
Arise Of The Darkness God

story about King Ethan The one who had become the king of the world by his own strength but stll he was alone at the age of 39, he started to feel there is nothing left for him here anymore and jump from clef where darkness was waiting for him to come, and then he found main culprit bihind here family murders however he don't have god level powers to fight against them and from then his new journey to become god with power of darkness begins.

KROMLEN · Fantasía
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23 Chs


Lucy - explain yourself Aiden who is she?

Aiden - um she is mom can't we accept her a maid she can help with lots of things for you guys?

Noah - first introduce her to us and tell us about her.

Aiden - mom, dad just trust me can't you?

Noah - you brat Lucy accepts her.

Lucy - but where can we let her stay? We are not home.

Zara - I will arrange a room for her don't worry.

Lucy - baby, what are you staring at?

Noah - nothing darling, I was just checking out her magical power. (I better not look too much at her or else Lucy will kill me, but how can she be this beautiful)

<gwofw>Lucy - honey, I think you have something to do right now right?

Noah - yeah your right I will go. (I better go)

Lucy - what is your name?

Holden - my name is Holden riter my lord.

Lucy - don't call me lord just call me Lucy.

Holden - I don't dare my lord.

Aiden - Just call what she says.

Holden - yes, my lord.

Aiden - didn't I said just call me Aiden

Holden - yes Aiden.

Aiden - yes, that's what you should call, well go aunt will show you your room.

Holden - yes lord Aiden.

Aiden - ah forget it you can call whatever you like.

Lucy - Aiden I'm going with Zara for a check of the baby's health so stay home don't go anywhere.

Aiden - ok mom be careful.

Lucy - lets go Zara.

Zara - take care of our Idril Aiden until I come back ok?

Aiden - ok, don't worry.

Zara - there will be a surprise for you Aiden today.

Aiden - then I will wait for the surprise.

Zara - well, I will give hint, today someone is coming.

Aiden - um, I don't know who is coming, but if he is someone who is gonna hurt then I will kill him.

Zara - someone very special is coming, we will be back later so wait here.

