
Ascension of the Cursed Hero

Michael, an ordinary high school student leading a mundane life, discovers a hidden truth that shatters his perception of reality. When he stumbles upon his family's secret, a mysterious dungeon reveals their incredible ability to wield magic. But destiny takes a cruel twist when a malevolent demon named Asura mercilessly slaughters his loved ones. In the midst of the chaos, Michael's girlfriend Jasmine, the last hope of that era, performs a desperate spell to send the heroes back in time, altering the course of history. Tragically, her sacrifice comes at the cost of her own existence in the new timeline. Miraculously, Michael finds himself unexpectedly thrown back in time, awakening with newfound resolve and purpose. Armed with his memories and the weight of vengeance, Michael embarks on an extraordinary journey. His quest intertwines with a destined mission to vanquish Asura, the malefic demon, and ultimately bring an end to the tyrannical reign of the Demon King. Balancing his desire for revenge with the responsibility to rewrite history, he faces moral dilemmas, discovers the strength within, and unearths the true origins of his family's magical legacy.

AniSovereign · Fantasía
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4 Chs

Echoes of the Past

In the quiet hum of the hospital room, Michael took in the surroundings. The beeping of machines, the sterile scent of antiseptic – all too familiar to him. As he stole glances around, his eyes settled on the figure in the bed beside him. It was his mother, recovering from the ordeals they faced against Asura.

A mixture of relief and disbelief washed over him. Turning his gaze, he spotted his father and Carla approaching, concern etched on their faces. The sight of them, unharmed and safe, triggered a flood of emotions. Unable to contain his joy and relief, Michael's eyes welled up with tears.

His parents, interpreting his tears as those of a newborn, exchanged bemused glances. Panic flickered in his father's eyes as he fumbled, unsure of how to soothe the supposedly distressed infant. Michael's mother, more experienced in the nuances of parenthood, attempted to reassure him that it was a normal occurrence.

Amidst the family drama, Michael, still an infant, realized something profound – he had been reincarnated to the time of his birth. The joy of seeing his family again mingled with the realization that he was now starting anew.

However, his happiness waned when his attention shifted to an unexpected presence. Floating in the air before him was an old man, a mysterious figure who seemed to defy the laws of gravity. Michael instinctively clenched his tiny fists, a reflex from a lifetime of battles.

The old man, unfazed by Michael's reaction, chuckled warmly. "I have never seen an adorable warrior like you," he remarked. "No need to be on guard. I won't hurt you or your family. Wait until night comes, and I will explain everything."

As the night descended, casting a quiet blanket over the slumbering hospital, Michael, wide awake, awaited the promised explanation. True to his word, the old man materialized before him. With a snap, a brilliant light enveloped Michael's vision, and when it faded, he found himself standing in a vast expanse of nothingness.

The old man stood before him, his appearance mirroring how he looked before Michael's reincarnation. The stage was set for revelations, and Michael, still grappling with the duality of his existence, prepared to unravel the mysteries that now surrounded him.

Michael, with a mixture of curiosity and confusion, stared at the old man who claimed to be an entity from a bygone era. "Who are you, and what do you want?" Michael inquired, skepticism etched on his infantile face.

The old man, responded, "I am an entity who once existed in the human realm, but not anymore." Michael, not one to mince words, casually remarked, "So, a ghost."

The old man bristled at the perceived disrespect. "How insolent! Do you know who I am? I am your ancestor!"

Michael, baffled, questioned the assertion. "My ancestor? You're joking, right?"

The old man, slightly taken aback, instructed Michael to look at his hand. Upon closer inspection, Michael discovered a peculiar symbol etched in black with swords entwined within it. The old man explained that the symbol was that of heroes and that he had been sealed within it for generations.

He went on to reveal that he had been released from the seal not too long ago. Confusion clouded Michael's expression as he questioned why he had no recollection of any of this.

The old man, puzzled himself, probed further. "You should already know these things. You reincarnated with the knowledge, didn't you?"

Michael, struggling to comprehend the situation, admitted that he was hearing all of this for the first time. The old man, now realizing the anomaly, questioned whether Michael had lost his memories during the reincarnation. After a moment of consideration, he dismissed the possibility but promised to explain everything.

The old man introduced himself as Ragnar Ironheart, the first generation of the heroes of the magic kingdom Eldoria. Michael's mind raced, trying to make sense of the unfamiliar terms. "Heroes? Magic Kingdom? Ancestor? What the hell is going on?" he thought.

Ragnar, sensing Michael's confusion and likely overwhelmed state, encouraged him to set aside immediate understanding and assured him that everything would be explained. As Michael listened, Ragnar began to unravel the intricate tapestry of Eldoria's history.

Eldoria, a kingdom of humans surrounded by more powerful races, lived in constant fear of external threats. Elves wielded potent spirit magic, lizardmen and orcs possessed unmatched strength, and other races showcased their formidable abilities. Realizing their vulnerability, humans implored the gods for the strength to protect themselves.

The gods answered their prayers, bestowing upon humans mana and aura. To safeguard humanity further, the gods selected six individuals, granting them special powers. These chosen ones became known as the heroes, and Ragnar proudly declared himself among the first generation of these extraordinary individuals.

"No one actually saw the gods," Ragnar admitted. Instead, the heroes received a divine revelation, instructing them to employ their newfound powers for the greater good. Eldoria enjoyed an era of prosperity until the day demons launched an assault on humanity.

Despite their formidable abilities, the heroes, including Ragnar, faced an insurmountable challenge – the Demon King. Ragnar recounted their relentless attempts to defeat the powerful adversary, each effort ending in failure. The demons, with lifespans surpassing even the elves, outlasted the heroes. Ragnar and his comrades succumbed to the passage of time, eventually dying of old age.

Before their deaths, the heroes, bound by a profound sense of duty, passed on their powers to the next suitable candidates within their bloodline. Michael, absorbing this complex history, questioned why Ragnar appeared to him now, as a ghost.

Ragnar explained that he, along with his comrades, was sealed within the symbol of heroes. This seal, requiring celestial energy – the same energy bestowed by the gods – could be broken in times when their guidance was deemed necessary for their descendants.

Michael probed further, questioning why Ragnar appeared after his reincarnation and not before. Ragnar clarified that the first-generation heroes, while potent in their abilities, were not able to defeat the Demon King. Known as the tempest during his prime, Ragnar admitted that each of the heroes possessed power capable of destroying an entire country.

Concerned that their guidance could inadvertently lead their descendants down a destructive path, the heroes were sealed to activate only when a new generation underwent reincarnation.