

The chains bind and coils around the dragon, rendering it immobile. The chains were continuously tightening and twisting in every second. Gilgamesh was watching the golden lizard with disdain in his eyes.

The emperor seeing that the divine dragon was bind in chains and cannot move was shock. This is the Divine Dragon that symbolizes the empire, it's body contains some divinity from it's ancestor. It is also because of this that the capital was not destroyed on the previous war against demons.


The dragon let out a mighty roar as it tries to break the chains around its body. But everytime it moves the chains will even get tighter crushing the dragon. Some of its scales were even destroyed as the chains around were twisting hard.







Hundreds of ripples appeared beside the divine dragon. Several weapons started to appear in each ripples as it aim towards the immobile dragon.




Seeing the weapons carrying the might of the heavens itself, the dragon lets out a crying roar as it stares towards the weapons around it. The dragon was trying all it can do to break free from the chains, but its resistance was in vain as the chains just gets even tighter.

When the emperor saw the same ripples and a weapons appeared, he knew it was the same man who killed his son. His hate towards that man become even more greater as he looks towards the dragon, he knew that if the dragon died, the one using the treasure will also die.










The weapons shoot out from the ripples and pierce through the scale of the dragon. With each weapon that pierced, the dragon will let out a cry as its body becomes like a pin cushion. The divine dragon bleed out like a fountain, its golden blood was raining towards the whole capital.

The emperor who was watching this was continuously vomiting blood. With each damage and injuries the dragon receive, he also will receive the same pain as the dragon as they were connected. He was rolling on the ground while screaming, his voice was full of agony and pain as he felt his body getting torn apart.

Gilgamesh was watching the struggling dragon as it cries in each weapon that pierce its body. The disdain and arrogance on his face was so clear like a bright sun.

"A lizard will always be a lizard in front of my eyes, even though you are big, in the end you are still a lizard." Gilgamesh said as he summon and sit on his throne and fly above. He was enjoying the scene as the lizard was continuously wailing.

The gillians below was already killed and the soldiers of the empire was watching in horror as the symbol of their empire was getting killed. They don't know where and what kind of attack was it, but they know for sure that whatever it is, it is powerful enough that even the divine dragon was powerless against it.

The torture continue for a couple of minutes before the dragon disintegrate in golden dust. The emperor below was bathing in his own blood, there was no sign of life remaining from his body. The emperor of the Divine Dragon empire has died just like that. A mighty figure that symbolizes the power of the empire has fallen.


Couple of days later...

The imperial capital of the Divine Dragon Empire was silent, the people was on the palace gates mourning for the death of the emperor and the crown prince. The destruction caused by the sudden attack was unimaginable. Building and houses were destroyed, the ground were colored red, and the stench of the dead body was all over the capital. There were so many lives that were lost in the battle, that it makes the once mighty empire falls into its knees.

The two generals were acting as the leader of the empire for now because the second prince was still unconscious. When the two generals visits the mansion were Yamamoto and Kurumi was living, they found that it was empty.

The two general went to the palace waiting and hoping for the second prince to wake up. They organized the soldiers and the people to help rebuilt the capital. But there are still one problem they don't know, and that is that the treasury was empty. Because they are not part of the royal family, they are not allowed to enter of even peek inside the treasury. But they will only know this when the prince regain his consciousness.


Gilgamesh was now sitting on his throne flying towards wherever it takes him. The loot that he take from the treasury was huge, although the items inside cannot be compared to a single thing he has, it was still an accomplishment for him. Because he promised his creator that he will take the riches of the world, so even if it is a single coin, he will take it for his creator.

Couple of days flying in the sky, Gilgamesh saw an island with a large sword several thousands of feet high embedded to the ground. The people on the island was releasing a sharp aura that if someone went near them, they will be instantly cut to pieces. They were all wearing golden robe as they fly into the air using their swords. Gilgamesh seeing this smile as he saw his knew playground.

The people flying notices someone and turn towards it. There they saw a man wearing a golden armor sitting in a throne and flying towards them. They take another sword from their ring and move towards the man to intercept him. What they do not know was that this will be the last time they will be able to fly.

I'm so tired, the 16hrs flight took all of my energy. Then after returning home I just rest for 6hrs and go to work. I don't even know what I am writing in this chapter as my head was empty all this timeeee.


I'm really sorry if this was the chapter for today, I'm just soooooo tired right now.

SakazukiKillsAcecreators' thoughts