
Army of the dead

divine_adomi · Fantasía
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34 Chs

CHAPTER 24: The labyrinth

 ( Valley of Ragno) 

The valley was indeed very quiet, only the sound of their horses trotting was heard. 

 " Your highness, this place seems weird " Dru said 

 " Are you scared ?"

 " Never " Dru replied 

 " For the time we would be here till we get to the maze, don't trust any object or person you see, don't eat or drink anything either " Rian warned, he could sense ominous energy from this place and he knew evil was present here 

 " I still have the map, your highness " Dru raised up the map 

 " Hold onto it, it would be useful " Rian nodded

 " It seems we have gotten to the labyrinth " Dru said looking at the colourless wall in front of him. 

 " It seems we would part from here, don't trust anything. They're all illusions " and they both entered through it. 

 Dru had entered the place when he turned to the side only to see Rian beside him. 

 " Your highness, I thought you said we would part ways " Dru whispered 

 " Did I? " Rian answered back 

 " You're not his highness " Dru said and reached for his sword . Instantly, the thing posing as Rian turned into a monster, the Minotaur " 

 " Oh my days!!, the Minotaur actually exists " Dru said in realization 

 On the other side of the labyrinth, Rian was still on his horse when he heard someone call his name, it was a voice he did not expect to hear, it was also a voice he had longed to hear. He turned to see if his assumptions were correct 

 " Mom " he said in disbelief 

 " Rian, I've missed you . I've been trapped here all along " his mother said 

 " You died, mom "

 " I didn't. Your father sent me here, he didn't have any use for me again, he banished his other wives but he sent me here . I've missed you and your sister so much " she sobbed , Rian got down from his horse and slowly walked towards his mother 

 " How can I trust you? " Rian questioned, he knew this was an illusion, but he wanted this illusion to be real. He had read somewhere that the labyrinth shows hidden answers to those who seeked it , he did not know what to believe. 

 " After I got sick, your father took me here by night . Unfortunately for him, I didn't die here, instead I recuperated "

 " I've missed you mom " Rian hugged her .

 " Ah " his mother groaned in pain as blood left her mouth. Rian disengaged himself from the hug, he had not hugged her but he had stabbed her. 

 " I know what you are, monster. My mother died in my arms " immediately Rian said that, his mother turned to the Minotaur. With his magic, he withdrew the sword from its stomach and beheaded it. 

 "Aaaaaaah " he heard Dru shout 

 " Dru " Rian said and ran to find him. 

 Meanwhile, Dru was trapped in between two Minotaurs, he knew one of them was an illusion but he didn't know which one was. He charged forward, swung his sword at the Minotaur. To his surprise, he swung his sword at the wrong one . His sword passed through the Minotaur and it vanished. The next thing he felt was a heavy blow, it was so heavy that it sent him flying across the room. When he managed to get up, the Minotaur caught up with him again. The first thing Dru felt was a sharp pain on his shoulder , the monster was busy draining blood from his body. It was excruciatingly painful. Dru, with his left hand used all his strength to pierce the body of the Minotaur . It seemed to have a little impact for the monster did groan in pain. All of a sudden, the monster's head rolled on the floor while its body fell to the ground with a loud thud. 


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