

It's always been a slow life in a small town. I could never fully enjoy it here, because it feels like time has just stopped, and we're all living in the past and the present at the same time. Everyone is happy staying complacent in their lives. No goals. No ambition. No motivation to do anything but stay in this little town in the middle of the forest, going through the Same routine everyday. Well I'm just about tired of it. I have a dream and I'd do anything to get out of this town. It's my home and all my family is here, but I was somehow able to break this stationery spell that everyone seems to be under. Maybe that gene just skipped me. Though of course I wouldn't know since my parents were killed in a raid when I was a baby. I've only ever known my grandparents and cousins. Maybe that's why I feel the need to leave so badly. To know more about what's out there in this big world of ours.