickling down his back after narrowly escaping a potential decapitation. His thoughts raced as he considered the nature of his enemy. "Wait, a shrouded specter... Could it be a Veilmist?"

Sun realized that he didn't have a clear understanding of his opponent, but the mention of Veilmist came to mind. Veilmists were known to cloak themselves in an impenetrable mist, disorienting and confusing their prey.

They were formidable adversaries, especially without the assistance of a priest to enhance weapons with light-magic or light-based attacks to counter them. Since Veilmists were evolved monsters, attacking them with regular means proved ineffective, even if one exhausted their mana or employed skills.

"How do I even touch this thing when I don't have a light-based attack?" Sun pondered, his mind racing with countless possible solutions. He remembered that Veilmists had weaknesses in wind, light-based attacks, and psychic attacks, but he lacked any of those abilities. Suddenly, another attack struck him from behind, catching him off guard and preventing a complete dodge.

"Another one!?" Sun exclaimed, quickly raising his great sword to guard and focus some of the aura into his arms. Just as he prepared for the incoming attack, it struck with immense force.



A system notification appeared before him.

[Auraforge absorbed most of the damage!]

-850 HP

A significant portion of his health vanished in a single blow, even with Auraforge mitigating some of the impact. The sound of metal clashing echoed through the air, and Sun realized he couldn't withstand such attacks for long.

If this continued, one possible risk is the dislocation of his shoulder. Thinking quickly, he decided to cut off the aura around his lower body, allowing him to propel himself backward and create some distance.

This plan formed in his mind, and he swiftly executed it, causing his body to roll backward upon impact. He managed to create distance between himself and the enemy, but the force of the throw took a toll on his health.

Despite being thrown meters away, he remained within the mist. However, Sun remained focused, not letting his guard down for a moment. Just as he thought, another attack came from behind him, but this time, he noticed transparent lines appearing in his vision. One line aimed for his head, while another targeted his legs.

"Where are these coming from? Could it be the result of enhancing my vision with Aura? There's definitely more to this than meets the eye," Sun pondered. Reacting swiftly, he leaped into the air and rotated his body horizontally, narrowly evading both claw-like attacks by a hair's breadth. Landing gracefully on his feet, he dashed backward, aiming to escape the mist.

'Looks like finding a magic-related skill book should be a priority in the future. It would give me a significant advantage in battles against other beings,' Sun thought to himself. As he continued running, he recalled something he had mentioned earlier.

"Wait... If I attack a being without using magic, would Authority still have an effect?" Sun pondered aloud while keeping up his pace. He didn't want to keep running aimlessly and risk ending up in a dangerous place without a way to return to the door. However, as he glanced behind him, he noticed that the Veilmist had multiplied, now three of them trailing closely.

"Damn it... System, can you explain in more detail what it means to face a higher being with Authority?" Sun asked as he pressed on, his mind racing with ideas.

[Higher Beings: These are immensely powerful entities that exist on a higher plane of existence or possess extraordinary abilities. They can include interdimensional or evolved creatures, spirits, ancient beings, celestials, divine beings, and even gods. They surpass the capabilities of ordinary beings, possessing immense power and influence.]

Sorry that it took too long, I've made some adjustments at the last minute, I had to remove something and replace it, making the whole story or chapter to be re-written.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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