
Chapter 53

"Bring it on old man, I can spare a few moments to whoop you before May gets back," you replied with a grin, your hand going to your belt and grabbing your Squirtle's pokeball, "My Squirtle here has been itching for a battle lately."

"Funny," Norman laughed, lifting up a pokeball himself and walking a few paces back to give space for the pokemon, "Let's see if this old man can teach a young punk like you a few new tricks, let's go Vibrava!"

The pokemon Norman released into the air before him, large green wings vibrating at intense speeds keeping it in the air, reminded you a lot of the Yanma you just caught.

You weren't quite up to date on knowledge on foreign species like this pokemon, so you pulled out your pokedex and scanned it, "Vibrava, the Vibration Pokémon. Vibrava is the evolved form of Trapinch. By flapping their wings, they create vibrations, emitting ultrasonic waves." the pokedex relayed to you.

Huh, it really was a lot like Yanma, just like Norman said.

"Don't think the pokdex is going to help you here," Norman called over, drawing your attention and pointing at the dual ground and dragon type, "I didn't focus on sound based attacks with this guy, instead we focused on pure physical ability and power."

As if it punctuate his statement, Vibrava stopped vibrating its wings and instead gave them a pair of beats that let loose a harsh pressure of wind that buffeted you hard enough to make you take a step back.

Jeez, this thing is a monster. Not that you'll back down, "Let's go Squirtle!" you shouted releasing your own pokemon.

Your former gang member appeared before you, arms crossed and sunglasses glinting in the glare of the sun.

"Now that's a pokemon with style." Norman complimented.

You pulled out your own sunglasses and slid them on, "That's why he's my pokemon." you boasted.

"Stylish or not, we're not going easy on you, so get ready Cobalt, here we come!" Norman warned, "Fissure, now!" he ordered.

Your eyes widened. Fissure to start off a freaking battle!?

With a cry, Vibrava dipped down to the ground and slammed one leg into the roof, and immediately from the point of impact a massive, jagged white beam shot across the surface of the roof towards you and Squirtle.

"Jump with Water Gun, then Ice Beam." you ordered simply, nodding at your pokemon, before jumping to the side to avoid the wide jagged white beam.

"Squirt!" with a nod, your pokemon jumped and aimed his face at the ground, releasing a thick powerful jet of water that shot him up into the air like a rocket, allowing the beam to tear through the ground he was on harmlessly.

Kind of. It still tore a massive trench right through the roof. You winced as you landed, "I'm not paying for that." you called over, distracting Norman.

The man laughed, "No worries the students tear up the school battling all the time." Norman waved you off. He turned his attention upwards and back to the battle, just in time to see Squirtle release a familiar trio of three icy blue lances of energy towards Vibrava.

"Steel Wing, go right through!" Norman ordered.

Vibrava did just that, Wings glowing with metallic power, it zipped forward to meet the beams head on, but was met for a nasty surprise when instead to tearing through the beams with its wings, it began to get pushed back, the dragon type barely holding its ground.

Norman's eyes widened, "What the!" he cried in shock ,"Are you sure you've only been a trainer for twelve days!?" he gaped.

You smirked, "More power Squirtle!" you ordered. Squirtle worked well and beyond what you ever asked of him to get your approval, a lingering bit of trauma from his old trainer leaving him behind. You weren't going to complain unless it actually became detrimental to his health, and so far it hadn't been.

"SQUIRT!" Squirtle roared, and then to the surprise of everyone on the roof, exploded into white light, his body beginning to expand in size, easily more than doubling until he would come up to your shoulders, ears growing out oh his head and his tail ballooning out into a soft cloud shape.

And a moment later, where there was once a Squirtle in the air, there was now a large, powerful Wartortle. And man was he big!

"Oh no!" Norman's eyes widened when the trio of icy blue beams doubled in size in an instant, "Vibrava break off!"

But it was too late. The trio of now much larger beams overwhelmed the dragon type and pierced into it, freezing its entire body over in moments. Frozen into a block of ice, the trapped dragon and ground type fell out of the air and slammed into the ground.

"Now that's one huge Wartortle," Norman shook his head in amazement, before snapping back to Vibrava, "Break out of of there with Heat Wave!"

Your pokedex beeped in your hand as soon as Squirtle finished evolving and the frozen Vibrava hit the ground. Holding it up, you noted it was displaying the profile of your newly evolved pokemon, and there under Hydro Pump was a new move, Aura Sphere!

"-Heat Wave." you heard Norman call for.

You hadn't heard of the move before, but the name was enough to let you know what he was aiming for.

"Use your new move!" You shouted up to Squirt- Wartortle, "Aura Sphere!"

"War!" He bellowed with a nod, cupping his hands together and forming a sphere of deep blue energy, he drew back his arm like a baseball pitcher and tossed the attack for all he as worth.

Before it could make contact though, the ice around Vibarava glowed red and buckled, before smashing apart to reveal the part dragon an ground type. The breaking of the ice released a wave of orange superheated wind that met the Aura Sphere and pushed it back, but to your surprise, the sphere just rotated back and shot down towards Vibarva again.

"Dodge it!" Norman shouted.

And the dragon tried. Its wings were still stiff but it zipped to side and avoided the attack at the lost moment, only for it to swing around and smash into the flying pokemon's side and plough it out of the air.

"Braaay!" Vibrava cried, hitting the ground hard and grinding along. You winced, it looked like a sore one.

"Vibrava are you okay!?" Norman shouted.

The little dragon and ground type grunted and pushed itself up onto all fours, wobbling. It managed to stay standing, albeit barely for a few seconds, before toppling to the side, unable to continue.

Norman sighed, raising his pokeball and returning it, "Well done," he praised it quietly. Then he turned to you and smiled, even as you returned Wartortle yourself, you'd celebrate later when you were alone, "That's some pokemon you've got there." the man praised.

You shrugged, "He works hard when he trains, and I knew he wasn't far off from evolving," you replied, "I figured facing off against a strong opponent would be all he needed."

"Well you were definitely right about it," Norman said, patting you on the shoulder as he made his way over, and then to your surprise held out a familiar disc, "It might not be official since it isn't at my gym nor was I using my actual team, but you did technically beat a gym leader, so here, why don't you take this?"

You took it gratefully.

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