
The Voice

"What am I supposed to do now", I have escaped from the hell which I call house and have been on the run ever since. "What the hell is wrong with this world", I shout out loud. I am frustrated with all the suffering I had to face ever since my birth. The name I got in this world is Arius. Arius Brown. It means immortal and And ironically ever since I got the name, death has become a thing I long for. 'This World ?' ... Yeah I have been reincanated in this world. It was weird being born again. But I wasn't given any time to get used to it. First thing I saw when I opened my eyes was a contemptuous look from my own mother. She is a follower of Orthodox Christianity, The idea of a child without marriage is looked down upon in that religion and she was knocked up by some random guy in the pub. That explains the look of contempt I got from her. My dyslexia and ADHD made it no easier. Abortion or killing your own child is considered an even bigger sin... so that explains the fact that I was Still alive. She could have abandoned me, but well we live in modern USA. But, me being alive is probably the only happy thing of my whole life, which my bitch of a mother had made sure I regret. I regret the most. I was beaten as a release for her frustration when she could not get a contract and when she did get one I was beaten to pleasure her and increase her happiness. Can you imagine what effect such a life of torture and solitude , ever since birth, would have on the mental development of a child ? Nope you can't imagine it. Don't even try to. You got no idea. But I was no child. I was 20 in my previous life. I don't know how I got here, but I was not going to tolerate her shit. Initially I had planned to kill her immediately but then I realised, that I had no way out of the consequences it would lead to and I had nowhere to go. I complained to the authorities, that was the first thing I did. But let's just say that the USA was not free from the evil clutches of corrupt officials. Due to that, I had to face hell for a night and getting no food for 2 days while cooking it for her was not even the tip of the iceberg. I tried a couple more times hoping for a response, stealing her phone to make a call but it was to no avail. I was literally living off of my will power, reserves of which were running dry. I even began to plan to kill her and get arrested by the police, till one day I heard a voice in my mind. I freaked out. I thought that after years of torture, I had finally gone senile, but when I heard it again, it had this weird sense of authority and unexpected kindness that I couldn't prevent myself from responding to it.

"Wh .. who are You? Wh .. what do you want from me?" , I asked him in a shaky voice as I was scared. "I am your father, My child." ... If someone comes to you and says that he is your father, you won't believe him, even I won't. But something told me that he was telling the truth. That something had saved me from quite a few dishes that were thrown at me because my cooking was 'not up to the mark' and I trusted that something with my life. All the fear inside me faded away and anger took its place. I was shaking with anger. I was never this angry. Not even once in my 2 lives. When the Bitch beat me I was angered but I thought that I would torture her till her death, but that is all. But this guy who called himself my dad was the main reason of all the problems in my life. He left me with the bitch, never once checked on me. And now he had the balls to come to me and suddenly call himself my Father.

"You Fucker I'll Fucking Kill You. I'll torture you to death. I'll ... I'll ... " I couldn't speak as no punishment I could think of would be enough for his crimes. I knew that there was no way that my anger could ever be satisfied. I knew that I will forever hate him. I don't know whether it was his voice or just his presence, which I could feel yet could not see him, but all the emotions pent up inside me came out making me reach my breaking point. And tears started flowing from my eyes, I have no idea how or why but I began to cry. I cried like a baby. No words, just wails. I didnot cry when that woman beats me Because she took pleasure in seeing me cry and this only motivated her to hit me more, but today on seeing the person I am sure I hate the most, I was crying. Why?

"I am sorry" The voice rang in my head and I could feel genuine sorrow in his tone. What the hell. Does this guy actually think that I would forgive him... " I know you won't forgive me and I don't expect it either but I just want you to know that I am sorry. I won't make excuses. I didnot have enough power to come back but I should have found a way. And it is my fault." What am I supposed to do knowing that huh?? He says he would make no excuses and then he simply makes one. Does he think that all this is a game.

"Now let me come to the point" the voice changed back to calm but authoritative tone. " I know my faults and I want to make it alright. I can't bring back the time you have lost. Although I can but I don't have enough power right now." What is that supposed to mean. "But, I can take you to a place where you shall be safe from the monsters. I want you to come to San Francisco in California. From there, I would teleport you to Camp Half Blood." Did he just say monsters!!! " What do you mean, I would be safe from monsters?? What Camp Half Blood? " Is it the one I am thinking? The one from Percy Jackson. Could it be...

"Ah camp half blood ... " , he told me about the demigods and the monsters who chase them as food. He told me about gods and the current situation of that world. He told me all that but he didn't tell me his name. So I asked Him exactly that.

"All this is fine. But which God are you? You didn't talk about the big three as if you were any of them. So, who exactly are you?? "

" Ah hahaha... " He laughed awkwardly and I instinctively knew that the news wouldn't be good.

"I am Kronos ... The Titan Of time."



AN: And well, that's it for today. Hello tell me how much you like it. I don't need to know how much You hate me. I don't know much about the USA. So, hope you can pinpoint my mistakes.

I am not a free guy. I would publish only once a week. I know that's pretty less considering my word count, but I have a complete story in mind, so if you support me, we can surely finish this shit.

Yup it's Son of Time

And it won't be harem. There will be action Romance ... maybe R18. and lots of fun

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