
chapter 1 page 7

The cliff holding him breaks and he falls downtown below. Nearby robots let out a chilling series of laughs at the sight.

One robot spoke, "Are you malfunctioning?"

Another droid spoke, "He must've been sent off while still being in pre-alpha."

The two robots laughed as Big Red came stumbling at him when a roughly made energy blast in his left hand. The energy ball left the boy's hand and hit the second android in the face. The attack was surprisingly effective, as it took the large head off of its target.

The headless robot spoke, "Delete this one!"

The first robot repeated, "Delete!"

It was the point of no return and the boy android knew it all too well.

The entire group of robots stop their assault on the townspeople and slowly race towards Big Red.

The boy droid gets shot in the arm, which blows the limb into oblivion. He was helpless as he was blasted into little bits.

One of the droids speaks, "What on Robotica was that? We had never had a rogue machine in over ten-thousand years."

A red light emits from the remains of the would-be hero, as all eyes are on the incredible sight.

Big Red was reforming back together again, as he was never damaged in the first place.

One of the droids spoke, "This bastard is the one that was predicted to rebel against the masters. We must destroy him now!"

The attack was in vain, as the force around the boy machine covers the attackers to their horror. They are all destroyed done to dust, as the first battle ended. The life force of Red's victims enters his body.

The main system of the machine speaks, "Energy supply found. Non-battle power will remain on for six months and full battle power will remain on for three days at a time.

Big Red was tuning turning to walk away when he was stopped by villagers. He had hoped to avoid any conflict but that was impossible now. The people did something that truly excited him.

They all raised their hands in glee that they had survived this battle. Red would've cried if he could. Big Red was walking away when he was stopped by a large circle of children with all sorts of flowers.

One of the kids yelled out, "Here is your gift for saving us all!"

Red wished that he could've let a huge grin, but he let out a tender laugh just the same.

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