1 Intro: I have a Secret

It was peaceful and calm day. I have a happy life with my family. Until my dad passed away a few years ago from cancer, and my mom was heart broken. I was only 1 years old when my dad passed away. But she remembered that she will be reunited with her husband again one day. My name is Jinyoung Kim. I have a secret. My secret is that I attend an all boy private high school. Not weird right??, but the thing is I'm a girl who has to hide my identity. I've had to dress like a boy my whole life because my family has a lot of debt to pay off since my dad had a habit of gambling. But since he passed we've had to pay off that debt. I have trained to do martial arts ever since I was very young. But they only allowed boys to do martial arts at the school I go to. They have competitions each month, and the winner gets 1,000 dollars for whoever wins the match. I've joined this school to gather money to pay off the debt my dad has made.

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